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Digital radio: 26 new stations hit the airwaves in Alsace
14.12.2023 - France France
Since 14 December 2023, around twenty national radio stations have been added to the DAB+ airwaves in Alsace. This extension to the digital terrestrial radio offering completes an already well-stocked regional and cross-border package. 26 additional radio stations are available in Alsace with the roll-out of so-called 'metropolitan' DAB+. Some of these radio stations have never before been present on the FM band in certain towns in Alsace (such as RMC, RTL2, Chérie FM, etc).

(France Télévisions) Read more

Radio France adds new DAB+ coverage
14.12.2023 - Radio France WorldDAB Member - France France
From 14 December 2023, France Inter, France Info, France Culture, France Musique, FIP and Mouv' will be available on DAB+ digital radio in 29 of the 57 main urban areas with more than 100,000 inhabitants and by 30.8 million people, i.e. 47% of the population of mainland France, including a motorway route of 5,998 km. Our six broadcasts are available in DAB+ in the urban areas of: Annecy, Bayonne, Béthune, Creil, Douais-Lens, Montbéliard, Nice, Grenoble, Orléans and Strasbourg. A new deployment phase will be completed at the end of the first quarter of 2024, enabling our six stations to serve 45.3 million people with DAB+ digital radio, i.e. 69% of the population of mainland France.

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DAB+ in Slovakia improves coverage again
14.12.2023 - Slovakia Slovakia
Digital radio improves coverage again. According to Satelitná, the operator Towercom, which operates the only DAB+ multiplex in Slovakia, today significantly increased the power of the existing Žilina - Krížava transmitter, which distributes the signal on channel 12A (223,936 MHz). The change was supposed to take place in the morning hours, from the current power of 2.5 kW to 7 kW ERP. The power increase of the transmitter Žilina - Krížava is apparently the last change this year. The next new digital radio transmitters are expected to be launched in 2024.

(Satelitná Read more

The chair of Arcom talks about his success
14.12.2023 - France France
Interviewing the Chair of Arcom, Roch-Oliver Maistre, is also an opportunity to take stock of DAB+, the new way of listening to radio, on which Jazz Radio can be found throughout France. "We're making great strides, since by the beginning of 2024 we'll have roughly 60% of the population of mainland France covered by DAB+," said Maistre. "We're in an active development phase, and one of the key issues now is to raise awareness of DAB. There's going to be a publicity campaign to tell French people what DAB is, the quality of the sound, the comfort and the mobility, because the signal follows us. That's the challenge for the coming years."

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ANTENNE THÜRINGEN and LandesWelle Thüringen launch regionalised programmes via DAB+
14.12.2023 - Germany Germany
The further expansion of the state-wide DAB+ multiplex in Thuringia means that the state-wide radio programme providers ANTENNE THÜRINGEN and LandesWelle Thüringen are now also switching their services regionally apart in the digital programme bouquet. To make this possible, the Thuringian State Media Authority (TLM) confirmed that the change in platform allocation by DIVICON MEDIA HOLDING GmbH is in compliance with media law. The reduction in transmission capacities was approved, i.e. a lower number of capacity units (CU) for the programmes "antenne OSTALGIE", "radio TOP 40", "ANTENNE THÜRINGEN", "LandesWelle Thüringen", "Radio Holiday" and "Schlager Radio" with simultaneous reallocation of the CU freed up by this to the regionalised programmes ANTENNE THÜRINGEN Mitte, ANTENNE THÜRINGEN Ost, ANTENNE THÜRINGEN West, LandesWelle Thüringen Mitte, LandesWelle Thüringen Ost and LandesWelle Thüringen West as well as the use of 12 CU for the data channel (SPI channel) of the platform provider.

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SWR improves DAB+ coverage in Reutlingen and the Elz Valley
14.12.2023 - Germany Germany
Südwestrundfunk (SWR) is further expanding its transmitter network for DAB+ digital radio reception in Baden-Württemberg. The Elztal site went live on 13 December 2023, while the Reutlingen site went live on 12 December 2023. The commissioning of the Elztal site improves DAB+ coverage along the B294 motorway in the Waldkirch/Elzach area in frequency block (channel) 8D. The commissioning of the Reutlingen site will improve DAB+ coverage along the Bundesstraße 28, Bundesstraße 464 and Bundesstraße 297 as well as in Reutlingen, Eningen, Pfullingen, Pliezhausen and Metzingen, also in frequency block (channel) 8D.

(Südwestrundfunk (SWR)) Read more

Navarre Government to award first 26 local DAB licences in Q1 2024
13.12.2023 - Spain Spain
In the first quarter of 2024, the Government of Navarre - an autonomous region in the northeast of Spain - will award the first 26 DAB licences in the region, after the Evaluation Committee of the local DAB tender announced the evaluation of the 45 proposals received. There are 26 licences to be distributed in the following localities: Pamplona / Iruña (8 licences), Tudela (4), Estella - Lizarra (3), Altsasu / Alsasua (2), Baztan (2), Larraun (2), Lesaka (2), Tafalla (2) and Sangüesa / Zangoza (1).

(Gobierno de Navarra) Read more

Nationwide rollout of local digital radio in Netherlands
13.12.2023 - Netherlands Netherlands
With the rapidly growing popularity and capabilities of digital radio, from September 2024 local public broadcasters have the chance to expand their reach by using DAB+. The RDI has created a digital layer suitable for local public and commercial broadcasters. For local digital radio, the Netherlands is divided into 57 geographical areas to which frequency space is attached. For each allotment, 18 licences are available. So there are 1026 licences in total. From 12 December 2023 to 6 February 2024, local public broadcasters can apply for local DAB+ licences, valid until 1 September 2030. After 6 February 2024, the ministry will determine how many licences are still available and start the application and allocation procedure for commercial broadcasters.

(Rijksinspectie Digitale Infrastructuur (RDI)) Read more

Estonian regulator extends DAB+ trial, prepares licensing competition
12.12.2023 - Estonia Estonia
Digital radio (DAB+) trials in Estonia started last year, and now the Consumer Protection and Technical Supervision Authority (CTSA) has drawn up new principles on how to proceed with the trials and has started to prepare a competition for frequency licences. The testing period for digital radio in Estonia started last year and was initially due to run until the end of December, but was extended until the last day of June next year. Once the test period is over, frequency authorisations for digital radios will be issued following an open call for tenders. The first official digital radio programmes should therefore be broadcast in Estonia in the second half of next year.

(Eesti Rahvusringhääling (ERR)) Read more

České Radiokomunikace to launch new DAB+ transmitters next year, plans promotional activities
12.12.2023 - Ceske Radiokomunikace a.s. WorldDAB Member - Czechia Czechia
At a meeting with journalists on 12 December, České Radiokomunikace referred to plans for DAB+ digital radio. "We believe that after the end of the DAB+ auction, the broadcasting will develop and listeners will buy new receivers," Marcel Procházka, director of the legal and regulatory department of the operator, told journalists. České Radiokomunikace also wants to dust off the delayed "DAB+ certified" stamp. "We want to launch marketing activities and cooperate with radio manufacturers and dealers. We want to bring the market to a similar level as in the case of the "DVB-T2 verified" mark," Marcel Procházka told Digital Radio.

(Český rozhlas) Read more