WorldDAB members

WorldDAB has over 100 member organisations bringing together 1500+ digital radio experts from 37 countries across the world, representing public and commercial radio broadcasters, media regulators, broadcast network providers, through to manufacturers of receivers, chips, professional equipment and automobiles. 


2wcom-logo-cmyk1 2wcom Systems GmbH Germany www


As Academy of Broadcasting Science (ABS), NRTA China www
Aec_logo Agency for Electronic Communications North Macedonia www
Aem_logo_cmyk-eng Agency for Electronic Media of Croatia Croatia www
Akos AKOS (Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia) Slovenia www
Alan_dick_logo_blue-300dpi Alan Dick Broadcast Ltd United Kingdom www
Aldena_nuovo_logo ALDENA Italy www
Alps_alpine ALPS ALPINE GROUP Japan www
Asbu Arab States Broadcasting Union Tunisia www
Arqiva_logo_with_exclusion_zone__4_ Arqiva United Kingdom www
Abu Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) Malaysia www
Abbro_logo Association of Bulgarian Radio and Television Broadcasters - ABBRO Bulgaria www
Aer Association of European Radios (AER) Belgium www
Audiovisual_media_authority_of_albania Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) Albania www
Avt AVT Audio Video Technologies GmbH Germany www


Babeleye Babeleye Services ApS Denmark www
Blm_with_3_words Bayerische Landeszentrale fur neue Medien (BLM) Germany www
Bayerischer_rundfunk Bayerischer Rundfunk Germany www
Bcast_logo_biale_tlo BCAST Poland www
Bicv BICV New Member! China www
Bmw_logo__2_ BMW AG Germany www
Bbc British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) United Kingdom www
Byd_auto_co_ltd_ BYD Auto Co Ltd China www


Cariad CARIAD SE Germany www
%c4%8cesk%c3%a9_radiokomunikace_a.s. Ceske Radiokomunikace a.s. Czechia www
Cra Commercial Radio & Audio Australia www
800px-continental-logo_svg Continental Automotive France www
Cro-czech_radio-h-black Czech Radio Czechia www


Dab-logo-web-320x240_ricevitori DAB Italia Italy www
Dr_rgb_okt2015_rt1 Danish Broadcasting Corporation Denmark www
Dektec-logo DekTec Digital Video B.V. Netherlands www
Denso_ten DENSO TEN Japan www
Deutschlandradio_logo_farbe_srgb Deutschlandradio Germany www
Digi_b_network_ltd. Digi B Network Ltd. Malta www
Digidia DIGIDIA France www
Digital_radio_nl Digital Radio NL Netherlands www
Digris_logo digris AG Switzerland www


Eurodab EuroDab Italia Italy www
Ebu_%282%29 European Broadcasting Union (EBU) Switzerland www


Factum_radioscape Factum Radioscape New Member! United Kingdom www
Faurecia_clarion_electronics Faurecia Clarion Electronics France www
Flanders_verticaal Flanders Department of Culture, Youth and Media - Government of Flanders Belgium www
Ford Ford Motor Company United States www
Fpt_software_ltd FPT Software Company Limited Vietnam www
Iis_85mm_cmyk Fraunhofer IIS Germany www
Fsmart_horizontal_cmyk Frontier Smart Technologies United Kingdom www


Garmin_logo_pms285_rgb Garmin United States www
Gatesair-logo-color-trans-bkgd-800x400 GatesAir United States www
Gm_gradient_brandmark_rgb General Motors Company Canada www
Global-logo---rgb Global United Kingdom www
Glovane Glovane Co., Ltd South Korea www
Gracenote_logo Gracenote, a Nielsen company United States www


Harman_corporate_logo_tagline_cmyk HARMAN United States www
Hcc-tab-logo_weiss_mit-zusatz_weiss_rz_rgb Hirschmann Car Communication GmbH Germany www
Honda_color Honda Japan www
Hyundai_logo Hyundai Motor Group Germany www


