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"Digital radio boom next year" in Czech Republic
22.09.2022 - Czech Radio WorldDAB Member
In the next year, the Czech Republic can expect a massive development of DAB+ digital broadcasting. At the Innovation Day conference on Thursday 22 September, representatives of Czech Radiocommunications and Czech Radio agreed on this. It is in this period that the Czech Telecommunications Authority is to give operators the opportunity to build networks for private radio stations. Miloš Mastník, CEO of Czech Radio, personally and as a member of the management of the key telecommunications operator supports the development of DAB+. "We expect a boom in digital radio next year. There will be more multiplexes available to offer to other interested parties."

(Český rozhlas) Read more

Hesse: Special interest programme for migrants from former Yugoslavia to be launched on DAB+
22.09.2022 - Germany Germany
R&B Group AG will receive approval and allocation of DAB+ transmission capacity for its 24-hour radio full service Radio Vidovdan for five years, the assembly of the Media Authority Hesse decided at its meeting yesterday. The new station plays mainly Slavic folk music, traditional hits and Balkan pop from the former Yugoslav member states and Romania. In addition to the music programming, Radio Vidovdan offers regional, national and international news from the perspective of these states every hour on the hour.

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Almost a quarter of Dutch households have DAB+ radio
22.09.2022 - Netherlands Netherlands
24 per cent of Dutch households now own a radio equipped with DAB+. This is according to figures from CBS, Central Bureau of Statistics. Last year, 22 per cent of Dutch households still owned a radio equipped with digital broadcast reception, by 2022 this percentage will have grown to 24 per cent. This involves a radio equipped with DAB+ in the home and/or car. All new cars, by the way, have been delivered with digital radio reception as standard since last year.

(Mediamagazine / CBS) Read more

DAB+ stations will again receive financial support
22.09.2022 - OFCOM Switzerland WorldDAB Member - Switzerland Switzerland
On 7 September 2022 the Federal Council decided to provide financial support for all radio programme services broadcast via DAB+ until the FM switch-off at the end of 2024. Thus in 2023 and 2024, in addition to the licensed broadcasteOrs with a levy share, the licensed broadcasters without a levy share as well as the notified broadcasters will again receive subsidies for the broadcasting of their programme services via DAB+.

(OFCOM Switzerland) Read more

RADIO-J is now broadcast on DAB+ in Nice, Cannes and Monaco
22.09.2022 - France France
After Paris and the Ile-de-France, RADIO-J is now also broadcasting its programmes in DAB+ throughout the French Riviera: Nice, Cannes, Antibes, Juan-les-Pins, Grasse, Fréjus, Saint-Tropez, Menton and Monaco. According to Médiamétrie, 380,000 listeners tune in to Radio-J (+21% in one year, overall audience), including 138,000 every week (+6% in one year).

(La Lettre Pro de la Radio) Read more

DAB+: Deployment in Europe continues
While regional deployments are continuing in France and Switzerland is preparing to definitively abandon FM in favour of digital radio, even though digital radio now accounts for more than half of all car radio listening there, several countries in Europe are taking multiple initiatives... In Germany, a study shows that the DAB+ audience is younger on average than the radio audience. This is good news for the rejuvenation of the radio audience. In Sweden, the country has just transposed the European directive on DAB+ (obligation to integrate DAB+ into car receivers).

(La Lettre Pro de la Radio) Read more

DAB+ platform operation assigned in Lower Saxony
21.09.2022 - Germany Germany
The decision on the establishment of a state-wide, regionalised broadcasting of radio and telemedia via DAB+ in Lower Saxony has been made. The assembly of the Lower Saxony State Media Authority (NLM) decided in its meeting yesterday to allocate the DAB+ transmission capacities put out to tender to Media Broadcast GmbH as platform operator. As in North Rhine-Westphalia and Schleswig-Holstein, the allocation was preceded by a constructive agreement procedure moderated by the NLM between the three applicants. As a result, the almost eight million inhabitants of the second largest federal state can look forward to up to 16 new and well-known programmes of different formats per region from around summer 2023.

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Radio Vidovdan: New DAB+ programme in Hessen
20.09.2022 - Germany Germany
R&B Group AG will receive approval and allocation of DAB+ transmission capacity for its 24-hour full radio programme service Radio Vidovdan for five years, the assembly of the Media Authority Hesse decided at its meeting yesterday. "Up to now, there has been no programme explicitly aimed at the Slavic audience in Germany. Radio Vidovdan can thus be described as an addition to the diversity of the Hessian radio landscape," Jörg Steinbach, Chairman of the Assembly of the Media Authority Hessen, affirmed the decision. With the approval, Radio Vidovdan can be broadcast in Hesse via DAB+ if transmission capacity is available.

(RADIOSZENE) Read more

Rock Radio added to Towercom mux in Slovakia
20.09.2022 - Slovakia Slovakia
The digital radio multiplex (DAB+) operator Towercom is testing a new commercial Radio Rock, which should be launched in the near future. The Rock radio station was initially available only in the DAB+ multiplex West, but in the evening it also appeared in the remaining two (Centre and East). At the time of writing, the radio station was broadcast on DAB+ with a bitrate of 128 kbps and in the HE-AAC v1 codec.

(Satelitná Read more

Radio LOHRO starts digital transmission on DAB+
19.09.2022 - Germany Germany
Rostock residents can also receive Radio LOHRO via DAB+. "It was always clear that we needed DAB+ transmission to play a role in the future," says LOHRO Managing Director Kristin Schröder. "But unlike, for example, public broadcasters, LOHRO never had the financial means to invest the necessary sums. I am glad that we have mastered this challenge again in the LOHRO way - namely with a lot of support and voluntary commitment!"

(RADIOSZENE) Read more