Poland - Services on Air - History


In this country there are three trial local multiplexes on air. DAB transmitters operate in Warsaw on block 7B and in Kielce on block 5B and in Szczecin on block 12B, together they broadcast seven programmes: four national public radio services: Program One “Jedynka” (general programme), Program Two “Dwojka” (serious music, drama), Programme Three “Trojka” (youth channel), Czworka (education, sciences) and two by the local public radio broadcasters “Radio Dla Ciebie” (“Radio for You”), “Radio Kielce” and “Radio Szczecin”, DLS, SLS, TMC / TPEG services also are being transmitted.


DAB transmitters operate in Warsaw on block 7B and in Kielce on block 5B, together they broadcast six programmes: four national public radio services: Program One “Jedynka” (general programme), Program Two “Dwojka” (serious music, drama), Programme Three “Trojka” (youth channel), Czworka (education, sciences) and two by the local public radio broadcasters “Radio Dla Ciebie” (“Radio for You”) and “Radio Kielce”. DLS and SLS services also are being transmitted.

The second multiplex operated in Warsaw on block 12D broadcasts – four Polish Radio audio channels on DAB+ and one video service on DMB . DLS, SLS, TMC / TPEG services are also being transmitted.


A DAB transmitter is operated in Warsaw in Block 10B. There are 5 programmes on air:

  • 4 public radio's national services: Program One ("Jedynka", general programme), Program Two ("Dwojka", serious music, drama), Programme Three ("Trojka", youth channel), Radio BIS (education, sciences).
  • 1 local service by the local public radio broadcaster "Radio dla Ciebie" ("Radio for you".)

DLS and SLS services are being transmitted currently.