
Last update: 08.08.2024 - older versions

The ČTÚ announced on 5 January 2024 that the Authority successfully completed the auction procedure for the sale of individual auction blocks offered for the purpose of developing commercial nationwide (Blocks B, C) and regional networks (Blocks R1 - R27) for the distribution of terrestrial digital radio broadcasting (DAB). The auctioned frequency blocks were divided among all eight participants of the tender.

The total auction price for all Auction Blocks was CZK 79,325,000 (c. €3.2m).

"I am glad that we managed to complete the auction successfully, having satisfied all the participating bidders and managed to distribute all the blocks offered. Thus, nothing stands in the way of the further development of terrestrial digital radio broadcasting." said Marek Ebert, Chairman of the CTU Council.

The tender sets out development criteria that should ensure not only the successful development of DAB broadcasting but also the efficient use of the allocated radio frequencies. The nationwide networks are to cover 50% of the population and motorways within 18 months and 80% of the population and motorways within a further 12 months. Regional broadcasts are to cover 40% of the population of the region concerned within 24 months and 70% of the population of the region thereafter.

Radioprojekt data released in August 2024 shows that 18 per cent of listeners who said that their reception is provided by a conventional receiver or car radio use DAB+, an increase from 17% in 2023, and 11% in 2021. 

An amendment to the Electronic Communications Act was passed by the Czech Parliament's Chamber of Deputies on 15 September 2021, granting Czech Radio the right to operate its own digital radio network in Band III and reservation of frequencies/spectrum by the Czech Telecommunication Bureau.

Czech Radio has one regular multiplex, available for 95% of the population of the Czech Republic, divided for Czechia and Moravia segment (12C and 12D). Four other multiplexes are on air in the Czech Republic and are operated by TELEKO, Ceske Radiokomunikace, RTI cz and JOE Media.

In 2021 Czech Radio launched two new DAB+ only stations – "Radiožurnál Sport” (CRo-RZ-SPORT) and "Pohoda” (CRo-POHODA), targeted to the 'sports lovers' audience and senior audiences.

In September 2020, Czech Radio launched 10 new DAB + transmitters, increasing population coverage from 85% to 95%.

A brochure highlighting the 15-year history of DAB+ digital radio in the Czech Republic is available in Czech here.

Last update: 13.09.2023 - older versions

Population coverage currently stands at 96%.

Detailed and up-to-date maps of DAB+ coverage can be found at

Czech Radio has one regular multiplex in the Czech Republic divided into CZECH and MORAVIA. Currently, 16 Czech Radio stations are broadcasting.

There are four other multiplexes in the Czech Republic operated by TELEKO Digital, České Radiokomunikace, RTI cz and JOE Media.

The network operator TELEKO DAB operates one regular local DAB+ multiplex using band III, which reaches 5.8 million inhabitants in the Czech Republic. The signal broadcasts in and around Prague, Příbram, Brno and surroundings, Moravian-Silesian Region, Ústí nad Labem Region and Hradec Kralove Region. The TELEKO DAB multiplex broadcasts 6 radio stations.

The operator of the RTI cz network operates 60 radio transmitters in the FM band, mostly in western Bohemia. In 2011, RTI CZ obtained a licence for digital radio DAB (L-band, later III band) in the Pilsen Region, Karlovy Vary Region, South Bohemia Region and Prague. RTI cz currently operates 10 DAB+ transmitters and broadcasts 6 radio stations in the RTI cz DAB multiplex.

České Radiokomunikace operates a CRA DAB+ multiplex (four transmitters) in Prague, Pilsen and Ostava where 14 radio stations are broadcast.

From the end of 2020, JOE Media operates the COLOR DAB+ multiplex (two transmitters in Prague), which broadcasts 8 radio stations.


Last update: 03.03.2021 - older versions

In this country there are

on air.

Please note:

(a)    These web pages are updated regularly to reflect current services on air, however they may not be exactly up to date.

(b)    The logos shown on these pages are for illustrative purposes only – manufacturers and broadcasters are directed here for information on implementing station logos.

A comprehensive listing of DAB+ services on air in the Czech Republic is available at the website by choosing the DAB v ČR option.

Slideshow services are offered by all network operators in Czech Republic. TELEKO uses the latest Rapid software in their DAB CLOUD MULTIPLEXOR. TELEKO transforms the news from RSS feeds into JPEGs and also sends pictures from webcams in studios or weathercams.

