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WorldDAB case study wins ABU Technical Review prize
01.12.2021 - Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) WorldDAB Member
A case study on the adoption process for DAB digital radio has won the ABU Technical Review prize for Best Case Study, as announced at this year's ABU General Assembly. The study, by Dr. Les Sabel, entitled "DAB adoption process guide: Investigations and trials" was published in the first edition of the 2021 ABU Technical Review. The article is part of a series of articles being prepared by WorldDAB to assist broadcasters, government regulators and transmission service providers use best practice to plan for the adoption of DAB digital radio. Dr. Sabel, Chair of the WorldDAB Asia-Pacific Technical Group said: "The forthcoming APAC Technical Group meeting on 9 December 2021 will continue to explore DAB adoption, specifically DAB+ requirements and allotment planning. We encourage you to register and attend."

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New local radio DAB consortium in Florence, Italy
01.12.2021 - Italy Italy
MediaDab consortium (, made up of local digital and native radio stations, activated a new DAB+ broadcasting system for the city of Florence and a good part of the province on 30 November. Gianluigi Petruccio, MediaDab's press officer, said: "the launch of our digital radio network for local broadcasters, including in Florence, is great news for the city's listeners and for its tourists who visit it from all over the world for its extraordinary masterpieces of Renaissance art and architecture. This is a great time for Tuscany residents to purchase a new digital radio to use at home or in the car. Soon our consortium will activate other major cities such as Bari and Lecce."

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Two new DAB multiplexes go live in UK's north west
01.12.2021 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Two new DAB digital radio multiplexes operated by Bauer Digital Radio Ltd have gone live from nine sites across north Lancashire and Cumbria. The new networks collectively carry 28 digital radio services including local FM stations BBC Radio Cumbria, CFM, Heart North Lancashire & Cumbria and Smooth Radio Lake District broadcasting in DAB or DAB+ for the first time alongside a host of new and additional services.

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Polish regulator sets out road to national DAB+ multiplex
01.12.2021 - Poland Poland
The Chairman of Poland's National Broadcasting Council (Krrit), Witold Kołodziejski, has this week presented information on the radio digitisation process. He announced that Krrit is preparing a competition for a national DAB+ multiplex and confirmed that he will publish an announcement by the end of this year on the matter. Next spring Polish Radio will increase its coverage from 67% to 80% of the population.

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Over 8 million DAB+ receivers in Italian homes and cars
30.11.2021 - Italy Italy
According to new research published by GfK Italia, commissioned by DAB Italia, there are now over 8 million owners of a DAB+ digital radio receiver in Italy - domestic and in-car - and that number is anticipated to exceed 9 million within the next 12 months. 82% of those who own a digital receiver usually listen to DAB+ programmes, and among those, as many as 40% are predominantly or exclusively DAB+. 52% listen to DAB+ radio every day, several times a day, mostly in the morning between 5am and 1pm. Only 18% continue to prefer listening to analogue FM, mainly because their favourite local radio station is not yet broadcast digitally.

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DAB+ used to transmit emergency messages
The possibility of transmitting an emergency message in the event of sudden events or disasters via a network of transmitters operating on DAB+ platform is nothing new and has been successfully tested several times. EWF - Emergency Warning Functionality - does not need to be connected to the internet and is activated in a matter of seconds. The technology uses the DAB+ digital terrestrial broadcasting standard for its transmission. (Image: Profimedia)

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WorldDAB past-President Quentin Howard awarded Radio Academy Fellowship
29.11.2021 - WorldDAB News - United Kingdom United Kingdom
The UK's Radio Academy has awarded a Fellowship to radio engineer Quentin Howard. The Fellowship is the highest accolade The Academy gives to distinguished colleagues with a lifetime of service to radio and audio.As Chief Executive of the original national DAB multiplex, Digital One, he masterminded the technical aspects of the winning bid, and went on to work with leading chip set manufacturers to drive down the cost of DAB radios and make them accessible to all.

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New DAB+ station launch in Bavaria will reach 12m
27.11.2021 - Germany Germany
Radio Arabella Bayern will be broadcast throughout Bavaria via DAB+ from December 15. The technical range will be over 12 million inhabitants.

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Update on local DAB+ in Flanders
26.11.2021 - Belgium Belgium
The first DAB+ pilot projects for local radio stations in Flanders are taking shape. Applications for each province were due by December 1, although the Flemish Regulator for Media has announced that it will not be difficult if the deadline is exceeded by a few days. In West and East Flanders respectively 15 and 16 local radios participate, while in Limburg they currently have eleven participating stations. In Antwerp the light will go green with 13 stations. Details for Flemish Brabant will be published soon.

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Czech radio broadcaster investigates possibilities DAB+ offers
23.11.2021 - Czechia Czechia
Prague radio network COLOR DAB+ has been expanded by another station - East Bohemian Radio Orlicko. The station operator wants to test what possibilities the DAB+ technology brings and what it couldpossibly offer to the listeners in the future. "We bring our listeners what they don't have anywhere else. We map and bring information mainly from the field of culture." said station founder Věroslav Musil.

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