
Last update: 10.02.2025 - older versions

On 31 December 2024, the Swiss public broadcaster, SRG SSR ceased FM broadcasting. In announcing this plan in June 2024, it noted that "Around ten years ago, the Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM), private radio stations and the SRG began working closely together to plan the transition from FM to DAB+. The predictions made at the time - that DAB+ would become the new radio standard - have been borne out: the proportion of people who listen to radio exclusively via FM has now stagnated at less than 10%. From 2020, the industry will no longer be obliged to broadcast radio programmes using this technology, and maintaining three parallel broadcasting technologies is costly. The SRG Board of Directors has therefore decided to stop broadcasting SRG radio programmes via the now obsolete FM antennas on 31 December 2024."

For private radio stations, depending on the radio station, individual FM transmitters in a broadcasting area will be switched off in stages from 1 January 2025 (fade-out process) or in their entirety at the end of 2026. The Association of Swiss Private Radios (VSP) has more details on its website. It is understood that as of January 2025, three local stations have switched FM off completely: Radio Stadtfilter, Radio 3fach, and Radio GOAT. Most stations in German-speaking areas have turned off some FM transmitters, especially smaller ones, while they plan to keep one or two high-power transmitters on until 2026, to keep urban areas covered. In French-speaking areas, most radio stations plan to continue until the end of 2026.

In autumn 2024, just before SSR's FM switch-off, the Digital Migration working group once again collected figures on radio usage. The results show that the majority of the Swiss population has already switched over to digital radio: at the last measurement in autumn 2024, only 8% of listeners listened to the radio exclusively via FM, while 83 out of every 100 minutes were listened to via DAB+ or the internet. Digital usage has reached a new peak since the start of the study. Digital broadcast channels were used to a similar extent (DAB+: 42%; IP: 41%). The majority of radio use still takes place at home: 60% of minutes listened to are spent at home, 20% at work and almost 14% in the car. This breakdown has remained stable over the years.


Swiss DAB+ Broadcast Networks Factsheet

A new factsheet on DAB+ digital radio in Switzerland has been produced for automotive manufacturers as the country prepares for FM switch-off. 

The factsheet from WorldDAB - the global industry forum for digital radio - was produced as part of the work of its Automotive Working Group, in partnership with DIGIMIG, the Swiss body for DAB digital radio, and RadioDNS which promotes hybrid radio.   

Swiss DAB+ Broadcast Networks


Last extension of FM licenses by two years

Radio programmes can be broadcast on FM until the end of 2026. At its meeting on 25 October 2023, the Federal Council extended the FM licences due to expire in 2024 for another two years. This will give broadcasters more flexibility to successfully migrate from analogue to digital radio.

By revising the Ordinance on the Use of the Radio Frequency Spectrum (RFSO), the Federal Council has made it possible for existing FM radio licences to remain valid beyond their current expiry date until the end of 2026. Radio broadcasters can also choose to discontinue analogue broadcasting before then; they have not been required to broadcast on FM since 2020. Radio broadcasters had originally planned to discontinue FM broadcasting by the end of 2024 at the latest. This last extension to the end of 2026 gives them the opportunity to find individual solutions to successfully complete their migration from FM to digital radio.

Read the OFCOM press release


Last update: 15.04.2020 - older versions

Digital radio on DAB+ in Switzerland reaches over 99% of the population (outdoor 99%, indoor over 96%). 99% of the roads are covered, including high way tunnels.  

The latest commissioning is published as news on www.broadcast.ch.

Further resources on DAB+ coverage in Switzerland

Broadcast.ch Reception Card

Reception in Switzerland

SwissMediaCast Coverage Maps



Last update: 21.06.2022 - older versions

In this country there are

on air.

Swiss DAB+ Broadcast Networks Factsheet

A new factsheet on DAB+ digital radio in Switzerland has been produced for automotive manufacturers as the country prepares for FM switch-off in 2024. 

The factsheet from WorldDAB - the global industry forum for digital radio - was produced as part of the work of its Automotive Working Group, in partnership with DIGIMIG, the Swiss body for DAB digital radio, and RadioDNS which promotes hybrid radio.   

Swiss DAB+ Broadcast Networks


Please note:

(a)    These web pages are updated regularly to reflect current services on air, however they may not be exactly up to date.

(b)    The logos shown on these pages are for illustrative purposes only – manufacturers and broadcasters are directed here for information on implementing station logos.

