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Panasonic Audio Innovations now with DAB+ reception
28.02.2014 - Germany Germany
The Panasonic radio now allows you to receive digital radio broadcasts via antenna, is due to the clear advantages of Digital Audio Broadcasting Castings (DAB +) compared with FM.

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February 2014 issue of Opinion Barometer Digital Broadcasting available
28.02.2014 - Germany Germany
The current issue of Opinion Barometer Digital Broadcasting is available and covers topics such as BBC services being broadcast in Germany and an update on the latest digital radio news.

(Barthel Marquardt ) Read more

FM 65 years in Germany but the future is digital
28.02.2014 - Germany Germany
Although the Gesellschaft für Unterhaltungs (gfu) celebrates the 65th anniversary of FM radio the gfu acknowledges that the future of radio is DAB+.

(gfu) Read more

Symposium shows how to save millions with DAB+
28.02.2014 - Malaysia Malaysia
The 50th ABU Broadcasting Symposium kicks off this weekend with a DAB+ Technology Workshop and Transmission Demonstration in Kuala Lumpur that will show participants how to save millions of dollars in radio operating and power costs.

(Radioinfo) Read more

Radio is digital! event to be hosted by BR
27.02.2014 - Germany Germany
The 'Radio is digital!' event is intended to provide insight into the medium of radio in the digital age. Delegates are welcome to join specialists and executives from radio advertising, marketing , program design and technology to discuss the latest developments in DAB+ digital radio broadcasting.

(BR) Read more

Digital radio workshops kick off ABU’s broadcasting symposium
27.02.2014 - Malaysia Malaysia
A workshop on digital radio will kick off this year’s ABU Digital Broadcasting Symposium in Kuala Lumpur. The ABU-WorldDMB-RTM DAB+ technology workshops and transmission demonstrations on 28 February – 2 March will show participants how to save millions of dollars in radio operating and power costs.

(ABU ) Read more

Latest report out by KEF
27.02.2014 - Germany Germany
The Commission for determining the financial needs of broadcasters (KEF) has released its 19th Report on its funding policy of digital radio,

(KEF) Read more

BDR is now on Twitter
27.02.2014 - Germany Germany
Bayern Digital Radio GmbH is now keeping its followers updated on the latest about digital radio on Twitter. Follow them at @BDRDigitalradio

(BDR) Read more

DAB+ features in TV Comm 2014 programme
26.02.2014 - Germany Germany
DAB+ digital radio will feature in the TV Comm 2014 programme. ARD DAB+ coordinator Michael Reichert will speak on new trends in digital radio while and Olaf Korte (Fraunhofer IIS) will speak in his lecture on transport and mobility services via digital radio.

(TV Comm 2014 ) Read more

ALDI informed ... about DAB +
26.02.2014 - Germany Germany
In the current ALDI catalog for the week 03 - 08:03:14 a digital radio receiver by the company Terris is available for 89.99 euros.

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