United Kingdom

Last update: 06.02.2025 - older versions

RAJAR audience research data published in January 2025, and covering the period ending December 2024, shows the continued growth of DAB listening in the United Kingdom, reaching 62.3% of the UK population, up one percentage point year-on-year. DAB's share of in-car listening stands at 55.4%.

All digital share of all listening is 72.2%; DAB dominates digital listening with a 42.7% share, alongside smart speakers at 16.1% and website/apps at 10.9%.

RAJAR produces an infographic showing key UK audience data

Small-scale DAB

The small-scale DAB programme in the UK will enable the launch of around 150 or more multiplexes, covering all four UK nations. By October 2024, 64 multiplexes had launched, broadcasting a range of radio services, from grass-roots community services to specialist music stations, and services aimed at minority groups and other under-served audiences.

UK regulator Ofcom says "Small-scale DAB is an established technology which provides a low-cost way for local commercial, community and specialist music services to take to the digital airwaves."

Several licensing rounds have now been completed, and in May 2024, applications opened for the sixth round of small-scale DAB radio multiplex licences for 31 areas across England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland. The regulator received 33 applications in this round. 

Read more about small-scale DAB licensing in the UK on the media regulator Ofcom's website. In October 2024, Ofcom published a progress update on its small-scale DAB roll-out across the UK.

Last update: 26.04.2021 - older versions

Current UK population coverage is: 

  • 98% for national BBC stations
  • 91.5% for national commercial stations. National commercial stations launched across Northern Ireland for the first time in summer 2013
  • 91% local DAB coverage

DAB coverage expansion

  • A major two-year programme of DAB coverage build out has completed and included doubling the number of local DAB transmitters (around 200 new transmitters) to get local DAB to FM equivalence, over 162 new transmitters for the BBC national network to expand it from 95% population coverage to 97%, and more transmitters for the national commercial network, Digital One.
  • The launch of 435 new national and local DAB transmitters bring 10 million more adults into coverage for local DAB stations and 1.5 million more adults into coverage for BBC national DAB stations.
  • This build-out programme focused on the UK’s major road network and the local DAB expansion alone brings 7,000 kilometres of the UK road network into coverage for local DAB stations and 2,300 kilometres of roads for the BBC national DAB stations.
  • As the new digital transmitters became operational Digital Radio UK updated the consumer facing postcode checker on the Digital Radio UK website

Second National DAB Multiplex - Digital Two

UK media regulator Ofcom accepted the Sound Digital consortium's bid to run the new Digital Two national commercial DAB network. The consortium is made up of Bauer Media Group, UTV Media and Arqiva (who own and run Digital One). The second national DAB digital radio multiplex sits alongside the existing Digital One network, and all the local digital radio platforms that currently operate. Digital Two features an additional 15-18 new DAB stations with potentially up to 30% of the network using DAB+. The new digital-only stations launched in early 2016. The launch of the new digital radio stations and the Digital Two network will significantly increase demand for DAB digital radios.

Last update: 10.03.2021 - older versions

In this country there are

on air.

Please note:

(a)    These web pages are updated regularly to reflect current services on air, however they may not be exactly up to date.

(b)    The logos shown on these pages are for illustrative purposes only – manufacturers and broadcasters are directed here for information on implementing station logos.

Total number of DAB/DAB+ services on air
1.            DAB simulcast 335
2.            DAB exclusive 160
3.            DAB+ simulcast 9
4.            DAB+ exclusive 47

Additionally, approx. 122 local DAB and DAB+ stations are operating as part of Ofcom’s small-scale DAB mini-muxes trial in 10 cities.




Simulcast on AM / FM Exclusive on digital Total of services
DAB programmes 335 160 495
DAB+ programmes 9 47 56

Last update: 28.10.2021 - older versions

EECC implementation

Following the launch of a consultation on behalf of the Department for Transport, in August 2020 the necessary legal regulations were approved by Parliament to support the mandating of the fitment of digital radio in passenger vehicles in the UK.

The Road Vehicles (Approval) Regulations 2020 were laid before  Parliament on 7th August 2020 and the Order comes into force on 1st September 2020.

This implements the provisions in Article 113 of EU Directive 2018/1972 (the European Electronic Communications Code (“EECC”)) covering the compulsory fitment of digital radio in passenger vehicles, meaning cars and buses (see regulation 22). The requirement comes into effect from 21 December 2020. 

