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Disrupt Radio announces DAB+ launch date
19.06.2023 - Australia Australia
Australia’s newest radio station, Disrupt Radio, has announced it will officially launch onto the airwaves on Monday, June 26, 2023, delivering daily talk programming and content via DAB+ digital radio and online. Focusing on catering to all ages and stages, the station aims to provide a new angle on modern radio with candid conversations that cover business, entrepreneurship and innovation for the “dreamers and doers.” Musician, activist and entrepreneur Sir Bob Geldof will assist in the Melbourne-based station’s launch, hosting Breakfast alongside Libbi Gorr for Disrupt’s inaugural week on the airwaves.

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Smoothing the way across Australia
19.06.2023 - Australia Australia
Radioinfo caught up with Smooth FM Head of Programming, Peter Clay: "The Smooth FM brand expanded across Australia with new Smooth DAB+ stations in Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth from September 2022. The results of SmoothFM DAB stations are proof that our decision to invest in live Breakfast shows for those stations is providing a local connection and content for listeners. SmoothFM is the most listened to DAB+ station in Adelaide and Perth, an outstanding result such a short time after launch, while Smooth Brisbane is one of the top performing stations in that market."

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We want to award frequencies for commercial DAB+ multiplexes this year, confirms CTU
17.06.2023 - Czechia Czechia
The Czech Telecommunications Office plans to continue to grant frequency allocations this year so that telecommunications operators can start operating proper commercial DAB+ multiplexes. "There will be eight layers of frequencies - two commercial nationwide and 27 regional networks," said Jiří Duchač, director of the Czech Telecommunications Office's Frequency Spectrum Management Department. Duchač also reiterated that the CTU's goal is to launch the tender as soon as possible so that DAB still has a chance to succeed with listeners. "It will be an opportunity for both old and new operators. The conditions cannot favour any of the participants," he pointed out.

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Speech by Roch-Olivier Maistre, Chair of Arcom, opening of Assises de la radio 2023
16.06.2023 - France France
"For its part, the regulator is committed to working alongside radio operators to help them make the most of these changes and the opportunities offered by their new digital environment. In this respect, the roll-out of digital radio, DAB+, is opening up new prospects, both in terms of listening comfort and experience for the listener and in terms of the dynamism of the landscape, by allowing the arrival of new players and original formats, and therefore new listeners, since radio is a supply medium. In addition to these well-known advantages, there are at least two others that are just as important: a favourable environmental impact, as this technology is more energy-efficient than the FM band or the Internet, and the absence of any risk of disintermediation for the players."

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Radios Ado and Oui Fm go DAB+ in Besançon
16.06.2023 - France France
Digital terrestrial radio (DAB+) continues to roll out across France. After Montpellier and Reims, listeners in Besançon will be able to tune in to digital terrestrial radio and discover Ado, "the legendary hip-hop and R&B radio station", as well as Oüi FM, "the only French rock radio station".

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The "Ensemble pour le DAB+" association launches a communication campaign
16.06.2023 - France France
The "Ensemble pour le DAB+" (Together for DAB+) association announced the forthcoming launch of its first communication campaign aimed at the general public. The launch marks the official launch of the association, which was set up to promote the development of DAB+ at both national and local level. The association's actions are in line with the guidelines set by Arcom in 2018 for the rollout of DAB+ in France, presenting DAB+ as complementary to FM, based in particular on the "arcs and nodes" strategy, and the launch of a national offering alongside a local and regional offering. The association has chosen the Bronx communications agency to design its first communications campaign, which will be launched in September.

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Radio remains dashboard king
16.06.2023 - WorldDAB News
Attendees at this week’s WorldDAB Automotive gathering in Paris got a firsthand look at a study conducted by market researcher Edison Research for WorldDAB. Dashboard Dialogue 2023, which looks into radio listening, confirms that radio is the dominant source for audio in the car and that drivers/passengers rely on it and expect it to be there. A summary said, “Reinforcing the need for broadcast radio to remain prominent in the dashboard, the study found that 91% of recent and prospective car buyers said it was important that their recent or next vehicle has DAB/DAB+ or FM radio.” In addition: “82% of prospective car buyers, and 79% of recent car buyers would have been ‘much less’ or ‘somewhat less’ likely to have purchased their recent vehicle if it did not have a radio. Meanwhile 86% of recent/prospective car buyers ‘would really miss having radio in a vehicle if it were no longer available.’”

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DAB+ has achieved “maturity” in cars, says Hannon
15.06.2023 - WorldDAB News
After years of growth, DAB+ digital radio penetration in European Union (EU) automobiles has reached a stage of “maturity.” That was the message driven home by WorldDAB President Patrick Hannon during his opening presentation at the WorldDAB Automotive 2023 conference. The conference was held in Paris, France, on June 15, with its sessions also being viewable on the web. WorldDAB is the international association promoting the adoption of this digital radio transmission standard around the globe. “DAB+ is now a standard feature in European cars in 2022,” Hannon told conference attendees. “Last year, 96 percent of new cars sold within the European Union came with DAB+ 96 percent. Another way of putting that is that there were 10 million new vehicles on the road with DAB+. And in 2023 this year we’re likely to be closer to 12 million.”

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Digimedia conference 2023
15.06.2023 - Czechia Czechia
Jiří Duchač, Head of the Frequency Spectrum Management Department of the Czech Telecommunications Office, reported on further progress with the upcoming tender for digital terrestrial radio frequencies intended for commercial radios. On 28 June, the Authority plans to hold a workshop to deal with all comments and inform on the next steps. However, the CTU has not yet set a date for the launch of the tender. "We would still like to select the frequency allocation holders this year," Duchač said. Also, Czech Radio continues to increase its DAB+ network. This year it will launch seven new digital transmitters in Svitavy, Krnov, Ústí nad Labem, Valašský Klobouky, Most, Hradec Králové and Domažlice, said Pavel Balíček, head of signal distribution at ČRo.

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TDF launches DAB+ digital radio in the east of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region
15.06.2023 - TDF WorldDAB Member - France France
On Thursday 15 June, TDF is starting to broadcast DAB+ digital radio around Besançon, Montbéliard and Belfort. The Besançon "local" and Besançon "extended" DAB+ multiplexes will each be able to deliver thirteen digital quality radio stations to the population. TDF is commissioning five broadcasting sites: The TDF site at Montfaucon (Doubs) broadcasts the two multiplexes (local and extended) to the Besançon conurbation. The TDF sites at Belfort-Valdoie (Territoire de Belfort), Besançon-Lomont (Doubs), Montbéliard-Grand-Charmont (Doubs) and the Bregille district in Besançon broadcast the extended multiplex, particularly to the Montbéliard and Belfort conurbations. They also provide coverage of the A36 motorway, which passes through these conurbations, for reception in vehicles.

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