DAB+ Automatic Safety Alert (ASA) system

WorldDAB and Digitalradio Deutschland e.V. have announced the launch of the "Automatic Safety Alert (ASA)" system after two years of intensive collaboration. This pioneering innovation in DAB+ digital radio technology aims to protect the public during emergencies by delivering reliable safety alerts without requiring an internet connection.

Benefits for listeners

Listeners will benefit from a system that alerts them even if mobile or internet connections are disrupted. ASA operates automatically in the background, can be regionally adjusted for the location, and boasts high resilience thanks to the robust DAB+ radio transmission network. The new standard will be published globally shortly, with initial tests scheduled for the IFA Berlin and the nationwide Warntag in Germany in September. By mid-2025, new generations of DAB+ radios will support the ASA standard.

Collaboration of public and private organisations

Public and private radio broadcasters, device manufacturers, and German safety authorities such as the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) have joined forces to create a critical component for crisis communication using DAB+ digital radio. With powerful transmitters covering large distances, DAB+ can send regionalised warnings, ensuring people in affected areas receive timely and accurate alerts.

The catastrophic flood in the Ahr Valley three years ago, which resulted in numerous fatalities, spurred this development in Germany. Given the current global instability and climate change, ASA holds significant international importance as DAB+ is available in around 70 percent of Europe. ASA allows radio broadcasters worldwide to enhance the safety of their listeners.

Enhanced warning clarity

Additional text and image information accompanying spoken alert messages make warnings clearer and more understandable for affected individuals. International standardisation and resource-efficient programming further ensure the system's future viability on a global scale.

ASA functionality
  • Alerts: Spoken alert messages convey all relevant information about the emergency.
  • Wake-up Function: Radios can be activated by DAB+ signals, crucial for future generations of radio alarm clocks.
  • Switch Function: Receivers analyse references to alerts on other radio stations, increasing the flexibility and reach of warnings.
  • Location Codes: The DAB+ signal indicates warning areas accurately, ensuring only those in affected regions are notified.
  • Synchronisation: Wake-up cycles are very short, reducing power consumption and conserving battery power for portable receivers. Synchronisation with the radio signal ensures that all devices activate simultaneously and receive alerts concurrently.