
Last update: 22.01.2025 - older versions

In January 2025, the Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Amet (TTJA) [Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority] launched a public call for tenders for frequency licences for digital radio services. The TTJA says: "The objects of the competition are three frequency licences in the 174-225 MHz band for nationwide use. A maximum of three frequency authorisations may be obtained by one applicant. Winners will be selected on the basis of a ranking, with the bids with the highest population coverage winning. The licensee must build up a digital radio broadcasting network and provide broadcasting services to radio stations no later than one year after the licence is granted." Details of the licences are available on the TTJA website.

This process followed a consultation, the results of which were published in March 2024. This stated: "it is clear that there is market interest in digital radio... According to the state, the introduction of digital radio will create an additional opportunity for radio programme owners to get their own programmes on air. Today, there are more potential radio programmes than the FM frequency resource allows, and a choice has to be made between radio programmes. Digital radio, with its additional frequency resource, would help to overcome this problem and diversify the Estonian media landscape." 

The consulation summary sets out a planned timetable for further activities: "As the feedback from the public consultation showed reasonable market interest in the uptake of digital radio, the State plans to move forward with the competition for frequency licences. As a next step, it is planned to develop a ministerial decree for the public frequency tender. The development of the ordinance and its coordination with market participants will take place in the second to third quarter of 2024. The public call for tender will take place and frequency licences will be issued in the fourth quarter of 2024. 

"As there is interest from the market, the trial period for digital radio will be extended. The length of the trial period will depend on how soon after the public tender and the frequency authorisations are issued the digital radio will actually be launched."

The TTJA's website has also published information on the 174-225 MHz band for coordinated radio transmitters.


DAB+ trials from 2022

DAB+ digital radio is currently in a trial phase in Estonia, allowing market players and listeners to try out the new technology.

The Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Amet (TTJA) / Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority in Estonia published a common set of principles for testing digital radio, which will allow market players to test the new technology until the end of 2023. 

Levira, in cooperation with Duo Media Networks and Mediainvest Holdings, has now started testing DAB+. The first DAB+ transmitter was launched in Tallinn TV tower on 28 November 2022 at 15.20, The signal from the Tallinn and Pehka transmitters will be broadcast on DAB+ channel 10A and the Koeru transmitter will be on 7A. 

On 22 December 2022, the Koeru transmitter extended digital radio coverage to Central Estonia. A DAB+ transmitter will start operating in the Haljala municipality of Pehka in early 2023. 

Currently in the ensemble managed by Levira, 14 radio stations can be heard on DAB+, and the ensemble is now full. Duo Media Networks' radio stations Raadio Elmar, Raadio Kuku, Raadio MyHits, Raadio Duo, Narodnoe Radio, DFM and new digital-only stations Duo Gold, Duo Greatest Hits and Elmari Tantsuõhtu, as well as Star FM Eesti, Klassikaraadio, Äripäev Raadio, Tre Raadio and Power Hit Radio are testing digital radio.

In May 2023, a new ensemble was launched for testing by Duo Media Networks in the second biggest Estonian town of Tartu, and the third biggest, Pärnu. The ensemble currently includes seven stations from Duo Media Networks: Raadio Elmar, Raadio Kuku, Raadio MyHits, Raadio Duo, and new digital-only stations Duo Gold, Duo Greatest Hits and Elmari Tantsuõhtu, as well as religious stations Pereraadio and Semeinoje Eli. Additional stations are expected to be added in the near future.

The three Levira ensembles and two Duo Media Networks ensembles together now cover 75% of the Estonian population.

Last update: 07.09.2023 - older versions

Regions: Harju county (including Tallinn), Järva county (Koeru), Lääne-Virumaa county (Pehka), Pärnu county (Pärnu) and Tartu county (Tartu).

Coverage of population:  aprox. 75 %

Coverage of territory:       aprox.  45%

In this country there are

on air.

Simulcast on AM / FM Exclusive on digital Total of services
DAB+ programmes 25 14 39

Last update: 27.11.2023 - older versions

The Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Amet / Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority in Estonia has announced a common set of principles for testing digital radio, which will allow market players to test the new technology until the end of 2023.

