Where will DAB+ go in March from Česke Radiokomunikací?

19.02.2025 - Ceske Radiokomunikace a.s. WorldDAB Member - Czechia Czechia

A year and a half earlier than the development criteria required by the Czech Telecommunications Authority, the Czech Radiocommunications (CRA) nationwide network for digital broadcasting of commercial radios will reach coverage of over 80 percent of the population and the motorway network in the Czech Republic next month. While 48 per cent of the Czech population can tune in to the network from 17 transmitters and repeaters since 4 February, when the nationwide multiplex B started, CRA plans to launch 14 more transmitters in March. These will provide a radical increase in coverage, as 11 of these transmitters will transmit at 10 kW, one even at 20 kW.

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