Simulcast on AM / FM Exclusive on digital Total of services
DAB+ programmes 47 25 72

Last update: 16.02.2022 - older versions

In the Czech Republic, 93% of new cars sold in 2021 have DAB+ as standard (Source: JATO Dynamics 2022).

Last update: 17.05.2021 - older versions

DAB radio is using L-band and Band III in the Czech Republic and it is important to check if the receiver is ready for use in both bands.

A wide range of receivers are available to buy online:


Electroworld (

LIDL ( (Sale)



Last update: 30.09.2013 - older versions

In August 2007 a trial was launched by TELEKO in cooperation with the public broadcaster Český Rozhlas with three DAB programmes and two DAB+ programmes. This trial used both Band III and L-Band and covered almost 130,000 people. A further trial began in June 2008, again as a joint project between the TELEKO company in cooperation with the public broadcaster Czech Radio. A 2.5Kw transmitter provided coverage of the capital city, Prague, to a population of around 1.3 million. The goal of this noncommercial trial was the promotion of digital radio to the Czech public and Government administrators. In early 2009 a further trial was launched in the second largest city Brno covering approximately 0.5 million people.

Trials have been completed in the Czech Republic and all network operators have been awarded with licenses. Technical trials e.g. for checking signal parameters are operated using the licensed frequencies as a part of the regular transmission implementation. For example, the company Ceske Radiokomunikace is using its L-band licensed frequency for such a test with two programs using the Prague-Zizkov transmitter since early 2013.

Last update: 03.12.2021 - older versions

Key features of regulation for digital radio in Czech Republic 
  • Band III only used
  • Five network operators operate one nationwide multiplex (public service Czech Radio) and four regional multiplexes with public and commercial programmes all on DAB+ 
  • Licences are granted for different periods, up to a maximum of 10 years, some to be granted or renewed in 2022, all in III Band only
  • No analogue radio switch-off date
  • Analogue radio licences will be prolonged without a clear time limit

Spectrum and content regulation is divided between the Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting (content) and the Czech Telecommunication Office (spectrum).

Analogue radio licenses will be prolonged for all analogue licence holders, at this point in time, for an unspecified time. Czech Radio as the public radio broadcaster operates its own DAB+ network with national coverage. Some private broadcasters use DAB+ networks by private operators to broadcast their stations via DAB+. Therefore, the transition to digital radio in the Czech Republic has successfully started and digital radio is being rolled out by both the public and private radio sectors.  There are no obstacles to the deployment of digital radio from the Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting and from the Czech Telecommunication Office.

The Radio Spectrum Utilisation Plan (RSUP, or PVRS in Czech language) for particular bands sets out detailed regulation for the use of frequencies. The current RSUP dedicates all III Band (frequencies from 174 to 230 MHz) to DAB (the Czech Telecommunication Office refers to DAB+ as T-DAB). Further information about the RSUP is available at

For a detailed overview on 174 - 380 MHz spectrum see here:

Allocation of additional DAB+ multiplexes for private network operators is planned by the Czech Telecommunication Office for 2022 and beyond.

The switchover to DVB-T2 digital TV was finished in 2020, and digital TV frequencies are allocated exclusively outside III Band, which is intended for DAB+ radio only. L Band is no longer used for DAB+ radio.

At the time of writing there are five DAB+ network operators:

Czech Radio, Ceske Radiokomunikace, TELEKO digital, RTIcz and JOE Media.

The principal document for electronic communication regulation is the Act. No. 127/2005 Coll. on Electronic Communications, was amended in 2021 by the Act. No. 374/2021 Coll. This document explains spectrum regulation in the Czech Republic represented by the National Table of Frequency Allocation (NTFA) which allocates the frequency bands to particular radio communication services and describes the general conditions for frequency use. Detailed information about NTFA is available here:  

Last update: 29.04.2019 - older versions

A marketing campaign is due to be launched, in collaboration with the automotive industry - primarily Skoda - and the main retailers in the country

Broadcasters are investing inmultimedia, with each of the 14 channels in a mux equipped with full multimedia services - headlines, artists information and images

The company RTI cz also promotes DAB+ open days in the Czech Radio, as per the images below taken in Prague, Pilsen and Ceske Budejovice.



