Technical specifications
The DAB family of standards are available for free download from the ETSI website.
A useful starting point is to read the guide to DAB standards, TR 101 495.
All the current standards can be accessed using the following links.
DAB system
EN 300 401: DAB system standard
TS 101 756: Registered Tables
TS 103 176: Rules of implementation
TS 104 090: EWS (ASA) definition
TS 102 367: Conditional access
Audio coding
TS 102 563: DAB+ audio
TS 103 466: DAB audio
TS 101 757: DAB audio testing
Data transport coding
EN 301 234: MOT
TS 101 759: TDC
TS 102 427: MPEG-2 TS
Contribution, distribution and networks
EN 300 797: STI
TS 101 860: STI Levels
EN 300 798: DIQ
ETS 300 799: ETI
TS 102 693: EDI
Data applications
TS 101 499: SlideShow
TS 102 818: SPI xml
TS 102 371: SPI binary
TS 103 177: Filecasting
TS 102 980: DL Plus
TS 102 979: Journaline
TS 102 428: DMB
TS 103 551: TPEG
TS 103 689: Filtered Information Service
TS 103 461: Minimum requirements
TS 104 090: EWS (ASA) minimum requirements