
Last update: 12.04.2024 - older versions

On 11 March 2024, the Austrian Communications Authority (KommAustria) announced that it has "granted the Austrian broadcasting network operator ORS comm GmbH & Co KG (ORS) a total of six licences for the construction and operation of a nationwide multiplex platform as well as for five further regional multiplexes for the transmission of a total of 28 DAB+ digital radio stations. This brings the total number of existing and future DAB+ stations in Austria to 58.

With the licences, ORS will be able to broadcast a planned programme bouquet of 14 DAB+ radio stations in a nationwide coverage area with a population reach of 79% from the end of June 2024. Also from the end of June, broadcasting operations can start in the five regional coverage areas with two to five programmes each, totalling a further 14 programmes."

ORS added: "From 21 June 2024, a diverse and exciting new programme bouquet will be launched in Austria with 28 new radio stations. Last summer, the licences for nationwide and regional digital radio coverage via DAB+ were put out to tender by RTR. The Austrian Communications Authority has now granted ORS comm the licence to operate a further nationwide terrestrial multiplex platform for digital terrestrial radio in the DAB+ standard (MUX III). A total of 14 very different radio programmes can now be broadcast nationwide, providing a diverse audience with information and colourful entertainment - including many well-known radio brands as well as some newcomers.

In addition to the nationwide licence, ORS comm received 5 further regional licences for the regional broadcasting of 14 additional radio stations via the new MUX II. Here, too, numerous radio stations will provide a wide range of programmes.

In total, up to 28 new radio stations will be broadcast via the DAB+ platform from 21 June this year, giving the Austrian radio industry a considerable boost via digital terrestrial transmission."


On 1 August 2023, the new Private Radio Act came into force, which makes it possible for one operator to broadcast six DAB+ programmes per coverage area instead of the previous two.


50% of the Austrian population aged 15 and over are familiar with the term DAB+ digital radio, its logo or even both. 26% of all households in Austria state that they have at least one DAB+-capable receiver and almost a quarter of the population has already listened to radio programmes via DAB+ digital terrestrial radio. Five years after the nationwide launch, 18% of the total population, or 960,000 Austrians, use DAB+ (almost) daily, several times a week or at least several times a month.

These are the key findings of the "DAB+ Digital Radio Austria 2024" study presented on 11 April 2024, which presents the current awareness and reach of Austria's nationwide digital radio offering and is conducted annually between January and March by Ipsos Market Research on behalf of the Media Division of the Austrian Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and Telecommunications (RTR Medien) with 2,900 population-representative respondents.

Last update: 27.05.2022 - older versions

As of August 2020, DAB+ population coverage in Austria stands at 83% for the national MUX I and about 35% for the regional MUX II in the area of Vienna.

Coverage of the regular DAB+ multiplex on air in Austria is available at

DAB+ national network expansion in 2019

1) Following the launch of the first expansion phase in May 2019, Vienna-Kahlenberg, Vienna-Liesing, Vienna-DC Tower, Graz-Schöckl, Linz-Lichtenberg and Semmering-Sonnenwendstein were connected. In the course of this first expansion phase, Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland, Styria and Upper Austria will be able to receive DAB+, with almost 60% of the Austrian population covered with a DAB+ signal.

2) The commissioning phase of the nationwide MUX took place on March 31, 2020 and included the locations Bregenz-Pfänder, Innsbruck-Patscherkofel, Salzburg-Gaisberg and St. PöltenJauerling. With this expansion stage, 75% of the Austrian population is covered with DAB+ reception.

3) The last stage of expansion in Carinthia was brought forward, taking place in August 2020 and bringing population coverage to 83%.


Last update: 19.08.2022 - older versions

In this country there are

on air.

The most up to date listing of services on air in Austria is available at

Please note:

(a)    These web pages are updated regularly to reflect current services on air, however they may not be exactly up to date.

(b)    The logos shown on these pages are for illustrative purposes only – manufacturers and broadcasters are directed here for information on implementing station logos.

Simulcast on AM / FM Exclusive on digital Total of services
DAB+ programmes 12 20 32
Data services 0 1 1

Last update: 16.02.2022 - older versions

In Austria, 94% of new cars sold in 2021 have DAB+ as standard (Source: JATO Dynamics 2022).

Last update: 19.08.2022 - older versions

In July 2020, Austria's digital radio office launched a new online store for featuring a wide range of DAB+ receivers from a number of brands.