The company RTI cz operates its own e-shop with a DAB+ receiver (

The company RTI cz operates a Web portal about digital radio in the Czech Republic on You will find here:

  • Current information
  • What is digital radio
  • History of digital radio
  • DAB in the Czech Republic (operators / list of radio stations / channel list / map coverage)
  • DAB in the world
  • Links to websites about digital radio


1) Day with digital radio (Exhibition of DAB radio receivers and lectures on digital radio in cooperation with Czech Radio) (only in Czech) Promo video here:

2) Digital radio in schools (lectures on digital radio at vocational schools)

3) DAB radio for the blind (RTI have prepared a Czech version of the audio files for the NOXON dRadio1 radio with voice output)


Last update: 09.01.2014

DAB radio is used for emergency warning distribution by distributing programs of the public broadcaster.
For example, during the floods in June 2013 the actual emergency information was included in the DAB radiotext transmission of two public broadcaster programs.

Americana Radio is heading to DAB+
23.01.2025 - Czechia Czechia
The Czech Republic has the thirteenth private radio licensed for terrestrial digital broadcasting in the DAB+ standard. The authorisation from the Radio and Television Broadcasting Council was granted to American Radio of Simpli Media, the company behind the owner of Hey, Color and Sázava radios Miroslav Pýcha. The station, focused on American country and rock, has been testing since December on the HQ test programme position in the COLOR DAB+ multiplex in Prague, which is operated by Pýcha's other company Joe Media. It is in Prague that the new radio should officially launch. Later on, Americano Radio will appear on the COLOR DAB+ digital network in České Budějovice and in February at the latest also in Pilsen and Karlovy Vary.

(Televizní Read more

Czech Digital Group's nationwide DAB+ multiplex with commercial radios to launch in early February
23.01.2025 - Ceske Radiokomunikace a.s. WorldDAB Member - Czechia Czechia
Czech Radiokomunikace has announced that it will launch the Czech Digital Group's DAB+ multiplex at the beginning of next month. The operator will present its new project at a press conference on 4 February. The network will include commercial radio stations and represents a significant step in the digitalisation of radio broadcasting in the Czech Republic. Radio United Broadcasting, a key player in the Czech radio market, will join the new multiplex with its own stations. Its CEO Martin Hroch will speak at the press conference. Radio United operates several popular stations, including Radio Kiss, Radio Beat, Country Radio, Radio 1, Radio Spin and Signal Radio. These stations will now be available to listeners digitally via the new DAB+ network, significantly extending their reach and potential audience.

(Český rozhlas) Read more

Czech Radio plans to continue investing in DAB+ coverage
17.01.2025 - Czech Radio WorldDAB Member - Czechia Czechia
Czech Radio intends to continue the development of DAB+ digital broadcasting and invest in improving coverage and upgrading its technical equipment. CEO René Zavoral reminded the 18 December 2024 meeting that radio has reached 96% coverage of the Czech population, but is still working on eliminating the so-called "white spaces" in the network. Investments in DAB+ and technical facilities are key to maintaining competitiveness and service availability. "In addition to VHF, where we have already reached a peak, our priority is DAB+ and internet media. We want to ensure that Czech Radio's programmes are available to everyone and in the highest possible quality," Zavoral added.

(Český rozhlas) Read more

What will 2025 be like in DAB+? Czech networks are clear, the fight for clients begins
16.01.2025 - Czechia Czechia
Digital radio broadcasting in the Czech Republic is set for dramatic development this year. After last year's successful auction of frequencies for DAB+ networks, all 29 auctioned multiplexes are to start broadcasting and the first days of January show that none of the eight auction winners is likely to give up. Already last January, after the auction results were published, it was clear that not every successful bidder would be able to build its own transmitters and would have to rely on leased technology or turnkey technical operation of the entire network from another supplier. This has led to a gradual convergence of formerly competing companies and the eight operators of future DAB+ networks for commercial media have split into four cooperating pairs.

(Televizní Read more

ZUN radio returns to DAB+ in eastern Bohemia on a new multiplex
14.01.2025 - Czechia Czechia
After three months it is possible to tune in to ZUN radio in East Bohemia again on DAB+. The multiplex of the operator Teleko digital, which left the programme at the beginning of October 2024, has been replaced by the Fiera Touch network. The entrepreneur Pavel Hajek from Vysočina thus gains another valuable paying customer for his offer. Five stations are distributed on channel 7D. The Fiera Touch multiplex includes not only five radio stations, but also additional services such as slideshow (visual information including the station logo) and radiotext. These offerings provide listeners with interactive content, such as information about the music currently playing or photographs. The programme line-up includes stations such as Color Music Radio, Energic, Hey rádio, Rádio Sázava and ZUN rádio, which will satisfy a wide range of musical preferences.

