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Digital Radio grows in Northern Europe
20.09.2017 - Norway Norway - United Kingdom United Kingdom - Netherlands Netherlands - Denmark Denmark - Germany Germany - Switzerland Switzerland - Poland Poland - Belgium Belgium - France France
With 50 million receivers now sold, DAB radio is popular in Norway, the UK, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland and is growing in Poland, Belgium and France. In Norway, DAB receivers are now supplied in 98% of new cars, in 88% in the UK, and 66% in Switzerland. During the WorldDAB session at IBC2017, Patrick Hannon, President WorldDAB, reaffirmed the call from EU authorities to halt the sales of analogue-only radio receivers in Europe.

(Rai) Read more

Digital radio has taken over in Eastern Norway
20.09.2017 - Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) WorldDAB Member - Norway Norway
At 11.11 on 20 September 2017 NRK switched off FM signals in Oslo, Akershus, Østfold and Vestfold. For 95.4 percent of the population, NRK's ​​channels are now only available on DAB.

(Digitalradio Norway) Read more

Progress of DAB+ evident at German events
20.09.2017 - Germany Germany
DAB+ was very present at IFA and the Frankfurt Motor Show. During these events, announcements were made as part of the continued deployment of this technology. In Germany, 2.5 million daily listeners listen to the radio in DAB +, while 11 million households are equipped. That's 14% of the daily audience, more than the Internet or radio listening through TV.

(La Lettre Pro) Read more

Norway: Successful transition from FM to DAB+
19.09.2017 - Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) WorldDAB Member - Norway Norway
Radio broadcasters continue to look to Norway with great interest after FM was switched off in favor of DAB+ digital radio. Currently, over 64 per cent of Norwegians listen to radio every day. Exactly one year ago, the figure was 67.1 percent. "The figures can not be interpreted differently the transition from VHF to DAB + is a success," says Ole Jørgen Torvmark, CEO of Digital Radio Norway.

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Norway: Successful transition from FM to DAB+
19.09.2017 - Digitalradio Norge AS - Norway Norway
Currently, over 64 per cent of Norwegians listen to radio every day. Exactly one year ago, the figure was 67.1 percent (source: Kantar TNS). "The figures can not be interpreted differently: the transition from VHF to DAB + is a success," says Ole Jørgen Torvmark , CEO of Digital Radio Norway.

(Radioszene) Read more

Build your own DAB+ radio: the winner is announced!
19.09.2017 - Switzerland Switzerland
From autumn 2016 to spring 2017, around 850 pupils across Switzerland were tasked with building their own DAB+ radios - a project carried out by SRG under the name "DigiMig". Recentl,y the winners of all language regions were announced.

(SRG Deutschschweiz ) Read more

Norway: Successful transition from FM to DAB+
19.09.2017 - Norway Norway
Despite some concerns, the private radios stations could benefit from the switch to DAB+. The radio advertising market is growing by 1.4 percent in the second quarter of 2017 with revenues of 369 million crowns, ie 40 million euros (source: institutet för reklam- och mediestatistik), while the advertising revenues for daytime newspapers (-16.2 percent) and TV (-3.3 percent).

Radio Classique reaps the first fruits of its digital strategy
19.09.2017 - France France
With more than one million listeners per day, and with listening on the rise among people aged 25 to 59 ( a 27% increase in one year), Radio Classique is seeing growth on DAB radio and on mobile.

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IBC2017 puts spotlight on radio
19.09.2017 - Netherlands Netherlands - United States United States
IBC is the ultimate place to show off the new technology. This view was supported by WorldDAB Project Director Bernie O'Neill, “We were excited to include the top executives from Norwegian public and commercial radio, NRK and P4 in the final day session, where they presented the latest radio listening figures from Norway, revealing the true impact on radio listening halfway through this year's national FM switch-off process.”

(All Access Music Group) Read more

Same level of listening in Norway after the FM switch off
19.09.2017 - Norway Norway
In Norway, radio audiences have reached the same levels as before the start of the FM switch off in January 2017. The first Norwegian regions who made the transition to DAB already show strong audience levels.

(RADIODIGI.FR) Read more