In May 2019, ahead of the launch of the national DAB+ network, the Austrian Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting (RTR) released a report (here) including information on the network expansion plans and the area covered by the expansion, as well as some findings on consumer receiver sales in Austria, specifically –

  • Sales of DAB+ devices in Austria rose by 77% in 2018
  • Sales of DAB+ devices in Austria rose by 66% in Q1 2019
  • Sales of non-DAB+ devices in Austria declined by 20% in Q1 2019


Last update: 05.04.2018 - older versions

DAB+ trial May 2015- April 2018

In Vienna, DAB+ was tested in a pilot project until 7th April 2018, when it became a regular operation. Two transmitters operated as a single frequency network, with one transmitting a 10kW signal. This test mode was originally scheduled to last 10 months from May 28th 2015. Vienna’s DAB+ testing period was extended by one year by media regulator KommAustria. The pilot project was approved by the broadcasting regulator, KommAustria. The multiplex platform operator ORS comm GmbH & Co KG was able to test transmission capacities on "VIENNA 8 (Liesing) channel 11D", "Wien 9 (DC Tower 1) channel 11D" and "Wien 8 (Liesing) channel 12B". Items which were tested in the pilot project were, for example, switching between two frequency blocks (11D and 12B) and their impact on the recipient.

Previous Trials

Two DAB trials ended in 2008. One began in 1999 in the capital Vienna and covered up to 1.73 million people, the other one started in 2000 in the federal state of Tyrol (two sites near the capital of Innsbruck) and covered round about 295,000 people, approximately 40% of the Tyrolian population. The two trials were run by the public broadcaster ORF, with only ORF programs transmitted. About 19% of Austria’s population was covered by a T-DAB signal.

In 2011 the network operator ORS GmbH, a 60% subsidiary of the ORF, made plans to launch a DAB+ trial in 2012 but stopped the project in autumn 2011.

The trial that ended in 2008 included three transmitters in Vienna on Channel 12B. The multiplex featured classical music, Radio Wien (local station), pop music and FM4 pop music (all by ORF). The Austrian public broadcaster ORF was also awarded a DAB digital radio trial licence for the Federal State of Tyrol. ORF set up two DAB digital radio transmitters in Tyrol, covering the Inn Valley between Kufstein and the Brenner Mountain (Channel 12C). Ö1, Ö3, FM4 and the regional station Radio Tyrol, were available on the multiplex. This meant that there was continuous DAB coverage between South Germany and Northern Italy.

These tests have taken place behind closed doors. 


Last update: 03.08.2018 - older versions

The market is regulated by the Austrian Communications Authority (KommAustria) and by the Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and Telecommunications (Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH, RTR) that provides operational support for KommAustria.

Austria is committed to a digital radio future and a report by the regulators, the Austrian Communications Authority (KommAustria) and RTR-GmbH recommended DAB+ in Band III as the way forward.  A working group was created in 2009 and its members are stakeholders from the Austrian radio market who represent opponents and proponents of digital radio. It consists of the regulatory authority, the public broadcaster ORF, the commercial and non-commercial broadcasters associations, the electronic industry and consumer associations. The group is watching and evaluating the progress of digital radio in other European countries. 

Success factors for the introduction of DAB+ in Austria

  • Active will of the Federal Government to digitise terrestrial radio broadcasting as the last media genre, which has not yet been able to experience terrestrial digitisation in Austria. Thus securing the media and economic location of Austria in order to create non-disruptive, non-Austrian offers. Solving the frequency problem, coordinating with the neighboring countries, and the economic use of the existing broadcasting systems with an active decision for a terrestrial digitisation of the radio broadcast.
  • New programming possibilities for private radio operators. More than two programs are to be made available by an organizer. The number is intended to regulate the market and for a further development of the radio, a maximum of two programmes must be given by one organiser.
  • New possibilities for public broadcasters. In addition to the national programs of public-law audiovisual broadcasting, max. 2 other nationwide, non-regionalisable, advertising-free (!) Programs are made possible.
  • Change of ORF-G, PrR-G and AMD-G with regard to the possibilities offered by the program and service providers (programs, data, additional services, etc.).
  • Promotion of program providers from the digitisation fund for the time of the simulcast. The increase in the allocation of the digitisation fund from currently EUR 500 TSD p.a. To EUR 1.2 million p.a .. Prioritisation of the digitisation fund for the agendas of the digitisation of terrestrial radio broadcasting.
  • Compulsory equipment for newly registered vehicles from 2017 with DAB+ enabled terminals (traffic safety). The need of TPEG-Services is evident.
  • From 2017 onwards, each newly-placed radio receiver intended for terrestrial reception must be capable of receiving digital signals corresponding to a standard of a recognised European standard organisation.

