Estonian DAB+ frequency licence competition won by Levira
- Estonia
AS Levira submitted an application to the public call for digital radio frequency licences announced by the Consumer Protection and Technical Authority (CTA) in January. After obtaining the frequency licence, Levira will have to build three broadcasting networks within one year. From now on, radio programmes will be available over the air not only on FM frequencies but also in digital radio format, which will enrich the Estonian media landscape. With the first network, Levira will have to cover a minimum of 85.59% of the population (the photo shows what the coverage should look like). The second network must cover 73.45% of the population and the third 72.16%. AS Levira has estimated that the commercial digital radio service will be broadcast from September 2025.
(Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Ameti (TTJA)) Read more