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Nordic Entertainment media group plans to revive DAB+ in Sweden
15.10.2018 - Czech Radio WorldDAB Member - Sweden Sweden
The decision of the local media regulator, which granted the corresponding license to the Nordic Entertainment group (NENT), plans to launch a new 15-channel network in Sweden as early as January 1 2019, with a few other commercial players.

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National radio listening in Norway remains stable
15.10.2018 - Norway Norway
The latest listening figures from Norway’s Radio Listening Authority show that national radio listening is stable. Meanwhile listening figures from the third quarter of 2018 show that the niche channels have consolidated their position vis-a-vis the main channels.

(Medietilsynet) Read more

Boost for local DAB+ in the UK
15.10.2018 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
In the new measures announced at the end of last week, the UK government wants to facilitate the broadcasting of community radio stations and smaller commercial radio stations on small-scale digital radio multiplexes which broadcast today only FM.

(La Lettre Pro) Read more

UK: Terms for new SSDAB radio multiplexes agreed
13.10.2018 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Ofcom will be creating a new category of licence for community radio stations – the C-DSP, (Community – Digital Sound Programme) which will help them go live on a SSDAB multiplex. Companies who win an SSDAB licence in the upcoming rounds will have to make a certain proportion of capacity available to C-DSP licence holders.

(Radio Today UK) Read more

New framework for small-scale DAB announced
13.10.2018 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
The Department for Digital, Culture, Media, Sport (DCMS) has announced that there will be a new category of small-scale DAB multiplex licence for community radio stations - the C-DSP (Community - Digital Sound Programme) licence - this will work on the same non-commercial terms as a community radio station's FM licence.

(a516 Digital) Read more

Small scale DAB licensing consultation outcomes published
13.10.2018 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Overall there was strong support from respondents for the government’s proposals for allowing Ofcom to reserve capacity on small scale multiplexes to guarantee access for community radio stations, creating a new C-DSP category of digital sound programme licence for community stations broadcasting on digital, and allowing both commercial and not for profit entities to hold a small scale multiplex licence. The government now intends to move forward with specific proposals as set out in the response document and develop the detailed secondary legislation.

(UK Department of Culture, Media and Sport) Read more

Government removes barriers to radio stations going digital
13.10.2018 - Digital Radio UK - United Kingdom United Kingdom
In new measures announced today, the Government will make it easier for smaller community and commercial radio stations to broadcast on small scale digital radio multiplexes. With more than 50% of all radio listening in the UK now on digital, the new lighter touch licensing regime means these small stations won’t be left behind by the growing shift from FM and AM to digital radio and will give more choice to millions of radio listeners across the UK.

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UK Government removes barriers to radio stations going digital
13.10.2018 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
In new measures announced today, the Government will make it easier for smaller community and commercial radio stations to broadcast on small scale digital radio multiplexes. With more than 50% of all radio listening in the UK now on digital, the new lighter touch licensing regime means these small stations won’t be left behind by the growing shift from FM and AM to digital radio and will give more choice to millions of radio listeners across the UK.

(UK Department of Culture, Media and Sport) Read more

Voice of Vietnam Radio organises DAB+ workshop
12.10.2018 - Vietnam Vietnam
Government representatives joined the broadcasting sector of Vietnam to learn more about DAB+ international progress, the latest technical developments, and how DAB+ can be further developed in Vietnam. Hosted by public broadcaster the Voice of Vietnam (VoV) in Hanoi this week, more than 30 high-level delegates were in attendance, including VoV President Nguyễn Thế Kỷ.

(Baomoi) Read more

New DAB+ receiver launched in South Tyrol
12.10.2018 - Italy Italy
In the southern Tyrolean village of Pfelders (Plan) in northern Italy, a new DAB+ digital radio transceiver has been launched, broadcasting more German-speaking programmes across the region.

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