European Broadcasting Union (EBU)

EBU gathers the public service media organisations of Europe helping broadcasters make smart strategic and operational choices to produce and deliver better content to more devices. With its Members, EBU Technology & Innovation experts collaborate with industry to develop guidance, tools and support.
Defending the interests of public service media is the EBU goal, as well as promoting PSM’s indispensible contribution to modern society. Such a contribution is built on sound technical choices, where EBU drives innovation and media integration by generating ideas, collaborating with industry and setting standards.
The EBU is the world’s foremost alliance of public service media organizations, with Members in 56 countries in Europe and beyond. It is a world-renowned source of media industry knowledge and expertise.
The EBU also operates EUROVISION and EURORADIO.
Through EUROVISION, the EBU produces and distributes top quality content and provides broadcasters with on-site facilities for major world events. Through EURORADIO the EBU enhances and promotes public service radio as a key protagonist in a multimedia world. The EUROVISION and EURORADIO network, combining satellite and fibre, is the largest and most reliable in the world directly plugged in to public service media everywhere.