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IBC2022 interview: Jacqueline Bierhorst - Opportunities in DAB+
13.09.2022 - WorldDAB News
At IBC2022 in Amsterdam, WorldDAB hosted a key session on the opportunities of DAB+ digital radio. Jacqueline Bierhorst, Project Director - Digital Radio NL - explained how audiences are responding to DAB+, the new features of the technology and the opportunities and threats for DAB+ in the future.

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2nd DAB+ federal mux: Media Broadcast confirms plans for network expansion
13.09.2022 - Media Broadcast GmbH WorldDAB Member - Germany Germany
The network of the second, national DAB+ multiplex is to be expanded. According to information from SatelliFax, the broadcasters have agreed to the network expansion, and there is talk of up to ten additional transmitter locations that may be connected to the network by the end of 2023. Along important motorways such as the A1, A2, A3, A6, A7 and A8, there are currently still gaps in reception in places.

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TechniSat combines DAB+ and FM reception
The development of electronics is constantly moving forward and DAB+ radio manufacturers are not lagging behind. German company TechniSat is one of the first manufacturers to respond and has started adding BestTune functionality to these receivers. The latter places DAB+ and FM stations in one list without the listener being able to tell. The first model is the Digitradio 307 BT receiver.

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RAI shuts down medium-wave radio: 'Polluting repeaters, they consumed a lot of energy'
12.09.2022 - RAI - Radiotelevisione Italiana WorldDAB Member - Italy Italy
From 11 September 2022, the public service leaves AM. Viale Mazzini [RAI headquarters] will close the last 12 installations that broadcast this type of signal (in AM). The kilowatt power used on these antennas was high (100kW in Pisa Coltano and 50kW in Turin Volpiano, for example). And the power plants that fed the antennas were inefficient. Closing the plants and power stations would result in savings of hundreds of thousands of euros every year. Paying the electricity bill was Rai Way, the RAI company that owned the antennas.

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Manx Radio calls for DAB
12.09.2022 - Isle of Man Isle of Man
Isle of Man broadcaster Manx Radio has continued its persistence in calling for a digital service (known as DAB or digital audio broadcasting) in the island, with managing director Chris Sully saying: ‘There is a danger that the Isle of Man community is being left behind as the rest of the British Isles moves to DAB.’ He added: ‘The BBC has switched off nearly all their local radio AM transmitters in favour of FM and DAB. The Channel Islands have their own DAB multiplex offering 26 different audio services via a DAB radio to listeners. ‘Therefore, it is still the intention of Manx Radio to move toward offering a DAB platform as a listening alternative on the island.'

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How radio broadcasters can thrive amid automotive 'revolution'
12.09.2022 - WorldDAB News
Metadata is crucially important for radio broadcasters who want to make their content discoverable for car drivers at a time of a “true revolution” in the automotive industry. Lindsay Cornell, Chairman, WorldDAB Technical Committee, said metadata – the text and images that enhance the audio experience – is a “dry topic” but is “really rather marvellous”. This point was underlined by Gereon Joachim, Vice President Automotive Sales & Strategy, EMEA at Xperi, who noted that the car industry is undergoing an electrification and automation revolution that is impacting on radio broadcasters. “If someone tells you today that the station logo on its own is good enough, that is wrong. If someone tells you that radio is the only entertainment source in the car, that is wrong,” said Joachim.

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New website ‘’ launched
11.09.2022 - Netherlands Netherlands
Today, at the WorldDAB information session at this year's International Broadcast Convention, a new website was launched to aid organisations aiming to go on air with small scale DAB transmissions. The site, called '', was created by DAB enthusiasts from Flanders and the Netherlands, to share practical information based on experience gained in creating local DAB ensembles and extensive tests with hard- and software used for digital transmissions.

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Digital radio DAB+: Every third household has digital reception
09.09.2022 - Germany Germany
DAB+ is winning over more and more listeners. 33.5 percent of Germans - over 2.1 million more people than in the previous year - have access to DAB+ radio reception. They live in one of the now 12.6 million households equipped with at least one digital radio, according to the new study "Audio Trends 2022 Digitalisation Report of the Media Authorities". The number of DAB+ devices at home and in the car is now around 23.8 million, which is around 2.2 million devices more than in the previous year.

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Digital radio reception is spreading
09.09.2022 - Germany Germany
More and more people in Germany have access to digital radio reception. However, the majority still relies on classic FM. "As before, slightly more than half of the people aged 14 and over state analogue FM radio as the most used reception mode, but the trend is clearly declining with minus 13 percentage points in five years", according to the published study "Audio Trends 2022 - Digitalisation Report of the Media Authorities". Among 14- to 19-year-olds and 30- to 39-year-olds, radio use in digital quality already dominates by a narrow margin.

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Digitisation Report Audio 2022: Radio use via DAB+ continues to rise
09.09.2022 - Media Broadcast GmbH WorldDAB Member - Germany Germany
The reception of radio programmes via DAB+ in Germany is becoming increasingly popular. This is confirmed by the results of the Media Authorities' Digitisation Report Audio 2022, which were presented today as part of the online presentation "Audiotrends 2022". According to the report, 30.8% of households in Germany now have at least one DAB+ radio. The proportion of people over the age of 14 with access to a DAB+ receiver grew by 10% to more than 23 million, which corresponds to 33.5% of the population.Growth was particularly strong in the most populous federal state, North Rhine-Westphalia, where usage rose by 35% compared to the previous year.

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