National Broadcasting Council of Poland (KRRiT)

The National Broadcasting Council is a constitutional body, established by the Broadcasting Act of 29 December 1992 as a supreme state body authorized to act on radio and television broadcasting. At present the Council consists of 5 members appointed for a 6-year term.
The body’s main task is to protect:
- freedom of speech and broadcasters' independence,
- interests of viewers and listeners,
- open and pluralistic character of radio and television,
as well as:
- map out the directions of the state policy in the broadcasting area,
- develop the conditions to be met by broadcasters in their activities,
- control broadcasters' activity within the framework of the law,
- commission studies of the content and reception of radio and television programmes,
- propose scientific and technical improvements and personnel training,
- set subscription fees, license charges and registration fees,
- issue opinions on draft legislative acts and international agreements concerning broadcasting,
- initiate and develop foreign relations in the field of broadcasting.
In 2013 the National Broadcasting Council has approved a plan for the implementation of digital radio in Poland. This process, in accordance with the decision of the Council was initiated by public Polish Radio along with 17 regional radio stations. In the time being a strategy of introducing DAB+ for the entire radio market in Poland is being developed by a team appointed by the Council.