Because of the structure of four languages, in Switzerland, there are no national multiplexes. Four of the seven language regional multiplexes are run by the public broadcaster SRG SSR since 1999. The first commercial DAB+ multiplex was launched by SMC in October 2009 in the German part of the country, the second one (ROM) at the end of 2013 in the French speaking part. Since December 2020 SMC runs a second language regional multiplex in the italian speaking part of Switzerland (Ticino). SMC also runs four regional multiplexes since December 2012. The first local multiplex (Geneva region) started in May 2014 in particular for non-profit radios. Today 17 so-called “local DAB+ islands” are on air in bigger agglomerations of the whole country, all run by Digris.

For an up to date list of services on air please visit: 

SRG Broadcast

SwissMediaCast (SMC)

Romandie Médias



For further information about DAB+ in Switzerland, please visit:

Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM)

DABPlus, the Communication Campaign

All programs are distributed on internet as well, and in addition, there are 78 internet only services.

Simulcast on AM / FM Exclusive on digital Total of services
DAB+ programmes 54 70 124
Data services 0 1 1

Last update: 26.02.2021 - older versions

99% of new cars in Switzerland now with DAB+ as standard

99 percent of all new cars are now equipped with a DAB+ radio as standard. Despite the pandemic-related slump in car sales, in 2020 the number of passenger cars equipped with DAB+ increased by 275,000 to just under 2 million vehicles.

DAB+ usage in cars

DAB+ could be received in 42 per cent of all vehicles at the end of 2020; at 47 per cent, reception via DAB+ is higher than via FM (45%), and overall digital use (including the internet) stands at 55 per cent.



Last update: 01.11.2021 - older versions

5.7 million DAB+ radios sold

In 2020, just under 600,000 DAB+ radios (including car radios) were sold.

According to the six-monthly surveys of electronics stores conducted by the market research institute GfK, a total of 5.7 million DAB+ devices have been sold since 2000. This indicates coverage of about one and a half devices per household.

There is also a clear upward trend in DAB+ equipment in vehicles: 99 percent of all new cars are now equipped with a DAB+ radio as standard. 

Last update: 26.08.2021 - older versions

Digital switchover

Swiss radio broadcasters will shut down FM as originally planned on 31 December 2024, according to a press release published by Digimig, the Swiss broadcaster working group on digital migration, on 26 August 2021. On the same date, FM radio licences expire. From that date onwards, radio programmes will no longer be broadcast via FM. With the return to the original switch-off date, consumers have more time to switch technology.

In 2014, Swiss radio broadcasters agreed to stop broadcasting on FM by 2024 at the latest. At the end of 2020, almost three quarters of radio listening was digital, and the radio industry decided that an early and staggered shutdown of the FM stations in August 2022 (SRG) and in January 2023 (private radio) would be responsible. 42 out of 44 of Switzerland's radio broadcasters and the public broadcaster SRG agreed on this.

A public debate on FM switch off took place in 2021. In the German-speaking and Italian speaking regions of Switzerland, the vast majority of radio broadcasters remained in favour of the early shutdown of VHF, however not in French-speaking Switzerland. Since a nationwide solution is needed, radio broadcasters returned to their original plan of switching off the FM stations by 31 December 2024.

Key features of regulation for digital radio in Switzerland are:

  • Band III
  • National multiplexes
  • All stations are on DAB+
  • In 2013 stand-alone Band III ensembles were authorised by the regulator in the main conurbations, intended as a DAB+ platform for the smaller, non-commercial broadcasters
  • On December 1st 2014 radio market players presented to the regulator a detailed digital switch over plan
  • In 2016, it was decided that all services in the future should be DAB+
  • OFCOM holds the spectrum licence
  • In mid-February 2012, OFCOM awarded a broadcast licence to Romandie Médias SA to operate a further DAB+ network in French-speaking Switzerland. The new platform, which has a capacity of up to 18 DAB+ stations, went on air in April 2014.
  • The SRG licence includes the operation of a DAB multiplex and transmission network in Band III. The transmitter sites are operated by Swisscom Broadcast, but SRG is responsible for the planning of the network, signal generating and multiplexing.



Last update: 03.10.2024 - older versions

Over the past few years, a number of campaigns have launched in Switzerland on national TV and radio, to help promote DAB+ and inform listeners, drivers and consumers of the benefits of digital radio.

Current campaign

In order to encourage listeners to switch to digital reception at home and in the car, a multi-year information campaign was launched on 4 May 2020. It is intended to support the audience with information and assistance during the upcoming FM phase-out. The campaign will include TV and radio spots, social media activities, out-of-home advertising, measures for equipment dealers and car dealerships, plus a helpdesk to advise the public. The campaign will run until the final FM switch-off.




