Denmark - Receiver Market - History


There are currently 1 .5 million DAB receivers in the market .

Approximately 300 specialised electrical retail stores currently sell DAB radios . Supermarket and food chains are also significant players with frequent product offerings .

One third of the population has a DAB receiver in the household 


There are currently 1.5 million DAB receivers in the market. 

Approximately 300 specialised electrical retail stores currently sell DAB radios; supermarket and food chains are also significant players with frequent product offerings. 1/3 of the population has a DAB Receiver in the household.


There are currently 1.5 million DAB receivers in the market.

Approximately 300 specialised electrical retail stores currently sell DAB radios; supermarket and food chains are also significant players with frequent product offerings. 1/3 of the population has a DAB Receiver in the household.