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Commercial Radio Australia begins promotion of DAB+ in the LG Stylus
11.05.2016 - Commercial Radio & Audio WorldDAB Member - LG Electronics WorldDAB Member - Australia Australia
Commercial radio hit the airwaves May 10 with an AU$5 million integrated marketing campaign to promote the LG Stylus DAB+, the world’s first smartphone with built-in broadcast digital radio.

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European Governments call for accelerated roll out of DAB in-cars
11.05.2016 - WorldDAB News - Australia Australia
Government Ministries, car manufacturers and the radio industry have gathered in Brussels this week at WorldDAB's 'Drive to Digital - Europe' event to push for further adoption of DAB digital radio in the car.

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Is radio's future DAB+? The debate rages on
11.05.2016 - Australia Australia
Last month, Radioinfo posted an article by Australian expat and media researcher, John Patkin, now based in Hong Kong, who argued that AM/FM and DAB+ would become obsolete as internet or online delivery became ubiquitous. The article brought swift response from industry heavyweights such as CRA’s CEO Joan Warner, the ABC’s Director of Radio, Michael Mason and international radio futurologist, James Cridland.

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New range of monitoring and analysis products for digital radio
11.05.2016 - Factum Radioscape - United Kingdom United Kingdom
The new OBSERVA Multiplex Supervisor from Factum Radioscape provides continuous validation and supervision of DAB/DAB+ multiplexes. It is designed for broadcasters and network operators, the Multiplex Supervisor provides evidence of output to a distribution network with live monitoring and optional analysis of a complete DAB/DAB+ multiplex.

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Europäische Regierungen fordern beschleunigte Einführung von DAB in Fahrzeugen
11.05.2016 - Germany Germany
Ministerien, Autohersteller und die Radioindustrie versammelten sich heute in Brüssel, um die weitere Verbreitung von DAB-Digitalradios in Fahrzeugen voranzutreiben. Auf der Veranstaltung, die unter dem Motto ‚Drive to Digital - Europe’ stand und in Zusammenhang mit der niederländischen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft ausgerichtet wurde, forderten Regierungsvertreter aus Deutschland, dem Vereinigten Königreich und den Niederlanden gemeinsam mit der französischen Medienregulierungsbehörde und leitenden Repräsentanten der Rundfunk- und Automobilindustrie eine europäische Vision für das Digitalradio DAB.

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European Governments call for accelerated roll out of DAB in-cars
11.05.2016 - WorldDAB News - Belgium Belgium
Government Ministries, car manufacturers and the radio industry today gathered in Brussels to push for further adoption of DAB digital radio in the car. At WorldDAB’s ‘Drive to Digital - Europe’ event, produced in association with the Netherlands EU Presidency, government officials from Germany, the UK and the Netherlands were joined by the French media regulator and senior representatives from the broadcast and automotive industries as they called for a European vision for DAB digital radio.

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This year's smartest mobile purchase
10.05.2016 - LG Electronics WorldDAB Member - Norway Norway
In eight months FM signals in Norway start to shut down. The LG Stylus with DAB+ enables listening on-the-go with a robust signal, low battery usage and no extra data charges.

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Necessary measures to aid development of DAB+
10.05.2016 - Germany Germany
In his remarkable contribution to the BLM President and DLM chairman Siegfried Schneider + summarizes important ideas for the further development of DAB in Germany. Decisive for him are also the fair starting conditions for private broadcasters to concentrate on this new technology in addition to the public service broadcasting. As was the joint successful market penetration of DAB + reach. At the European level are necessary in his view, further steps. Remarkably he submitted the proposal to require the automotive industry that each offered new car radio is equipped with both FM and DAB + receiver.

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Suzuki Baleno 1.0 Boosterjet SZ5 review
10.05.2016 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
The car comes with air-con, sat-nav, Bluetooth and a DAB radio.

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Radio Mexico back on air via DAB+ from July
10.05.2016 - Netherlands Netherlands
Radio Mexico, the former pirate radio station in Den Bosch, returns to the airwaves after five years. The radio station has signed a contract for the next three years to broadcast on DAB+.

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