More information is available here

Service Following

Arqiva, Global Radio, Bauer and Digital Radio UK have pioneered the launch of service following in the UK. Service following is part of the Digital Radio Tick Mark minimum specifications and is present for Global Radio on all ensembles carrying Global's services – Capital, Heart, XFM, Gold and Classic FM, and for Bauer on all ensembles carrying Hits Radio. This offers drivers an uninterrupted listening experience as they move out of one ensemble carrying these services and into another. DRUK and broadcasters have specified a test route for anyone wishing to test service following on receivers and for  more information on this or the Tick Mark, contact Yvette Dore, Communications Director, Digital Radio UK at yvette.dore@digitalradiouk.com

AA Member Research: digital radio satisfaction high in car

  • The AA fielded a piece of online research into digital radio in cars and received a creditable 29,000 responses.
  • The survey found that 91% of drivers listen to broadcast radio in their car, 22% of all drivers have digital radio in their car and 86% of drivers were highly satisfied with their digital radio.
  • Most drivers without digital radio were not considering buying an adapter but were either waiting to buy a new car or for the switch-off of the FM services.
  • There is clear price resistance to buying car adapters. 53% of drivers without digital radio would consider buying a car adapter, but only if the price was under £100. 4% would pay over £100 and 43% would not buy an adapter.
  • 51% of drivers were aware of radio switchover. Internal research conducted by broadcasters indicates that most people think radio switchover will happen in the next 5-10 years.
  • The research confirms the high level of consumer satisfaction with digital radio in cars and highlights the importance of having more affordable adapters available.

Last update: 28.10.2021 - older versions

Digital radios are available through a large number of high street and online retails at varying price points of GBP20 upwards. A variety of digital radios can be viewed on the Digital Radio UK website.


In June 2014 Digital Radio UK launched the Government/Industry Digital Radio Tick Mark. The ”Tick Mark” managed by Digital Radio UK on behalf of industry, provides consumers with certainty and reassurance that the products and services that they are buying are future-ready and will enable them to receive the available DAB, DAB+ and FM radio stations. From a supply chain perspective, the Tick Mark ensures a specified quality and functionality threshold and will likely drive sales in the UK. 

The Tick Mark is relevant for both the domestic (home) and in-vehicle markets. In order to be granted use of the Tick Mark, manufacturers and installers must meet specific criteria. In terms of the in-vehicle market, for example, service following and traffic announcements are included as part of the minimum specification. For all information on the Tick Markplease see here:www.getdigitalradio.com/industry.

The full list of Tick Mark approved products and services can be found at http://www.getdigitalradio.com/industry/approved-products-services/approved-dab-receiver/ 



Last update: 31.07.2018 - older versions

In 2014 the BBC announced that they carried out a technical trial for DAB+ in Scotland.

Small-scale low cost DAB

The UK has several hundred small-scale FM and AM stations.  While the existing DAB infrastructure is suitable for larger stations, the wide area coverage and relatively high costs of the existing country-wide structure are not suited to the needs of small-scale broadcasters.  Following an initial trial carried out in Brighton during 2012/13, Ofcom was granted funding by the UK Department for Culture Media and Sport to test the technical scope for small-scale low cost DAB. 60 stations are now broadcasting on digital radio for the first time using 'small scale DAB'. 

Ofcom is currently running DAB technical trials in ten areas across the UK. The first small scale digital radio took to the air in Brighton in July 2015 with the UK’s first local DAB multiplex. According to Ofcom, if the trials are successful, UK listeners could benefit from hundreds more local and community radio stations on digital radio in the future.

The trials bring radio listeners a range of small and local stations on DAB digital radio for the first time. Funded by the UK government, it is hoped that this new approach could provide an affordable route for smaller stations to broadcast on DAB digital radio.

The first trial launched in Brighton and Hove at the end of July 2015 and the remaining eight launched shortly after. They were originally to broadcast for a nine month period and then Ofcom worked with Government to decide the next steps and the trial were extended for two years.

The areas to benefit from the ten licences are Portsmouth, Brighton and Hove, Aldershot, Bristol, Norfolk, Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow, London and Cambridge, bringing no less than 60 new DAB stations offering a wide variety of services including small local, community and student stations.

