
Last update: 08.02.2022 - older versions

The regulator, MCMC, requested input from broadcasters in 2020/2021, to develop a position statement on digitising radio. No public announcements or information has been released.

Last update: 05.03.2021 - older versions

In this country there is

on air.

Please note:

(a)    These web pages are updated regularly to reflect current services on air, however they may not be exactly up to date.

(b)    The logos shown on these pages are for illustrative purposes only – manufacturers and broadcasters are directed here for information on implementing station logos.

There is currently one trial local multiplex on-air with 12 DAB+ simulcast services (7 from RTM and 5 from commercial stations).

Simulcast on AM / FM Exclusive on digital Total of services
DAB+ programmes 12 0 12

Last update: 03.12.2014 - older versions

Malaysia has been running a DAB+ digital radio trial in Kuala Lumpur since October 2009. The technical trial is organised by Radio Television Malaysia (RTM), Telekom Malaysia and is supported by the regulator the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC). The trial involves one transmitter on the Kuala Lumpur Tower plus five filler transmitters in Kelang, Bukit Lanjan, Bukit Sungei Besi, Kajang and Sepang. The trial is broadcast on Band III, Channel 11B and carries 15 DAB+ simulcast services and 1 exclusive data service (EPG).

Last update: 03.10.2013 - older versions

Key features of digital radio regulation in Malaysia include;

  • Band III has been identified for DAB
  • There is an allocation for a “Digital Multimedia Services (DMS)” in the L-Band (1452 – 1492 MHz)

The first edition of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission’s Spectrum Plan was released on 1 January 2002 which identified Eureka 147 (DAB) as a Digital Sound Broadcasting System (DSB) and has allocated spectrum in its Spectrum Plan.

The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is the regulator for the converging communications and multimedia industry. There are two main broadcast groups under MCMC, Digital Sound Broadcast (DSB) and Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT). Both DSB and DTT have completed their standard submission for DAB and DVB respectively and the standards are now under public scrutiny. DSB proposed DAB and DMB as the DSB standard to MCMC. Due to the current development of DAB+, DSB is proposing DAB+ to the MCMC as an attachment to the previous document.

International broadcasting becoming more relevant
20.05.2008 - Malaysia Malaysia
Globalisation has made international broadcasting more relevant than ever before, a conference in Iran was told ...

(Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (press release), Malaysia) Read more

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Key Information

Status: trial and/or regulation
Population: 32.2 million
Population coverage: Sparkline Graph 10%
Services: 12 DAB+
Last update: 18.02.2020

Useful Links

Radio Television Malaysia