Last update: 08.04.2019 - older versions

Switzerland is also a pioneer in DAB/DAB+ tunnel rebroadcast systems. There are currently eight tunnels equipped and the plan is to cover up to 200 tunnels using 100 head ends and 1,000 transmitting sites. Emergency voice break-in, signal levels, system design and interfaces are also going to be specified. 

The emergency alerting system in Switzerland for disasters today primarily relies on sirens (for “wake-up”) and Swiss Radio (for delivering the information). Swiss Radio currently broadcasts via VHF as well as via DAB+. Information can also be displayed on TV on banners and teletext, although this was only used once so far. In addition to this, cantons and municipalities are free to add their own channels for their official information (e.g., Twitter or Facebook).

In the next years, additional channels will be added. As of 2018, emergency alerts, warnings and information will also be published via the smartphone App “Alertswiss”, and the Website www.alertswiss.ch . As of 2019, further channels shall be added.

Regarding DAB+ in particular, the Federal Office for Civil Protection (FOCP) has undertaken different technical assessments and studies. Swiss Post, in collaboration with FOCP, has developed and successfully tested a prototype of a smart letterbox display that can show governmental information in case of an emergency. This information can be transmitted via DAB+. See also: https://youtu.be/kfTu4C7G3-Y

Marco Derighetti: "DAB+, an agreed choice to look to the future"
22.12.2024 - SRG SSR WorldDAB Member - Switzerland Switzerland
Marco Derighetti, Operations Director, SRG SSR, writes: "More than twenty years ago, the need arose in Switzerland for a radio broadcasting technology that would allow an expansion of the radio programmes available on the territory with free-to-air reception. DAB technology, later refined into DAB+, was able to satisfy this need. In fact, DAB+ made it possible to significantly increase the number of channels available to the population. The FM band could only accommodate around 20 channels. Depending on where you are in Switzerland, you can now pick up between 100 and 200 radio stations. Moreover, the development of DAB+ coverage in Switzerland has reached great maturity and is technically superior to that offered by FM."

(Corriere del Ticino) Read more

SRG to switch off FM signal at the end of 2024
22.12.2024 - SRG SSR WorldDAB Member - Switzerland Switzerland
As the end of 2024 approaches, the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SRG) will also switch off its FM transmission. However, around two dozen private radio stations in Switzerland will continue to broadcast via FM and will not switch off the service until the end of 2026 at the latest. The Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SRG) is switching off its 850 VHF broadcasting antennas at midnight on 31 December 2024. According to its own figures, this will save around CHF 15 million per year. According to the Federal Office of Communications (Bakom), around 10 per cent of the population in Switzerland still listen to the radio exclusively via FM. Meanwhile, the use of DAB+ and internet radio has risen continuously since 2015: for DAB+ from 23 to 41 per cent in 2023 and for internet radio from 26 to 39 per cent.

(Blick) Read more

WorldDAB Summit: FM shutdowns in Germany and Switzerland
11.12.2024 - WorldDAB News - Switzerland Switzerland - Germany Germany
As DAB+ continues gaining traction in Europe, analog FM stations are set to be shutdown entirely in the northern German state of Schleswig-Holstein and all of Switzerland. The details of these “FM switch-offs” were discussed during the WorldDAB Summit 2024 session, “Switchover is Happening Here and Now.” WorldDAB, the industry group promoting the DAB+ digital radio standard, hosted the summit on Nov. 14 in Zagreb, Croatia. Dirk Schrödter, head of the state chancellery of Schleswig-Holstein, opened the session by declaring his state home to the happiest people in Germany. “This is surely due to the great radio stations we have in the north,” Schrödter proclaimed. “And now,” he added, “we are making people even happier: Schleswig-Holstein will be the first in Germany to fully switch to the new, more convenient DAB+ standard.”

(Radio World) Read more

Questions and answers on the end of FM
28.11.2024 - SRG SSR WorldDAB Member - Switzerland Switzerland
SRG will switch off the FM frequencies of its radio stations at the end of 2024. Radio SRF 1, Radio SRF 2 Kultur and Radio SRF 3 can then also only be received via digital radio (e.g. DAB+, internet radio or cable). The SRG Customer Centre has received several hundred emails and calls on this topic in recent weeks. Here are the four most frequently asked questions - and the answers. 1. how can the stereo system be made DAB+-ready? Although newer stereo systems are equipped with DAB+, older models often are not. In most cases, they can be retrofitted with DAB+ using an adapter. It is important that the stereo system has an aux-in or line-in input.