Last update: 30.07.2018 - older versions

The association 'Digital Radio Austria' is an initiative to develop the media genre radio, which is supported by the Association of the electrical and electronics industry, together with research institutions, private radio operators, manufacturers and dealers. The club members have set themselves the goal of establishing digital radio in Austria. For more information please visit,

How Austria listens
14.10.2024 - Austria Austria
2023 was a record year for radio: After a slight decline in daily radio usage in Austria from 2019, 2023 marked a 10-year high in usage: Austrians listened to the radio for 202 minutes last year. The last time radio usage reached this level was in 2008. Private radio stations have increasingly benefited from this in recent years. The introduction of the new DAB+ digital broadcasting standard has led to a veritable explosion of new radio stations: Thanks to DAB+, this summer saw the largest expansion of stations since the start of private radio broadcasting in 1998. There are now almost 60 DAB+ stations in Austria. 83 per cent of Austrians can already receive DAB+, many of them without even knowing it. This is because digital terrestrial radio has been mandatory in cars since December 2020 according to an EU regulation. Since then, more than 700,000 new cars have been registered. Of those listeners, 60 per cent use DAB+ in their cars. In total, more than one million people in Austria already listen to the radio via DAB+ several times a month.

(HORIZONT Österreich) Read more

DAB+ introduces ASA warning system
04.10.2024 - Austria Austria
DAB+ digital radio is taking a significant step towards greater safety for the public. The new Automatic Safety Alert system (ASA), formerly known as EWS (Emergency Warning System), was officially launched in August. RTR (Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH) will provide detailed information on the new ASA alert system in a workshop entitled ‘Radio and mobile communications - a strong duo for digital disaster control’ on 23 October 2024 as part of its convergent competence centre. The speakers will be Roman Bayer from the Ministry of the Interior and Hermann Bühler, who are both involved in the current ‘AT-Alert’ warning system project. In addition, Olaf Korte (Fraunhofer Institute) will be on site to give a presentation as an expert on the DAB+ standard and the current ASA extension in particular.

(Verein Digitalradio Österreich) Read more

DAB+ Austria inspires at the Electronics Retail Days 2024
03.10.2024 - Austria Austria
DAB+ Austria was once again a resounding success at this year's Electronics Retailer Days in Linz. In over 300 intensive discussions, the team informed the specialist retailers about the latest developments in DAB+. At the hama stand, the DAB+ Austria team presented the latest DAB+-capable devices together with the manufacturers hama, TechniSat, pure and Albrecht. The great interest shown by over 1,900 visitors emphasised the growing importance of digital radio in Austria. ‘DAB+ is more than just radio. It is an innovative product that offers our customers real added value’ says Michael Hofer - Managing Director of ElectronicPartner Austria. The Austrian Digital Radio Association will continue to work actively on the expansion of DAB+ in Austria. DAB+ already plays an important role in the Austrian radio market and will continue to do so in the future.

(Verein Digitalradio Österreich) Read more

DAB+ at IFA 2024
03.10.2024 - Austria Austria
British chip manufacturer Frontier Smart Technologies presented a prototype of the next generation of DAB+ digital radios at IFA 2024. These devices are equipped with the new ‘Automatic Safety Alert’ (ASA) standard, which reliably warns the public in emergencies and crises. ASA transmits life-saving safety messages directly via the radio without the need for an internet connection. Typical alerts include severe weather warnings, evacuation requests or information on power outages. Thomas Pöcheim, Managing Director of the Austrian Digital Radio Association, was able to see the new ASA functions for himself at the Frontier stand. Watch the video for a demonstration of the new ASA system.

(Vereins Digitalradio Österreich) Read more

Privatsender Heurigen 2024: Forward-looking media policy required
14.09.2024 - Austria Austria
The Association of Austrian Private Broadcasters welcomed around 300 guests to the ‘Privatsender Heurigen’ 2024. Industry representatives discussed the upcoming National Council elections and future media policy with representatives from top politics. In his welcoming address, Mario Frühauf, VÖP President and Managing Director of kronehit, pointed out that Austria's private broadcasters can look back on a very successful 2024: ‘Private radio stations have achieved a higher market share than ORF radio stations in the advertising target group for the first time, and around 30 new DAB+ radio stations have made the radio market even more diverse since the middle of the year.’