The trial period will run until 30 June 2024, and more detailed principles can be found here

Levira, in cooperation with Duo Media Networks and Mediainvest Holdings, has now started testing DAB+. The first DAB+ transmitter was launched in Tallinn TV tower on 28 November at 15.20, The signal from the Tallinn and Pehka transmitters will be broadcast on DAB+ channel 10A and the Koeru transmitter will be on 7A. 

On 22 December 2022, the Koeru transmitter extended digital radio coverage to Central Estonia. A DAB+ transmitter will start operating in the Haljala municipality of Pehka in early 2023. 

Currently, 26 radio stations can be listened to on DAB+, with more to follow soon. Duo Media Networks' radio stations Raadio Elmar, Raadio Kuku, Raadio MyHits, Raadio Duo, Narodnoe Radio, DFM and new digital only stations Duo Gold, Duo Greatest Hits and Elmari Tantsuõhtu, as well as Star FM Eesti, Klassikaraadio, Äripäev Raadio, Tre Raadio and Power Hit Radio are testing digital radio.

In May 2023 a new ensemble was launched for testing by Duo Media Networks in the second biggest Estonian town, Tartu and the third biggest town, Pärnu. The ensemble currently includes 7 stations from Duo Media Networks: Raadio Elmar, Raadio Kuku, Raadio MyHits, Raadio Duo, and new digital only stations Duo Gold, Duo Greatest Hits and Elmari Tantsuõhtu, as well as relegious stations Pereraadio and Semeinoje Eli additional stations will be added in the near future.

The first trial of DAB multiplex was held from 2000-2005.

Levira and Duo Media cooperation agreement brings up to 14 digital radio channels to listeners
16.03.2025 - Estonia Estonia
Levira and Duo Media have signed an agreement under which Levira will set up a DAB+ digital radio distribution network where Duo Media will broadcast its radio channels. Up to 14 digital radio channels will be broadcast on a single network. "We are delighted to start working with Duo Media, which is actively contributing to the development of a new generation of radio services in Estonia to bring a wider choice of radio content in digital quality to listeners. I am confident that with the joint efforts of all market players, digital radio will soon reach many radio listeners," said Indrek Lepp, Member of the Management Board and Director of Media Services at Levira.

(Levira) Read more

Estonian DAB+ frequency licence competition won by Levira
11.03.2025 - Estonia Estonia
AS Levira submitted an application to the public call for digital radio frequency licences announced by the Consumer Protection and Technical Authority (CTA) in January. After obtaining the frequency licence, Levira will have to build three broadcasting networks within one year. From now on, radio programmes will be available over the air not only on FM frequencies but also in digital radio format, which will enrich the Estonian media landscape. With the first network, Levira will have to cover a minimum of 85.59% of the population (the photo shows what the coverage should look like). The second network must cover 73.45% of the population and the third 72.16%. AS Levira has estimated that the commercial digital radio service will be broadcast from September 2025.

(Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Ameti (TTJA)) Read more

Levira wins licence for DAB+ network in Estonia
11.03.2025 - Estonia Estonia
The Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority of Estonia (TTJA) announced that AS Levira has been selected as the winner of the public tender for digital radio frequency licences (DAB+), which was launched in January 2025. After receiving the frequency licence, Levira must build three DAB+ broadcasting networks within a year. In the future, radio programs will be available over the air in digital radio format, in addition to FM frequencies, further enriching Estonian media landscape. With the first network, Levira must cover at least 85.59% of the population (the coverage area of this network is shown in the photo). The second network must cover 73.45%, and the third 72.16% of the population.

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Levira submits application for Estonian DAB+ frequency licence competition
20.02.2025 - Estonia Estonia
The Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Amet (TTJA) [Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority] launched a public call for tenders for frequency authorisations for digital radio services. Only Levira submitted an application to participate in the tender, the Authority said. Participants in the open call for applications had to submit the required documents to the TTJA by 23.59 on 17 February at the latest, and the qualification of the application will be carried out by the TTJA within eight working days. The objects of the competition are three frequency licences in the 174-225 MHz band for nationwide use. Up to three frequency authorisations may be awarded to a single applicant.

