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AIMC puts DAB on the audience map for the first time
10.06.2024 - Spain Spain
2.6% of Internet users acknowledge tuning in to Digital Terrestrial Radio. This is a milestone in the history of radio audiences in Spain, although the figure is more testimonial than representative. Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB), in its DAB/DAB+ standards, is included for the first time in a study carried out by the AIMC. It was in the 2024 Q-Panel, exactly a quarter of a century after the approval in our country of the National Technical Plan for Digital Terrestrial Sound Broadcasting, which developed this new technology. This reality has nothing to do with the one experienced twenty-five years ago: right now there are around 3,200,000 DAB/DAB+ receivers on wheels, circulating on Spanish roads. RNE has switched on its DAB+ broadcasts in Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Valencia, Bilbao, Murcia, Santiago de Compostela, Pamplona and will soon do so in other Spanish cities, until it reaches 50% of the country's population coverage by 2024.

(Gorka Zumeta) Read more

Cridland: Capital - Taylor's Version
10.06.2024 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
In the UK, national CHR station Capital has launched an additional channel, Capital (Taylor’s Version). It’s available on broadcast radio (DAB), and online via the Global Player. It ties in with Taylor’s tour of the UK (Edinburgh, Liverpool, Cardiff and London) which are going on over the next few weeks. I tuned in and listened for a few hours (thanks to having a daughter squarely in the target group); she was thrilled that there was an entire radio station dedicated to Taylor Swift, and enjoyed listening in the car. Excellently programmed, it encapsulates what every young girl loves about Taylor Swift; and once more shows the power of a flexible transmission platform like DAB, which can ably cope with pop-up, temporary stations like this. It also means that Capital will own Taylor Swift’s fans this summer: a perfect piece of marketing for the station, and an on-ramp for new listeners. Most impressive.

(James Cridland) Read more

Test broadcasts started for Friuli Venezia Giulia DAB
07.06.2024 - Italy Italy
The consortium company Friuli Venezia Giulia DAB, a local DAB+ network operator that is part of the Aeranti-Corallo association system, has started experimenting with DAB+ broadcasting from the facility located in Col Gaiardin, in the province of Pordenone, on Block 9B. With this activation, a further installation is added to the many already activated by the consortium companies that are part of the Aeranti-Corallo association system. Friuli Venezia Giulia DAB is currently owned by the following local radio stations: Radio Spazio 103; Radio Punto Zero 3 Venezie; Radio Company; Stereo Radio; Radio 80; Radio Padova; Easy Rock; Radio Wow 1; Radio Gelosa; Radio Birikina; Vibra Fm; Radio Marilù; Radio Piterpan; Radio Bellla & Monella; Radio Sorrriso.


SWR improves DAB+ coverage in the upper Ahr valley
07.06.2024 - Germany Germany
In June 2024, SWR will put a new location in the upper Ahr valley near Kesseling into operation, significantly improving digital radio reception at home and on the move. Südwestrundfunk (SWR) is further expanding its transmitter network for DAB+ digital radio reception in Rhineland-Palatinate. The Oberes Ahrtal/Kesseling site will go into operation on 11 June 2024, improving DAB+ coverage along the L85 between Ahrbrück and Staffel and the L90 between Kesseling and Weidenbach in frequency block (channel) 11A.

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Thailand's NBTC makes radio plan and chooses DAB+ as the main technology
06.06.2024 - National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand WorldDAB Member - Thailand Thailand
The NBTC Office held a meeting to listen to public opinions on three draft NBTC announcements related to DAB+ digital broadcasting. The NBTC has made the draft announcements to support the licensing of digital radio services. Air Chief Marshal Thanaphan Raicharoen, NBTC committee member, said that the draft announcement has principles for the cost-effective use of radio frequencies. Thailand has been broadcasting radio for more than 94 years, and until now analogue frequencies have always been used. Due to the high usage and limited resources, the NBTC has now chosen DAB+ technology on the 174-230 MHz frequency band to provide the digital radio service, providing good sound quality, resistance to interference, and supporting voice and data. The draft announcement consists of important parts: basic principles of planning, essential points, and summary of operational guidelines.