(SRG SSR) Read more

Radio Zürisee to switch off FM from January 2025
18.11.2024 - Switzerland Switzerland
SRG will cease broadcasting on FM at the end of 2024. At the same time, most private broadcasters will also begin to thin out their transmitter network - including Radio Zürisee. The private broadcaster has announced that some FM transmitter sites will be switched off from 1 January 2025. In the core broadcasting area, this will initially affect the Glarnerland region, where restrictions may be imposed. All radio stations will cease FM operation at the end of 2026. Radio Zürisee recommends switching to DAB+ digital radio. This allows the programme to be heard terrestrially throughout German-speaking Switzerland.

(SatelliFax) Read more

SRG SSR prepares listeners for all digital 2025
04.11.2024 - SRG SSR WorldDAB Member - Switzerland Switzerland
SRG SSR is making sure listeners understand why the Swiss public broadcaster is moving quickly to end its FM broadcasts. Swiss lawmakers set a 2026 deadline for stations to transition to digital, but SRG SSR is ready to make the change at the end of the year. In June 2024, the broadcaster announced it would leave the FM band at the end of 2024. Now, it is going into detail about the benefits of the full switchover, stating that “Analogue broadcasting modes, such as FM, which have been operational since 1952, have had their day.” According to SRG SSR, ending its FM broadcasts will reduce energy demands by several gigawatt hours of energy each year, saving a significant amount of money. Savings are also expected from reduced maintenance and replacement of antennas and transmission systems.

(Radio World) Read more

Final weeks before RTS radio stations switch from FM to DAB+
29.10.2024 - SRG SSR WorldDAB Member - Switzerland Switzerland
The RTS Première, RTS Espace 2, RTS Couleur 3 and RTS Option Musique channels will be leaving the FM band on 31 December. Cars not equipped with DAB+ receivers will need to be adapted to continue receiving RTS and traffic information, as well as to listen to any radio in tunnels. The four RTS radio channels will soon only be available via DAB+ and internet streaming. Like all their SRG colleagues, they will no longer be available on FM receivers from 1 January 2025, an obsolete technology that Switzerland has decided to abandon. Anyone who does not have a DAB+ receiver and wishes to continue listening to RTS Première, RTS Espace 2, RTS Couleur 3 and RTS Option Musique on an FM radio will only be able to do so by using an adapter.

(RTS Radio Télévision Suisse) Read more

FM is dead, long live DAB+!
27.10.2024 - Switzerland Switzerland
It has been put off several times, but this time it's the right time: the end of FM broadcasting is scheduled for 31 December. On that date, the SSR will switch off its antennas in favour of DAB+, although private radio stations will be granted an extension. This technology offers a number of advantages in terms of cost, sound quality (no more crackling or interference) and a wider range of services. ‘On an FM frequency, you can only put on one radio programme at a time. On the other hand, on a DAB+ frequency, you can put on 18,’ says Philippe Zahno, President of the association of regional radio stations in French-speaking Switzerland.

(Tribune de Genève) Read more

Switzerland: SRG to focus exclusively on digital radio from 2025
24.10.2024 - SRG SSR WorldDAB Member - Switzerland Switzerland
On 1 January 2025, a new era will begin in the history of Swiss radio: the programmes of the public broadcaster SSR will be broadcast exclusively in digital form. Analogue broadcasting via FM will be phased out in favour of DAB+ and IP radio. Private broadcasters will follow and the last FM stations by the end of 2026.

(La Lettre Pro de la Radio) Read more

DAB+ in Switzerland: SRG to switch completely to digital radio from 2025
21.10.2024 - Switzerland Switzerland
On 1 January 2025, a new era in Swiss radio history will begin: SRG's public radio stations will then broadcast exclusively digitally (RADIOSZENE reported). Analogue broadcasting via FM will be discontinued in favour of digital antenna radio DAB+ and IP. The private broadcasters will follow, with the last FM providers switching by the end of 2026. Anyone who listens to the radio in Switzerland today - be it news, music, weather forecasts or traffic reports - usually uses DAB+ or the internet (IP). Only ten per cent of the public still receive radio exclusively via FM.

(RADIOSZENE) Read more

Select Country:

Key Information

Status: regular
Population: 8.7 million
Population coverage: Sparkline Graph 99.5%
Services: 124 DAB+, 1 Data
New cars with DAB/DAB+ as standard: Sparkline Graph 99%
Total Sales (cumulative): 5,694,000 devices
Last update: 01.11.2021

Useful Links

SwissMediaCast (SMC)
Romandie Médias
Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM)
SRG Broadcast