Slovakia - Current situation - History
According to the "Telecommunications Policy of the Slovak Republic for Years 2000 -2002", approved by the Government of the Slovak Republic on 14 June 2000 (Resolution No. 440/2000), the Research Institute of Posts and Telecommunications prepared a document, "Strategy and Technical Criteria for Implementation of Terrestrial Digital Audio Broadcasting in T-DAB System", in the year 2001. Throughout 2002, the document was discussed with relevant groups, companies and Ministries and will consequently be submitted to the Government for approval. The intention was to start regular DAB transmission in L-band in western part of Slovakia in 2006, and to start T-DAB transmission in VHF band after DVB-T implementation, i.e. in a situation when it will be possible to switch off analogue TV transmitters working in CH12 (about 70 transmitters in Slovakia).