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Swiss small-scale DAB company sets up shop in the UK
23.09.2021 - digris AG WorldDAB Member - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Digris, a Swiss company that specialises in small-scale DAB, has created a UK business to apply for multiplex licences there. Says Digris: "This distribution concept, known as small-scale DAB, has now established itself throughout Europe. The company’s cost-oriented approach is favourable to media diversity and an open information society. Digris is also a network operator and operates small-scale DAB+ networks as both single-frequency and multifrequency networks in Switzerland and France since 2014."

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Applications for small-scale DAB round two published
22.09.2021 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
UK's Ofcom has published the applications received to operate small-scale radio multiplexes in North West England and North East Wales. A total of 30 applications were received for 18 of the areas advertised in Round Two.

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Local DAB+ in Belgium (Flanders)
22.09.2021 - Flanders Department of Culture, Youth and Media - Government of Flanders WorldDAB Member - Belgium Belgium
Flemish Media Minister Benjamin Dalle has outlined the framework in a zoom meeting with Flemish local radios on Tuesday afternoon in which pilot projects for regional DAB+ will become possible. In the best case scenario, the first trial muxes in Flanders can start on February 1, 2022.

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French broadcasters prepare listeners for DAB+
22.09.2021 - France France
With the national launch of DAB+ in October, commercial radio stations OÜI FM, Latina and others are educating its listeners via its website about DAB+: "82% de la population française pourra écouter OÜI FM en DAB+". Listeners are informed that listening on DAB+ is better sound quality with no interference, is free-to-air, and no longer any need to search frequencies.

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Czech Radio to improve DAB+ indoor coverage
22.09.2021 - Czech Radio WorldDAB Member - Czechia Czechia
Czech Radio will continue to lead the way for DAB+ digital radio in the coming years. After enshrining the public multiplex in legislation, it now wants to focus on strengthening its coverage inside buildings. According to the regulator, the Czech Telecommunication Office, in addition to the public broadcaster DAB+ network, nationwide commercial radio multiplexes will be established, which will complement the regional muxes. Czech Radio aims to obtain further investments in DAB+ by switching off AM.

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Radio Austria now on DAB+
20.09.2021 - Austria Austria
Radio Austria can now be received via DAB+ in addition to FM, cable and internet. It is the 16th digital radio programme that was switched on in the ORS nationwide DAB+ multiplex. Network operator ORS operates the nationwide multiplex platform for digital terrestrial radio. "We are proud that ORS, as the technical broadcasting partner of private radio stations, is allowed to write the DAB+ success story," said ORS spokesman Michael Weber.

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Radio Rai says it is reasonable to switch off FM by 2030
20.09.2021 - RAI - Radiotelevisione Italiana WorldDAB Member - Italy Italy
According to Roberto Sergio, the Director of Italy's public broadcaster Radio Rai "I have not calculated a date [for the switch off], I just said to get there as soon as possible and taking into account everyone's needs. Since we said before that the switch-off with regard to television lasted ten years, it seems reasonable to think that we can return to that perimeter: 2030 would go in that direction, then if we were able to do it sooner, in my opinion it would be better for everyone.

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Czech Radio obtains government approval to operate a DAB+ multiplex
16.09.2021 - Czech Radio WorldDAB Member - Czechia Czechia
An amendment to the Electronic Communications Act was passed by the Czech government's Chamber of Deputies on 15 September, granting Czech Radio the right to operate its own digital radio network in Band III. It now remains only for the President of the Republic, Miloš Zeman, to formally approve the legislation.

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Belgian digital radio recycling scheme
15.09.2021 - WorldDAB Member - Belgium Belgium
In an unprecedented collaboration between North and South,, Digitale Radio Vlaanderen and the Vanden Boore retail stores have joined forces to help listeners switch from analogue to digital radio. Belgian listeners have until 30 September to visit their nearest store to recycle their old radio and receive a discount on the purchase of a new DAB+ device. Says "broadcasting on DAB+ is greener, consumes less electricity, requires fewer antennas and generates much less electromagnetic radiation than FM".

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Radio, Aeranti-Corallo: "We need antitrust rules for the digital switchover"
15.09.2021 - Italy Italy
In a hearing of the Senate Public Works Commission, the coordinator of the Italian association for local TV and radio, Marco Rossignoli, said that due to the expansion of DAB+ broadcast radio in Italy, it will be necessary to pass anti trust legislation in order to prevent concentration of national radio stations in the hands of only a few owners.

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