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Funkanalyse Bayern Hörfunk 2022 study: the future belongs to DAB+
04.07.2022 - Germany Germany
DAB+ is still on the road to success: 44 percent of the population in Bavaria now has access to DAB+. And every third person who turns on the radio on average every day from Monday to Friday also listens to terrestrial digital radio. That's a good three million DAB+ listeners every day, around 150,000 more than in the previous year. After the digitisation boost caused by corona last year, DAB+ confirmed its leading role as a digital channel well ahead of web radio with around 1.9 million listeners in Bavaria every day. dr Thorsten Schmiege, President of the Bavarian State Center for New Media (BLM): "The future belongs to DAB+. Bavaria is the engine and pacesetter of this development - the new figures make this more than clear: DAB+ was able to continue to grow in Bavaria in 2022 - even after the enormous increase in DAB numbers last year, which was also caused by the pandemic. If you don't want to miss the train into the future, you have to set the right course now at the latest. The larger share of sales is still made with VHF. But this will change."

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Six new DAB+ transmitters launch in Slovakia
01.07.2022 - Slovakia Slovakia
The Slovakian telecommunications operator Towercom has launched six DAB+ transmitters in a row, the last of which went live on 1 July. Additional DAB+ transmitters are under construction.

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WorldDAB Automotive 2022: Collaboration remains critical
01.07.2022 - WorldDAB News
Leaders across the broadcast and automotive sectors yesterday called for continued collaboration between the two industries, at WorldDAB Automotive 2022 in London. Speakers emphasised the importance of working together to ensure that radio retains its place at the centre of the connected dashboard, and to continue to offer the best possible audio experience for drivers. WorldDAB’s President, Patrick Hannon, set the tone in his opening speech, noting that DAB+ now comes as standard in 94% of new cars sold in Europe. “Users expect high-quality, free to air radio as a key feature,” he said. “Our job is to deliver the best possible experience today and in the future.”

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DAB+ target group study: Younger, more open-minded and with more purchasing power in digital audio
01.07.2022 - Germany Germany
The radio landscape in Germany is currently changing: from analog VHF and FM radio to digital audio broadcasting with DAB+ technology. With a comprehensive target group study, the Hamburg agency group pilot has now taken a close look at the audio audience and analysed the structural differences between DAB+ and FM listeners. The results show that digital audio users are on average younger and have higher purchasing power and are characterised by a positive basic attitude towards advertising. Regardless of the category or company, advertising in these segments of listeners has a high activation potential, which can be used for product launches.

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More DAB+ in the Munich region
01.07.2022 - Germany Germany
With the new Isen transmitter, the local network for DAB+ in the Munich region is growing at the beginning of July. The site, located in the eastern part of the state capital, is now the third location for channel 11C alongside the Olympic Tower and Ismaning and optimises digital radio reception, especially in the districts of Erding, Freising and Ebersberg. A total of around 2.76 million residents in the Munich region can now be reached by the DAB+ stations of the Munich local network.

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Better reception of WDR radio programs via DAB+ in Wittgensteiner Land
01.07.2022 - Germany Germany
From now, listeners in Wittgensteiner Land can receive the WDR radio stations better via DAB+. A new 1kW transmitter was put into operation at the Biedenkopf transmitter on the Sackpfeife mountain. This means that digital stations can be received more easily, particularly in Bad Berleburg and Bad Laasphe. With the commissioning at the Biedenkopf site, the targeted network in the DAB+ channel 11D is now complete.

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Radio Orient on DAB+ in Poitiers
30.06.2022 - France France
Since June 27, Radio Orient has also been broadcasting its programs in DAB+ in Poitiers. The company thus adds a new important sector to its network which continues to expand at a sustained pace... This new launch brings the number of areas covered by Radio Orient to 34 sectors in DAB+ and 11 on the FM band. The station is one of the largest DAB+ networks currently deployed in France. Other important new areas will be launched in 2022.

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Radio FG arrives on DAB+ in La Rochelle and Tours
30.06.2022 - France France
Radio FG has started broadcasting in the urban areas of La Rochelle and Tours on DAB+, the deployment of which in France is accelerating strongly. Radio FG is already broadcast in DAB+ in around thirty cities. In May 2022, Radio FG arrived on DAB+ in Orléans, Montargis, Blois, Poitiers, Châtellerault and Niort. In the second half of 2022, it will greatly extend its DAB+ broadcasting. Maison FG produces two other DAB+ radio stations in Paris and Île-de-France: FG Chic, focused on future disco and the French Touch, and Maxximum, devoted to musical discovery and new music. In summer 2022, Maison FG will launch a fourth station broadcast on DAB+ in Paris, Marseille and Nice: DanceOne, a dance, EDM and festive program.

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The essential place of the radio in cars
29.06.2022 - WorldDAB News
At WorldDAB Automotive 2022, which took place in London on June 22, broadcast and automotive executives called for continued collaboration between the two industries. More than 350 delegates attended the event which notably addressed the place of the radio in the car... Stakeholders highlighted the importance of working together to ensure that the radio retains its place at the centre of the connected dashboard and to continue to provide drivers with the best possible audio experience.

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World car tech trends offer risks and opportunities to radio
29.06.2022 - WorldDAB News
A perspective from the WorldDAB Automotive 2022 conference: The move towards IP-based in-car entertainment systems pose risks to radio, but also opportunities if the industry is bold enough to seize them. That was the message delivered by Martin Koch, Head of Platform Steering Infotainment at Volkswagen Group’s CARIAD, during his “The car market worldwide – an OEM perspective” presentation at the WorldDAB Automotive 2022 conference. It was held in person in London and online on June 22, 2022.

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