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Estonia's TTJA launches call for digital radio frequency licences
16.01.2025 - Estonia Estonia
The Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Amet (TTJA) [Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority] has launched a public call for tenders for frequency licences for digital radio services. "When we developed the principles for testing digital radio in November 2022, it was driven by the growing market interest in testing DAB+ technology. A year later, our aim was to create the technical conditions for digital radio to be developed so that market players could test the new technology, and over the past few years this has been actively pursued, with a number of non-FM radio stations seizing the opportunity. Now we have reached the stage where the next step is to issue frequency licences for the provision of a nationwide digital broadcasting network service," said Erko Kulu, Head of the Frequency Management Department of the TTJA.

(Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Amet (TTJA)) Read more

New Russian-language radio station to launch in Estonia
14.01.2025 - Estonia Estonia
The largest media concern in the Baltic States, Duo Media Networks, and the United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM) have signed an agreement that will make the Russian-language news radio station Radio Liberty available 24 hours a day on the DAB+ digital radio platform in Tallinn, Harju County, Tartumaa and Pärnu County. Funded by the U.S. Congress, the station has been in operation since 1953, providing accurate information to people who have been influenced by communist propaganda for decades. ‘Bringing Radio Liberty to the DAB+ platform in Estonia will help expand the reach of high-quality Russian-language news and promote a culture of open debate,’ said Duo Media Networks CEO Risto Rozimannus.

(Postimees) Read more

Estonia to issue call for DAB+ tenders in early 2025
13.12.2024 - Estonia Estonia
Estonia's TTJA has published an update on testing of DAB+. The regulator says: "Testing of the upgraded DAB+ standard in the 174-225 MHz band started in November 2022. The test period will end in the early months of 2025 due to a public call for tenders. During the tender procedure, permanent frequency authorisations will be issued for the construction of the nationwide network and the provision of network services." The TTJA's website has also published information on the 174-225 MHz band for coordinated radio transmitters.

((Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Amet (TTJA)) Read more

Three new DAB+ radio stations in Estonia
04.11.2024 - Estonia Estonia
As of 1 November, Estonia has three new radio stations on DAB+ from NOSTALGIA MEDIA, a media company known for its successful RADIO NOSTALGIA project, which is loved by listeners for its atmosphere and quality sound. The new stations are a variety of music formats: RADIO TOP is an Estonian-language radio station that offers modern hits and new releases of this year. NOVOYE RADIO is a Russian language radio station that emphasises music from the current year. ALL THE BEST RADIO is a premium radio station broadcasting in Estonian language, oriented towards people who like a variety of hits from the past and modern hits.

(Delfi Meedia) Read more

Estonian regulator extends DAB+ trial, prepares licensing competition
12.12.2023 - Estonia Estonia
Digital radio (DAB+) trials in Estonia started last year, and now the Consumer Protection and Technical Supervision Authority (CTSA) has drawn up new principles on how to proceed with the trials and has started to prepare a competition for frequency licences. The testing period for digital radio in Estonia started last year and was initially due to run until the end of December, but was extended until the last day of June next year. Once the test period is over, frequency authorisations for digital radios will be issued following an open call for tenders. The first official digital radio programmes should therefore be broadcast in Estonia in the second half of next year.

(Eesti Rahvusringhääling (ERR)) Read more

Nearly 20 DAB+ digital radio channels can now be heard in Tallinn and Harju County
30.11.2023 - Estonia Estonia
Levira has launched a second digital radio DAB+ transmitter in Tallinn's Teletower, bringing the number of digital radio stations in Tallinn and Harju County to nearly twenty. Levira is testing DAB+, a digital radio service that is widely used in Europe, in cooperation with radio stations. The new transmitter will be launched on DAB+ channel 10D and will have a slightly different coverage area from the first transmitter on channel 10A, being more oriented towards Tallinn city centre and transmitting in horizontal polarisation. The new transmitter will be launched in cooperation with Duo Media Networks, and from the moment of its launch you will be able to listen to five new radio stations, which have not been available in Tallinn and Harju County so far.

(Levira) Read more

Select Country:

Key Information

Status: trial and/or regulation
Population: 1.3 million
Population coverage: Sparkline Graph 85%
Services: 39 DAB+
Last update: 24.02.2025

Useful Links

Development Plan (2018-2010) Eesti Rahvusringhääling (ERR) / Estonian Public Broadcasting
Estonian Public Broadcaster (Eesti Rahvusringhääling (ERR))
Estonian Broadcasting Union (ERL)
Digilevi - details of the DAB+ trial
Levira - network operator
Association of Estonian Broadcasters
Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority