Australia - Coverage - History


There are 1.4 million people listening to digital radio inthe five state metropolitan capitals of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide and 1,002,966 digital radioshave been sold (to end Q3 2012).

11.2% of listening to radio is now via a DAB+ digital radiodevice in the five state metropolitan capitals with Time Spent Listening (TSL) to radio via a DAB+ digital radio at 12 hours per week. TSL to digital radios has once again outstripped TSL to radio via the internet which is at 5 hours and 35 minutes. Each of the capital city markets boast up to 22 new, digital only stations on air, plus simulcasts of all mainstream AM and FM stations. All services have text and slideshow data included in the broadcasts, with many stations having track now playing, news and weather information, as well as advertisements in their slideshow broadcasts. At least one ensemble in each city is broadcasting an Electronic Programme Guide (EPG) with other ensembles expected tofollow. DAB+ regional low power trials which commenced in 2010 in Canberra and Darwin continue, this includesa retransmission of the Canberra services inside Parliament House.

Commercial Radio Australia (CRA) and the public broadcasters are working with the Federal Government on a timetable for regional roll out and are hoping to announce the first digital radio services in regional Australia in 2013.

Coverage maps for Sydney, Adeilade, Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth


There are 1.4 million people listening to digital radio inthe five state metropolitan capitals of Sydney, Melbourne,Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide and 1,002,966 digital radioshave been sold (to end Q3 2012).

11.2% of listening to radio is now via a DAB+ digital radiodevice in the five state metropolitan capitals with Time SpentListening (TSL) to radio via a DAB+ digital radio at 12 hoursper week. TSL to digital radios has once again outstripped TSL to radio via the internet which is at 5 hours and 35 minutes. Each of the capital city markets boast up to 22 new, digitalonly stations on air, plus simulcasts of all mainstream AMand FM stations. All services have text and slideshow dataincluded in the broadcasts, with many stations havingtrack now playing, news and weather information, as wellas advertisements in their slideshow broadcasts. At leastone ensemble in each city is broadcasting an ElectronicProgramme Guide (EPG) with other ensembles expected tofollow. DAB+ regional low power trials which commencedin 2010 in Canberra and Darwin continue, this includesa retransmission of the Canberra services inside ParliamentHouse.

Commercial Radio Australia (CRA) and the publicbroadcasters are working with the Federal Government on atimetable for regional roll out and are hoping to announce thefirst digital radio services in regional Australia in 2013.

Coverage maps for Sydney, Adeilade, Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth


Australia’s DAB+ broadcasts currently cover its major state capital cities with all commercial and national public radio stations and their associated multi-channels in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth on air. Coverage is currently at 60% of the population, or around 12 million people. Planning is based on achieving robust indoor and outdoor coverage using VHF Band III spectrum. In July 2012, there was an announcement by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) that the DAB+ digital radio trial licences in Canberra and Darwin had been extended for a further 12 months.

The scientific licences issued have allowed for further coverage measurement, testing of local terrain impairments, receiver analysis, staff training and continued trials in different climatic conditions. The DAB+ trials in Canberra and Darwin are providing imperative information to regional and Asia Pacific broadcasters and assisting the radio industry to develop digital radio channel plans for all regional areas.

Coverage maps for Sydney, Adeilade, Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth