CRA will declassify the construction of DAB+ networks, publish schedule for multiplex B

25.09.2024 - Ceske Radiokomunikace a.s. WorldDAB Member - Czechia Czechia

Czech Radio wants to accelerate the launch of the transmitters of the nationwide digital radio network B, which will replicate the transmission sites of the public multiplex ČRo DAB+. At the end of October or during November, České Radiokomunikace plans to publish a timetable for the construction of a nationwide network for digital broadcasting of commercial radios, known as Broadcasting Network B. Marcel Procházka, director of the CRA's regulatory and legal department, told Televizní The company is also negotiating with, another successful bidder in the auction of frequencies for DAB+ networks, to prepare its regional network for digital broadcasting of commercial radios and will technically operate it on a turnkey basis, just as it does for Czech Radio.

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