Izt-logo-rgb Innovationszentrum für Telekommunikationstechnik GmbH IZT Germany www
Inntot_technologies Inntot Technologies India www
Inovonics Inovonics Inc. United States www
Itel ITEL Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni Italy www


Jlr_primary_logo_blk JLR United Kingdom www
Joynext JOYNEXT GmbH Germany www
Jvckenwood JVCKENWOOD Corporation Germany www


Keystone Keystone Semiconductor Corp Chinese Taipei www
Kpit KPIT Technologies LTD India www


Lg LG Electronics South Korea www


Mst_new_logo M’s STYLE TECHNOLOGY Corp. Japan www
Marelli_logo_primary_rgb_pos Marelli Italy www
Media_broadcast_wortbildmarke_einzeilig_pos_rgb Media Broadcast GmbH Germany www
Mercedes_benz Mercedes-Benz Group AG Germany www
Ministry_of_economic_affairs Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy Netherlands www
Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Electric Automotive Europe BV Germany www
%ed%98%84%eb%8c%80%eb%aa%a8%eb%b9%84%ec%8a%a4_%ec%8b%a0%ea%b7%9c__converted_ MOBIS Parts Europe N.V. Zweigniederlassung Deutschland Germany www


Nbtc_logo_eng National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand Thailand www
Krrit National Broadcasting Council of Poland (KRRiT) Poland www
Nmhh_logo2__eng__rgb__gray National Media and Infocommunications Authority Hungary Hungary www
Nca_logo NCA Ghana Ghana www
Nrk Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) Norway www
Nxp_semiconductors NXP Semiconductors Netherlands www


Ofcom_e_pos_hoch OFCOM Switzerland Switzerland www
Oiv_logo_rgb_eng-vertical OIV Croatia www


Panasonic Panasonic Automotive Systems Europe GmbH Germany www
Paneda1 Paneda Norway www
Symbol%28standard%29 Pioneer Belgium www


Radio_france Radio France France www
Radio_romania Radio Romania (ROR) Romania www
Sigla_radiocom RADIOCOM Romania www
Radiodns-200px RadioDNS United Kingdom www
Rp_logo_red_rgb Radioplayer United Kingdom www
Rai__logo_rgb RAI - Radiotelevisione Italiana Italy www
Rf2digital_new RF2Digital Inc. South Korea www
Rfmondial RFmondial GmbH Germany www
Bosch Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH Germany www
Romandie_medias_sa Romandie Medias SA Switzerland www
Rri RRI (Radio Republik Indonesia) Indonesia www
Rtv_slovenia RTV Slovenija Slovenia www
Rtve_color_pos RTVE Spain www


Soimt_logo SAIC MOTOR Overseas Intelligent Mobility Technology Co., Ltd. China www
Skyworkslogo_295c Skyworks Solutions, Inc. United States www
Sadiba-logo Southern African Digital Broadcasting Association (SADIBA) South Africa www
Srg-ssr-logo_1_ SRG SSR Switzerland www
Stmicroelectronics STMicroelectronics Switzerland www
Sumatronic Sumatronic AG Switzerland www
Swissmediacast_logo.svg SwissMediaCast AG Switzerland www


Tdf TDF France www
Tda Telediffusion D'Algerie (TDA) Algeria www
Telenor_new_lockup_black-2 Telenor Norge AS Norway www
Teleradio_logotype_eng_vertical Teleradio PU Azerbaijan www
Trbna Television and Radio Broadcasting Network of Armenia Armenia www
Logo_towercast towerCast France www
Toyota Toyota Japan www
Tredess TRedess New Member! Spain www


Viaplay_group Viaplay Group Sweden www
Visteon_wordmark_orange Visteon Innovation & Technology GmbH Germany www
Volvo Volvo Car Corporation Sweden www


Xperi Xperi Corporation United States www


Cmyk_yamaha_logo_violet Yamaha Corporation Japan www