Please find below a list of stations available in each of the trial areas:

ANGELxtra, Express FM, JAMM Radio, Mango Vibe, The Flash and Triple Hits 

BFBS Radio, BFBS Gurkha, Radio Woking and The Breeze 

Brighton & Hove 
Radio, bringing Juice 107.2, Radio Reverb, Smile Sussex, Totallyradio, Resonance and Brighton City Student Radio

Hub Radio, BFBS Gurkha, Ujima Radio, BSR 103.4fm, BCfm 93.2, Somer Valley Radio, The Breeze and BFBS Radio 

Future Radio, Norwich 99.9, The Music Machine, Solar Radio, Jazz FM, Totallyradio and Future Plus 

Panjab Radio, Revolution 96.2, Manchester Business Radio, The Steve Penk Wind-Up Channel, Chris Country and Gaydio 

Switch Radio, bringing Switch Radio, Scratch Radio, Gaydio, Oak FM and Touch FM 

Your Radio, Celtic Music Radio, Pulse FM and Go Radio 

Resonance, London Greek Radio, Rinse FM, NuSound Radio, Reprezent, Solar Radio and Crackers Radio

Star Radio, Gaydio, Chris Country, Core Radio and Cambridge 105 

Small scale DAB expansion

  • There are currently over 90 (see image right) small commercial and community stations broadcasting in the 10 trial areas of the Ofcom small-scale DAB trials which have been extended by 2 years.
  • Angel Radio announced a further expansion to the number of stations on the Portsmouth DAB Mini-mux to 18 with more than half of the stations (10) broadcasting in DAB+. There are 15 stations broadcasting in the Manchester trial and Niocast have a waiting list and are planning to launch additional services.
  • DCMS are progressing plans for a new licencing framework to support the extension of the existing trials and expansion to other areas across the UK.
Small-scale DAB licencing consultation 

In January 2018, DCMS published the small-scale DAB consultation document (consultation document here), accompanied by a press release headed ‘Government to help commercial and community radio to go digital.’ (press release here). 

The press release highlights the progress made by digital radio and the opportunity offered by small-scale technology to enable hundreds of local commercial and community stations to broadcast on DAB for the first time.

The consultation ran for 8 weeks from 4 January to 28 February 2018 and covered 12 key questions relating to community stations and digital licences, ownership of small scale radio multiplexes, the size of the multiplex area, the duration of the licences, BBC access to small-scale DAB and Ofcom’s duty to consider local commercial impacts on local multiplexes.

DCMS have said that their aim is to have new licensing arrangements in place by the end of the year. It is likely that during this period they will take measures to extend the existing trial area small-scale multiplexes whose licences expire in the first half of 2018.

In July 2018 Ofcom announced that they would be taking expressions of interest from people wanting to operate small-scale DAB multiplexes and radio stations wanting to broadcast on them in the future.  The closing date for the submission of expressions of interest is 21 September 2018.

Last update: 06.05.2022 - older versions

Digital Radio and Audio review

The Digital Radio and Audio Review was commissioned by the government in February 2020 with the objective of assessing likely future trends in listening and to make recommendations on ways of strengthening UK radio and audio. Its report was published in October 2021, and describes sector commitments and options for future government support.

The UK government's response to the review was published in April 2022, and focuses on the recommendations for specific government action. Digital Radio UK summarises the response 

Digital Radio UK's summary of the response in relation to DAB is available here.


Digital Radio Switchover

In its response, the government agreed with the Digital Radio and Audio Review's main conclusion that there should be no formal switch-off of analogue radio services before 2030 at the earliest, and notes that the ongoing decline of analogue listening makes it appropriate to consider updating elements of the legislative framework to support a smooth transition of services away from analogue in due course. Government also agreed that government and industry should look at this again in 2026.


Small-scale DAB

Ofcom reinforce that the primary focus of the programme is to enable community stations , small commercial stations and new entrants to have an affordable pathway to terrestrial digital radio. That is the priority for the use of available DAB spectrum but Ofcom have said that later in the programme they will consider the requirement and opportunity for additional local DAB  multiplexes where there is evidence of demand and spectrum availability . The criteria Ofcom have set for the small scale multiplexes and their services is the consumer benefits of social gain, and local community accountability and participation. Ofcom have confirmed that to be eligible for the new Community Digital Social Programme ( C-DSP) licenses the services will have to have studios based in the coverage area .They have stipulated a minimum of three C-DSP services on each multiplex to be community radio stations . Ofcom decided to maintain their position that coverage of the small-scale multiplexes should not exceed 40% of the population of the given area.

Last update: 13.07.2020 - older versions

2020 campaign

Digital Radio UK, the organisation charged with overseeing the promotion of digital radio in the UK, launched a major campaign in summer 2020 called 'Radio's Digital Revolution'.  The campaign is aimed at helping retailers and manufacturers communicate to consumers and listeners  about digital radio.  

