Italy - Receiver Market - History


The standard adopted for digital radio receivers in Italy, developed by the Associazione per la Radiofonia Digitale in Italia (ARD) includes WorldDMB Profile 1, FM with RDS, Band
III and L-Band.
The receiver certification website was launched in 2010 and has been developed
in collaboration with broadcasters, network operators and receiver manufacturers. It provides guidance so that receivers certified in Italy work everywhere in Europe.
Pure receivers, carrying ARD white label, are currently available on consumer websites and at the main consumer electronics chain stores such as Fnac, Mondadori and Unieuro. DAB car adaptors are available through the Magneti Marelli CheckStar network.


Pure receivers, carrying ARD white label, are currently available on consumer websites and at the main consumer electronics chain stores such as Fnac, Mondadori and Unieuro .DAB car adaptors are available through the Magneti Marelli CheckStar network.


Pure receivers, carrying ARD white label, are currently available on business to consumer websites and at main chain stores such as Fnac, Mondadori, Unieuro.