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“DAB+ at the heart of listening” as WorldDAB elects new President
10.11.2023 - WorldDAB News
Jacqueline Bierhorst has been elected as President of WorldDAB, the global industry forum for DAB+ digital radio. Bierhorst was previously the Vice President and has represented Digital Radio Netherlands on the organisation’s Steering Board since 2015. She takes over from Patrick Hannon, who is stepping down after ten years in the role. The handover took place at the annual WorldDAB Summit, held this year in Munich, Germany. Speaking at the Summit, Bierhorst paid tribute to Hannon’s work as President. “His leadership, enthusiasm, and vision helped shape the course of WorldDAB for the past ten years. We have witnessed an exponential growth of DAB+ across the globe and how DAB+ is now included as standard in every new car in Europe and beyond. It has set the bar high!”

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DAB+ is gaining ground in Ghana, Indonesia and Bahrain
10.11.2023 - Ghana Ghana - Indonesia Indonesia - Bahrain Bahrain
DAB+ may be best known for its widespread adoption in Europe, but this digital radio standard is also taking hold in other parts of the world. The progress of DAB+ implementations in Ghana, Indonesia and Bahrain as covered at the WorldDAB Summit 2023 this week. The session “Global growth of DAB+ led by emerging territories” was part of the one-day in-person/online event, hosted at the Design Offices München Atlas in Munich, Germany. DAB+ in Ghana was described by Christiana L. Attrams, assistant manager of the National Communications Authority’s Engineering Division. The NCA is conducting DAB+ trial broadcasts in the cities of Accra (11 FM stations being simulcast) and Kamasi (seven FM stations being simulcast), using VHF Band III.

(Radio World) Read more

Ministry of Information Bahrain participates in WorldDAB Summit
09.11.2023 - Bahrain Bahrain
Assistant Undersecretary for Technical Affairs at the Ministry of Information, Engineer Abdullah Ahmed Al Balushi, participated on 8 November as a keynote speaker in the WorldDAB Summit 2023 held in Munich, where he reviewed the experience of the Kingdom of Bahrain in launching digital radio broadcasting. Participation came via video recording and at the invitation of the international organisation WorldDAB, where the Assistant Undersecretary for Technical Affairs conveyed the initiative of the Ministry of Information in the Kingdom of Bahrain in activating digital radio broadcasting DAB+ and future plans with manufacturers of mobile devices and receivers, noting the necessity of adding text in Arabic.

(Ministry of Information Bahrain) Read more

LPP RRI prepares for terrestrial digital broadcast transformation
09.11.2023 - RRI (Radio Republik Indonesia) WorldDAB Member - Indonesia Indonesia
The Public Broadcasting Corporation of Radio Republik Indonesia (LPP RRI) is preparing terrestrial digital broadcasts in Indonesia. This is RRI's way of adapting to current technological developments. "We want to immediately adopt digital technology in radio broadcasting, following the steps taken by other countries. Including our neighbours, such as Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines and Thailand," said LPP RRI President Director Hendrasmo at the World DAB Summit 2023 forum, which took place in Munich, Germany, on 8 November.

(Lembaga Penyiaran Publik Radio Republik Indonesia) Read more

DAB+, an opportunity for radio's technological development in Albania
09.11.2023 - WorldDAB News - Albania Albania
Albania participated in the WorldDAB 2023 Summit, held in Munich on November 7-8. Our country is considering the possibilities to, after coordination with neighbouring countries, give the opportunity to all interested radio operators to extend their programmes to DAB+ digital technology. "Very fruitful meetings with two important figures of the radio world, such as Jacqueline Bierhorst, who just took the mandate as President of WorldDAB, and Patrick Hannon, who has held the presidency of this forum for 10 years, world leader in audio technology", said the President of AMA, Armela Krasniqi.

(Agjencia Telegrafike Shqiptare) Read more

Karel Zýka, Czech Radio Director of Technology elected Vice President of WorldDAB
09.11.2023 - WorldDAB News - Czech Radio WorldDAB Member - Czechia Czechia
WorldDAB is a global organisation dedicated to the promotion, development and implementation of DAB+ radio technology. On 8 November, the General Assembly elected Karel Zýka, Director of Technology and Administration of Czech Radio, as its Vice President for a two-year term. Zýka has been a member of the WorldDAB Steering Committee for eight years. "I appreciate the trust of this important world organisation and the representatives of the countries that elected me. I see this as a recognition of my long-standing work in the field of DAB+ and as a sign of respect for the results the Czech Radio team has achieved in the implementation of DAB+. I am glad to be able to put my experience to good use in this new, very responsible position," said Zýka.

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WorldDAB Summit discusses Italy's first use of DAB+ for an emergency
09.11.2023 - WorldDAB News - Media DAB S.C.A.R.L. - Italy Italy
Among today's speeches, one concerned the use, for the first time in Italy, of DAB+ for a social emergency. Ettore Vantaggiato, vice-president of the board of directors of the Media DAB consortium, and Fabio Placidi of ITEL (a company that supplies DAB equipment, in the opening photo on the right, alongside Ettore Vantaggiato), a consultant to the consortium, explained how the network operator intervened "in Florence, Tuscany, in June, on the occasion of the disappearance of a young girl."

(NL Newslinet) Read more

Call for expressions of interest in Italian national DAB+ network
09.11.2023 - Italy Italy
The Ministry for Enterprise and Industry has launched the procedure for the submission of the application and the related expression of interest for the assignment of the right to use the frequencies in band VHF-III planned for national networks no. 1 and no. 3 for the DAB digital radio broadcasting service.

(NL NewsLinet) Read more

Javier Sánchez, RTVE: “It's about time”
08.11.2023 - RTVE WorldDAB Member - Spain Spain
Javier Sánchez of RTVE has been elected a member of the Steering Board of WorldDAB, the international body that oversees the development of DAB, to promote DAB+ over the next two years, including Spain. How should we interpret this move by RTVE and your new responsibility? Sánchez laughs. "As a "it's about time". This is something that should have happened more than a decade ago. There are plenty of reasons. But suffice it to point out that RTVE was the only EBU Big Five that was not a member of WorldDAB."

(Gorka Zumeta) Read more

Croatian Radio Klasik now on DAB+
08.11.2023 - Croatia Croatia
The new specialised channel of the Croatian Radio (HRA) HR Klasik, launched at the beginning of this year on HRTi, is now also available on the DAB+ platform. Croatian radio thus joined the world's most famous radio stations that have implemented this service. "Croatian radio and television always strive to provide its users with the highest quality service possible, and the launch of Radio Klasik on DAB was a significant step forward. I am very proud of our teams, who have shown innovation in the technological direction and promotion of digital radio, as well as programming creativity, providing citizens with top musical pleasure 24 hours a day," said Robert Šveb, director general of HRT.

(Hrvatska HRT ) Read more