(VÖP) Read more

Hello Austria, says RADIO BOLLERWAGEN
30.08.2024 - Austria Austria
RADIO BOLLERWAGEN, the station of the Vienna-based audio company Bollerwagen Audio FlexCo, is now enriching the variety of programmes on the ORS group's DAB+ transmitter network throughout Austria. ‘We are delighted that RADIO BOLLERWAGEN is now also represented among our neighbours on the nationwide MUX III with ‘Xtreme Party Music’. We bring variety to the programme offering and are guaranteed to deliver the right playlist for every party. From après-ski to hut fun - we have something for every musical taste,’ says Harald Gehrung, Managing Director of Bollerwagen Audio FlexCo. “My special thanks go to lawyer Dr Gerald Ganzger and his colleagues from LGP Lawyers, who provided us with perfect support in setting up our company, and to Alexandra Sükar and her team from radio content austria GmbH,” he adds.

(OTS / Bollerwagen Audio FlexCo) Read more

DAB+ takes the next leap in development
24.06.2024 - Austria Austria
A total of 30 new radio stations went on air via the DAB+ platform on 21 June, 15 of which are broadcast throughout Austria, while the other 15 stations are distributed regionally. To this end, the ORS Group, which is responsible for the distribution of the digital radio offering, has expanded the technical reach of the DAB+ network in recent months and created five new coverage areas for the regional programme offering alone. Overall, a diverse mix of completely new but also established FM programmes can now be offered, which will now expand their reach digitally terrestrially and give the Austrian radio industry a significant boost in development.

(ORS Group) Read more

"Folk music and more" - new folk music radio for the whole of Austria
24.06.2024 - Austria Austria
For two and a half years, Radio VM1 has been offering a relevant niche format for all fans of folk music and popular hits. In addition to regional FM frequencies in Tyrol, Salzburg and Styria, the folk music radio station can now also be heard throughout Austria via DAB+. Folk music, music from the homeland, folk hits, Wienerlied, Oberkrainer & Co mixed with reports and news from the region - Radio VM1 makes the diversity of the country audible. With the Austria-wide start of broadcasting via DAB+, Radio VM1 is one of a total of 28 private radio stations that can be received throughout the country via the new digital broadcasting standard from 21 June 2024. The DAB+ technology scores points with a diverse selection of stations, nationwide network coverage and noise-free transmission without frequency search.

( Read more

Now there is (even) "more radio" in Austria with 58 DAB+ stations
21.06.2024 - Austria Austria
The digital radio landscape in Austria is receiving a significant boost: with the commissioning on 21 June of new DAB+ muxes and 30 new transmitters, the digital radio offering is growing to a total of 58 stations. The National Council has recognised the importance of digital radio and has increased annual digital funding by one million euros. From June 2024, the digital radio offering will continue to grow for the first time since August 2020. 30 new stations will go "on air" on DAB+. These include well-known names such as Radio Arabella and Life Radio. There will also be a wide range of niche programmes. With this largest launch of radio stations since the start of private radio in Austria in 1998, DAB+ offers an unprecedented variety of stations and programmes.

(Verein Digitalradio Österreich) Read more

Austrian Federal President van der Bellen launches Radio ROT WEISS ROT
21.06.2024 - Austria Austria
Austrian Federal President van der Bellen pressed the start button of Radio ROT WEISS ROT on 21 June at 12:00 noon, thus launching the most Austrian DAB+ station on the radio market. ROT WEISS ROT is soon to become the regulars' table of the local radio scene. True to the motto "Da bin I her, da hear (hör) I hin", the station is a tribute to the country's artists. "I am delighted to be able to officially launch the new digital radio station Radio ROT WEISS ROT," says a delighted Alexander van der Bellen. Attending the start of the broadcast was a great pleasure for our Federal President and a huge honour for everyone involved. Together with this year's ESC candidate Kaleen and singer Josh, he launched the red, white and red radio station and presented the first song - which was, how could it be otherwise, Reinhard Fendrich's "I am from Austria".

(RADIOSZENE) Read more

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Key Information

Status: regular
Population: 8.9 million
Population coverage: Sparkline Graph 83%
Services: 32 DAB+, 1 Data
New cars with DAB/DAB+ as standard: Sparkline Graph 97%
Penetration by household: Sparkline Graph 30%
Last update: 26.02.2024

Useful Links

Awareness and reach measurement of DAB+ digital radio Austria 2022
Digital Radio Austria
New vehicle registration data