Netherlands - Current situation - History


The Netherlands is already well on its way to being a successful market, with the help of strong regulatory support and incentives for digital radio. 

National Public radio NPO will extend their existing DAB mux from 80% to 100% in the coming years. NPO are also committed to migrating to DAB+ and have formally applied for a tender for a maximum of 20 DAB+ radio stations and up to three DMB-video channels with 95% coverage by 2017.

National commercial stations have now obtained a multiplex license for a minimum of 16 DAB stations. 

Regional stations (both public and commercial) had until 10 June 2011 to inform the minister if they would use a commercial regional mux, or piggy back on an already issued mux (operated by MTVNL). 

Local radio is assigned L-band frequencies. 

Licences have also been issued in Band III to MTVNL, and in L-band to CallMax which plans testing in the Eindhoven area. TV Mobile Netherlands BV owns the license for nationwide mobile TVradio and data to broadcast. Currently, TV Mobile Netherlands BV has an extensive test network operating in the Haaglanden, Hilversum and the Eindhoven region. A full nationwide commercial launch will begin in 2011/2012.

There is no FM switch off date, but FM licences will be extended for 6 years until the end of 2017. Formal policy is that ultimately 1-2 year before the end of the FM licences, there will be a full review regarding FM switch off.


The Netherlands is already well on its way to being a successful market, with the help of strong regulatory support and incentives for digital radio. 

National Public radio NPO will extend their existing DAB mux from 80% to 100% in the coming years. NPO are also committed to migrating to DAB+ and have formally applied for a tender for a maximum of 20 DAB+ radio stations and up to three DMB-video channels with 95% coverage by 2017.

National commercial stations have now obtained a multiplex license for a minimum of 16 DAB stations. 

Regional stations (both public and commercial) had until 10 June 2011 to inform the minister if they would use a commercial regional mux, or piggy back on an already issued mux (operated by MTVNL). 

Local radio is assigned L-band frequencies. 

Licences have also been issued in Band III to MTVNL, and in L-band to CallMax which plans testing in the Eindhoven area. TV Mobile Netherlands BV owns the license for nationwide mobile TV,radio and data to broadcast. Currently, TV Mobile Netherlands BV has an extensive test network operating in the Haaglanden, Hilversum and the Eindhoven region. A full nationwide commercial launch  will begin in 2011/2012.

There is no FM switch off date, but FM licences will be extended for 6 years until the end of 2017. Formal policy is that ultimately 1-2 year before the end of the FM licences, there will be a full review regarding FM switch off.


National commercial stations have now obtained a multiplex license for a minimum of 16 DAB stations which can be used as of 1 September 2011.

Regional stations (both public and commercial) had until 10 June 2011 to inform the minister if they would use a commercial regional mux, or piggy back on an already issued mux (operated by MTVNL). Services are not to commence before 1 September 2011.

National Public radio will extend their existing DAB mux from 80% to 100% in the coming years and switch from DAB to DAB+.

Local radio is assigned L-band frequencies. 

By the end of 2011 DAB+ will be starting to roll-out in The Netherlands, resulting in over 50 stations to be eventually received in any location.

The National Public Broadcaster, NPO, broadcasts audio nine stations and three data channels on a national multiplex operated by NOS.  The services are all simulcasts of existing PO stations, including pop, classical, oldies, current affairs and news.  Coverage of this multiplex is about 70% of the population.

Licences have also been issued in Band III to MTVNL, and in L-band to CallMax which plans testing in the Eindhoven area. TV Mobile Netherlands BV owns the license for nationwide mobile TV,radio and data to broadcast. Currently, TV Mobile Netherlands BV has an extensive test network operating in the Haaglanden, Hilversum and the Eindhoven region. A full nationwide commercial launch  will begin in 2011/2012.


There is no FM switch off date, but FM licences will be extended for 6 years until the end of 2017. Formal policy is that ultimately 1-2 year before the end of the FM licences, there will be a full review regarding FM switch off.