SRG SSR is an association under Article 60 ff. of the Swiss Civil Code. The overall parent organisation for SRG SSR business activities, it is a non-profit-making public service undertaking. The SRG SSR association comprises four regional companies:
- The SRG.D association: Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft der deutschen und rätoromanischen Schweiz (radio and television for German and Romansch-speaking Switzerland)
- The RTSR association: Société de radiodiffusion et de télévision de la Suisse romande (radio and television for French-speaking Switzerland)
- The Corsi cooperative: Società cooperativa per la Radiotelevisione svizzera di lingua italiana (radio and television for Italian-speaking Switzerland)
- The SRG.R association: SRG SSR Svizra Rumantscha (radio and television for Romansch-speaking Switzerland)
The regional companies SRG.D and RTSR are each made up of seven member companies. Around 22,500 people are members of the regional or member companies.
The regional companies give SRG firm roots in Swiss society, encourage public debate about modern public service broadcasting, and help to shape the direction and quality of radio and television programming, as well as other news, information and entertainment services. Their Regional Councils bring the social and cultural concerns of their regions to the table, acknowledge reports from the Enterprise Units on quality, public service and television, radio and online service concepts, petition the regional boards to review these service concepts, appoint delegates and undertake other tasks that are not the preserve of the general assembly of the association or cooperative, or the regional board. The regional boards head up the regional companies. Under the SRG statutes, they also have a say when service-related matters are discussed by the SRG Board of Directors. The Presidents of the regional companies are ex officio members of the Delegates' Meeting and the Board of Directors of SRG.
Each regional company has its own representative, consultative Public Council, which ensures close contact between programme-makers and the radio and television audience, and supports programming work by making statements and proposals and raising concerns. The chairmen of the Public Councils meet several times a year. They share their experience, develop methods and instruments, and coordinate how services are monitored. In each language region, the Public Councils have set up an ombudsman's office to handle complaints about radio and TV services and other news, information and entertainment services.
The SRG Board of Directors has nine members: the four regional presidents, two members appointed by the Federal Council, and three individuals elected by the Delegates' Meeting.
The President of SRG is elected by the Delegates' meeting. He or she has a dual function as both Chairman of the Delegates' Meeting and Chairman of the Board of Directors