Estonia's TTJA launches call for digital radio frequency licences
20.01.2025 - Top story - Estonia
The Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Amet (TTJA) [Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority] has launched a public call for tenders for frequency licences for digital radio services. "When we developed the principles for testing digital radio in November 2022, it was driven by the growing market interest in testing DAB+ technology. A year later, our aim was to create the technical conditions for digital radio to be developed so that market players could test the new technology, and over the past few years this has been actively pursued, with a number of non-FM radio stations seizing the opportunity. Now we have reached the stage where the next step is to issue frequency licences for the provision of a nationwide digital broadcasting network service," said Erko Kulu, Head of the Frequency Management Department of the TTJA.
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