2018 campaigns

Ads have been playing across commercial stations since the end of May, with trails also playing across BBC national and local stations for two weeks in June. The campaign has highlighted offers on DAB digital radios at UK retailers, promoted the summer’s great sports and music content, and communicated the many ways to listen to digital radio including smartphone and voice-controlled speaker.

Northern Ireland promotion

Digital Radio UK is partnering with broadcasters and retailers in Northern Ireland to run a coordinated promotional campaign for digital radio including converting cars to digital. The campaign will focus on localised communications, including on-air ads, competitions and editorial; as well as retail point-of-sale. The project is based on the recent Surrey Car Conversion Pilot and will focus on digital radio devices for the home and car.

2017 Christmas campaign

Digital Radio UK worked with the BBC to create the campaign which is focused on gifting and recalls the familiar poem ‘T’was the night before Christmas’ to reveal a ‘world of digital radio lay under the tree’. The campaign highlights the many ways to give the gift of digital radio such as connected and voice-controlled speakers, as well as a DAB digital radio, and the commercial activity also includes an in-car gifting message.  This phase of the campaign will play on commercial stations from 4 – 24 December, and across BBC stations from 11 – 24 December 2017. Listen to the campaign here.

In Demand Radio launches second DAB+ station for Liverpool
29.10.2024 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Three years after In Demand Radio launched on DAB across Liverpool and the Northwest, it’s time to launch a second station for the area. In Demand Decades will play songs from across the decades. Steve Laycock, In Demand Radio Managing Director said: “In Demand Radio has proved that local and live radio works, the audience wants radio to serve them in their area. Our stations will always be local, our studios will always be here.” The station will launch on DAB on 4th November.

(Radio Today UK) Read more

South Glos Digital brings digital radio to South Gloucestershire
24.10.2024 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
The small-scale DAB multiplex for South Gloucestershire has launched allowing local radio stations to ‘go digital’. Local not for profit company, South Glos Digital Community Interest Company (SGDCIC), has successfully launched the operation covering a large part of South Gloucestershire along with the crossroads. The company is supported by Thornbury Radio, community donations and grants from Thornbury Town Council and Thornbury Rotary, and has Nick Piggott from Muxnet as technical consultant and technical provider. David Wrench, Director of SGDCIC said, “Our DAB transmissions will benefit listeners across South Gloucestershire by bringing them a wider choice of radio stations including a new way to listen to Thornbury Radio.”

(Radio Today UK) Read more

Rajar Q3 2024: Share of UK digital listening increases amid continued DAB growth
24.10.2024 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Total digital listening share continued to tick up in Q3, according to the latest Rajar figures. Digital listening — inclusive of DAB, DTV, total online and websites, apps and smart speakers — now makes up a 74.3% share of radio listening, compared with just 25.7% for AM/FM. That is a significant difference from a year earlier, when AM/FM still held a 29.7% share. Breaking digital listening down by category, much of the growth has been driven by an increase in listening in DAB, which now holds a 44% share of total listening, up from 42.3% in Q3 2023.

(The Media Leader) Read more

Bauer Media Audio UK celebrates record listening figures for Hits Radio and Absolute Radio networks
24.10.2024 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Radio remains as resilient and relevant as ever, with the latest RAJAR listening results showcasing that a record 51m people are listening to their favourite radio stations each week. Commercial stations remain the most popular choice for audiences, with 40.1 million weekly listeners (+2.1% YoY) and Bauer Media Audio UK attracts 23.5 million weekly listeners across its diverse portfolio of brands, including the Hits Radio Network – now celebrating a record 7.2 million listeners, and the Absolute Radio Network which has a record 5.7 million weekly listeners. 52% of Bauer's listening is on DAB. Bauer is also home to four of the top five digital commercial stations, #1 KISSTORY, #2 Absolute Radio, and #4 Absolute 80s and #5 KISS.

(Bauer Media Audio UK) Read more

Thornbury Radio stretches its coverage with DAB
23.10.2024 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Listeners in the south of Gloucestershire, a county in southwestern England, can now tune in to community station Thornbury Radio on DAB following the launch of a new DAB multiplex. The local not-for-profit organization South Glos Digital Community Interest Company (SGDCIC), backed by Thornbury Radio, community donations and support from Thornbury Town Council and Thornbury Rotary, successfully launched its SSDAB service, covering much of South Gloucestershire. “Our DAB transmissions will provide listeners across South Gloucestershire with more radio choices, including a new way to listen to Thornbury Radio,” said David Wrench, director of SGDCIC. “With our network’s capacity, we’re offering smaller commercial stations, charities and community groups the opportunity to establish their own radio services in the area.”