(Český rozhlas) Read more

GG Omikron has reached an agreement with the Pařížkovs, will use their transmitters for DAB+
14.01.2025 - Czechia Czechia
Another strong partnership for digital radio broadcasting was formed between the two winners of the auction of frequencies for commercial radio networks. GG Omikron, which auctioned networks for Prague, Moravian-Silesian and South Moravian regions, has agreed with Progress Digital to use its transmitters and infrastructure. This company belongs to the media group founded by Radim Pařížek, which is in direct competition with Czech Radio Communications, the largest domestic broadcaster. GG Omikron signed a service contract with the company in December, Jana Špičková, spokesperson for GG Omikron, confirmed to Médiáři.

(Médiář) Read more will use CRA transmitters, has been awarded the first six licenses
14.01.2025 - Czechia Czechia has been granted an individual licence for the use of frequencies from six Czech Radiocommunications (CRA) transmitters by the Czech Telecommunications Office (CTU). It can thus start broadcasting on all six digital radio networks it won in the frequency auction. The permits cover the Žižkov transmitter in Prague (Regional Network 1), Beech Mountain in Ústí nad Labem (Regional Network 5), Kojál in Moravia (Regional Network 8), Hošt'álkovice in Ostrava (Regional Network 10), Černá Hora in the Krkonoše (Regional Network 21) and Kleti in South Bohemia (Regional Network 11). can broadcast from Žižkov and Kleti with a power of 20 kW, and from Kojál, Černá Hora, Beech Mountain and Hošt'álkovice with 10 kW.

(Televizní Read more

2025 to be a key year for DAB+ in the Czech Republic
06.01.2025 - Czechia Czechia
The history of DAB+, or at that time only DAB, began 14 years ago when the first Teleko transmitters began broadcasts. After years, operators have finally managed to break free from the clutches of the past. Not only has the transition to Band III (formerly reserved for analogue television) been completed, but at the end of 2024, the operation of transmitters with limited coverage ended. In addition to Czech Radio, which has built its DAB+ network for 96% of the population with external coverage in recent years, commercial operators such as Teleko digital, RTI cz, Fiera touch, JOE Media and Czech Radio Communications, or its subsidiary Czech Digital Group (CDG), have now settled down. They will be joined in the coming months by other players such as, Broadcast Services and GG Omikron.

( Read more

RTI cz reports completion, DAB+ network C is nationwide from 23 locations
02.01.2025 - Czechia Czechia
On New Year's Eve afternoon, RTI cz, a Pilsen-based company, announced the launch of the first nationwide network for digital broadcasting of commercial radio in the DAB+ standard in the Czech Republic. According to Office Manager Andrea Jančová, the operator put nine new multiplex C transmitters into operation during the day and achieved coverage of 69.26 percent of the Czech population. RTI cz has thus met the development criteria set by the Czech Telecommunications Office (CTU). "In total, RTI cz has launched 23 transmitters, and in the first months of the new year it will boost coverage from the transmitters in Prague - City Tower, Benešov - Kochánov and Mariánské Lázně - Dyleň," said Jančová.

(Televizní Read more

DAB+ networks are down to their last month before launch, CTU is about to check them
31.12.2024 - Czechia Czechia
During January and no later than in the first half of February, operators of the auctioned networks for digital terrestrial broadcasting of commercial radios must launch transmitters in all regions for which they have auctioned frequencies. This is required by the Electronic Communications Act. The one-year deadline is calculated from the moment the operators received the decision on the frequency allocation from the Czech Telecommunications Office (CTU). This happened during January and February this year, and all participants in the auction of frequencies for DAB+ networks had to pay the auctioned amounts by 16 February.

(Televizní Read more

  • Radiodays_hall

    WorldDAB at Radiodays Europe 2023


    The radio industry gathered for the 2023 edition of Radiodays Europe, held in Prague to mark the centenary of Czech Radio. WorldDAB was there as delegates discussed the impact of AI, and the importance of securing radio's prominence in the connected car and on smart speakers. (Photo: Radiodays Europe)

    Read more

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Key Information

Status: regular
Population: 10.7 million
Population coverage: Sparkline Graph 96%
Services: 72 DAB+
New cars with DAB/DAB+ as standard: Sparkline Graph 97%
Last update: 26.02.2024

Useful Links

Services on Air
Czech Telecommunication Office
Regulator of spectrum, The Czech Telecommunication Office
Web portal about digital radio DAB+
Services on air in Czech Republic
Czech Radio
Czech Radiocommunications a.s.
The Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting
RTI cz s.r.o.
TELEKO s.r.o.
Czech Radio - Digital radio
Czech Radio - dab+
České Radiokomunikace a.s.