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UK GO Digital Trial: Measuring the impact of radio switchover on consumers report now available
13.06.2013 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
The report 'GO Digital Trial: Measuring the impact of radio switchover on consumers is now available. Ipsos MORI was commissioned by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) to conduct a digital radio switchover pilot, to document and explore the conversion experience of households from an analogue to digital-only radio environment.

(DCMS) Read more

UK government research confirms listeners love digital radio
13.06.2013 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
The BBC and leading commercial radio broadcasters today hailed the results of a Government trial into the impact of converting homes to digital radio, which demonstrates that listeners who are in good coverage love digital radio.

(DRUK ) Read more

Detailed, Timely Traffic Info With TPEG
13.06.2013 - Belgium Belgium
At almost every conference about radio’s future, one can find a speaker or two saying that traffic information is one of the reasons why consumers should opt for digital radio in their cars.

(Radio World) Read more

Volvo Jumps on the DAB Bandwagon in UK
13.06.2013 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Swedish brand Volvo will offer digital radio as standard in new models in the U.K. as of the end of June.

(Radio World) Read more

WorldDMB to hold digital radio workshop
12.06.2013 - Singapore Singapore
On June 20, the WorldDMB is holding a workshop on the roll-out of digital radio at the BroadcastAsia conference in Singapore. The half-day workshop will feature sessions on keeping radio relevant, revenue opportunities, choosing the right digital radio‘super session'.

(Radioinfo (subscription)) Read more

New Volvo cars to have DAB as standard
12.06.2013 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
CEO of Digital Radio UK Ford Ennals, speaking today at the Intellect industry “Future of Digital Entertainment” conference, welcomed the announcement from Volvo, which follows Ford, Volkswagen, BMW, Audi, and Mini which also have digital radio as standard

(Radio Today) Read more

Volvo goes digital
12.06.2013 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Iconic Swedish brand Volvo will have digital radio as standard in new models from the end of June, it was announced at an industry digital conference in central London today.

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The Italian Government approves the launch of the Digital Radio
11.06.2013 - Italy Italy
Italian ministers have requested that operators who have started broadcasting on DAB+ should extend them further afield in order that the enhanced benefits that the technology offers can reach more citizens.

(Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico) Read more

South Africa Carves Out Room for DAB
07.06.2013 - South Africa South Africa
In South Africa, the Independent Communications Authority has released a draft of its Terrestrial Broadcasting Frequency Plan 2013. In this document’s Annexure D “DAB Frequency Allotments,” the regulatory authority lays out plans to make room in the broadcast spectrum for digital audio broadcasting (DAB).

(Radio World) Read more

Radio Essex launches on DAB digital radio
07.06.2013 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Adventure Radio, owners of Southend & Chelmsford Radio have launched a new, digital, countywide radio station today – Radio Essex.

(Radio Today) Read more