(RedTech) Read more

Hundreds of new local stations take to the UK digital airwaves
22.10.2024 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Ofcom has today published a progress update on its small-scale DAB roll-out across the UK with 115 licences awarded and 64 new multiplexes so far launched. Small-scale DAB is an innovative technology which provides a low-cost way for local commercial, community and specialist radio stations to broadcast on digital radio. Each Ofcom-licensed small-scale multiplex allows grass-roots community services, specialist music stations, and services aimed at minority groups and other under-served audiences to take to the digital airwaves. Importantly, it provides a pathway to DAB for existing analogue (FM or AM) community radio stations, as well as smaller or more specialist commercial radio services who have found it difficult to obtain and afford slots on the existing local radio multiplexes, which serve much larger areas.

(Ofcom UK) Read more

Key parts of new UK Media Act take effect
22.10.2024 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Large sections of the Media Act 2024 relating to regulation of commercial radio in the UK have now become law, paving the way for operators to make changes to their output. This includes Part 5 of the act, concerning regulation of commercial radio, which came into force on 17 October. In an update on Thursday, Ofcom said: “Commencement of Part 5 allows us to continue our plans for implementation, including:... Consulting on new requirements on DAB multiplex providers to publish information about payments radio stations make for carriage; and ending the need for DAB multiplex providers to ask Ofcom for permission to add or remove digital radio stations.”

(Radio Today UK) Read more

Radio Maria expands into Peterborough, Norwich and King’s Lynn on DAB+
22.10.2024 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Christian station Radio Maria has joined three new DAB+ multiplexes in Peterborough, Norwich and King’s Lynn. In addition to these new regions, the station is available on DAB+ in London, Cambridge, Bristol, South Birmingham, Stockport and Greater Manchester. The expansion coincides with a milestone for Radio Maria – its fifth anniversary in England – and follows a recent Mariathon fundraising event which raised over £40,000. Steve Potter, East Anglian SSDAB multiplex operator added, “I’m excited to welcome Radio Maria to the Peterborough, Norwich and King’s Lynn multiplexes. By utilising the latest in digital radio technology, we make a diverse range of programme services available to these areas, ensuring that more people can easily tune in and connect with inspiring, uplifting and nourishing content.”

(Radio Today UK) Read more

LBC News to vacate 1152 AM frequency in London
21.10.2024 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Global is removing LBC News from 1152 kHz AM in London. Audio running on the frequency says the service will cease on medium wave at the end of October, advising listeners to retune to DAB or online. The promo says: “From later this month the way you listen to LBC News might change. From the end of October LBC News will no longer be available on AM radio across London. To continue listening in this area you might need to retune your radio. You can keep listening on DAB digital radio, on Global Player, or by asking your smart speaker to play LBC News.” LBC News will continue on national DAB via Digital One.

(Radio Today UK) Read more

Lyca Radio Network expands with the launch of new station in Leicester
11.10.2024 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Lyca Radio Network has expanded its reach with the launch of Lyca Radio in Leicester on DAB. The new station is a local variant of its flagship service, which went live on Friday, 11th October, just ahead of the Hindu festival of Dussehra. This new addition marks the fourth station in the Lyca Radio Network, joining Lyca Radio – Greater London, Lyca Gold – Greater London, and the newly rebranded Lyca Radio – Greater Manchester, previously known as Asian Sound Radio. Raj Baddhan, CEO of Lyca Radio Network, told RadioToday: “We’re thrilled to have launched Lyca Radio – Leicester today, following the successful debut of Lyca Radio – Greater Manchester last year. Lyca Radio – Leicester will offer tailor-made content for our Leicestershire listeners, and we have a fantastic experience lined up for our new audience in the Midlands market.

(Radio Today UK) Read more

Select Country:

Key Information

Status: regular
Population: 67.9 million
Population coverage: Sparkline Graph 98%
Services: 495 DAB, 56 DAB+
New cars with DAB/DAB+ as standard: Sparkline Graph 99%
Total Sales (cumulative): 55,593,000 devices
Penetration by household: Sparkline Graph 66%
Last update: 20.12.2024

Useful Links

Local DAB coverage expansions plans
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Digital Radio UK
Digital Tick Mark approved products and services
Ofcom Digital multiplex coverage maps
Stations on DAB in the United Kingdom
UK Digital Radio Action Plan (2014)
Guidance on digital multiplex licensing, and the licensing procedures for digital radio services
Ofcom commercial radio licence application and awards
Ofcom Digital Radio Reports