(MCOT) Read more

Radio thrives with DAB+ as broadcast backbone
05.06.2024 - WorldDAB News
WorldDAB President, Jacqueline Bierhorst writes: "At the end of last year, I was honored and delighted to be elected as the new president of WorldDAB, the global industry forum for DAB+ digital radio. I’m succeeding Patrick Hannon whose leadership, enthusiasm and vision helped shape WorldDAB’s course for the past 10 years. Under his guidance, we’ve witnessed the exponential growth of DAB+ globally. Listeners love to listen to their favorite radio station via DAB+. Compared to FM, listeners have more choice and digital sound quality, and reception is usually better than before. Experience and research show that listeners use radio via DAB+ as they used to do via FM. In countries where DAB+ is well established, we see a significant decline in FM usage and increasing use of the various digital reception methods, with DAB+ as the heart of the broadcasting ecosystem."

(RedTech) Read more

Royal Thai Army Radio and Television Station summary of the results of the DAB+ experiment
05.06.2024 - National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand WorldDAB Member - Thailand Thailand
Air Chief Marshal Dr. Thanaphan Raicharoen, NBTC Committee Member for Broadcasting Affairs chaired a meeting summarising the results of the trial of DAB+ technology, with Lieutenant General Chamnan Changsat, President and CEO. It has tested both outdoor and indoor listening, as well as testing sending short messages and Emergency Warnings or breaking news. The test results were satisfactory, broadcasting quality is good in every sector, except in Chonburi, where parameters need to be adjusted in some areas. “The results of this experiment allow the NBTC office to receive useful information that can be further developed. The next step is to present it to the NBTC for approval in the criteria and methods for granting permission to create a network operator that can provide services to radio station operators in community, public and business categories,” said Air Chief Marshal Dr. Thanaphan.

(National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission) Read more

Radio listening reaches 73% of Internet users
04.06.2024 - Spain Spain
AIMC (Asociación para la Investigación de Medios de Comunicación) has presented the results of the 10th edition of the study dedicated to radio, carried out through the AIMC Q PANEL, its panel of Internet users formed from the contacts of EGM (Estudio General de Medios) interviewees. The objective of the survey is to deepen the knowledge of individuals who listen to radio and have access to the Internet, in the interaction between analog and digital, expanding and complementing the usual information obtained through the EGM. DAB/DAB+ debuts as the channel of choice for Internet users with almost 3% of the audience. The car remains the most reported place to listen to radio in general: 59% of those who listened to radio yesterday did so in the car.

(Gorka Zumeta) Read more

radio SAW improves DAB+ reception in the Burgenland district
04.06.2024 - Germany Germany
Good news for all listeners in the south of Saxony-Anhalt: radio SAW is expanding its accessibility via DAB+. To this end, a new transmitter site has been put into operation in Pettstedt near Weißenfels, significantly increasing reception in the Burgenland district. The radio SAW Managing Director Michael Mezödi is delighted: ‘The commissioning of the DAB+ transmitter site in Pettstädt closes a gap in the digital terrestrial broadcasting of VMG Medien's programmes. Our listeners can finally listen to radio SAW, ROCKLAND and 1 A Deutsche Hits in brilliant digital quality in the Burgenland district. This is made possible by VMG Medien's investment in the technical infrastructure of the DAB+ network.’

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Catenacci: experiments and studies for radio and TV in Italy
04.06.2024 - Italy Italy
Patrizia Catenacci is the new director general of the General Directorate for Digital and Telecommunications - MIMIT's Higher Institute of Communications and Information Technology. TeleRadioMagazine: On DAB+ digital radio, what is the expected timeframe for the conclusion of the procedure? Patrizia Catenacci: "The commitment of the Directorate is considerable considering the number of expressions of interest received for all catchment areas, which demonstrates the importance of this technology for the digital radio sector. It is the intention of the Ministry to conclude the examination of all the expressions of interest submitted, for all catchment areas, before the end of July, and to proceed with the issuance of the notices for the beauty contest procedure after the summer."