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DAB+ receivers to be woken up in crisis situations
From next year, new DAB+ receivers will have better audio and text alerts in crisis situations. The current standard for alerts is called AAS (Alarm Annoucement Switching) and was introduced in 2020. In a crisis situation, receivers will switch to the station responsible for crisis information and the screen will also provide short text information. DAB+ also allows for the creation of temporary radio channels in crisis situations, which was used during the Brisbane floods in 2011. Over the past two years, the new Automatic Safety Alert (ASA) standard has been developed by WorldDAB and Digitalradio Deutschland in co-operation with chip manufacturer Frontier Smart Technologies and electronics manufacturers such as Technisat and JVC Kenwood. Among other things, receivers with ASA can be switched on automatically in emergency situations.

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World premiere of the DAB+ Automatic Safety Alert (ASA) system
WorldDAB and Digitalradio Deutschland e.V. are proud to announce the launch of the DAB+ Automatic Safety Alert (ASA) System after two years of intensive cooperation. This groundbreaking innovation in DAB+ Digital Radio technology aims to protect the public in emergency situations by providing reliable safety alerts WITHOUT requiring an Internet connection. Listeners will benefit from a system that alerts them even if their mobile phone or Internet connection goes down. The ASA works automatically in the background, can be locally adjusted according to each location and is highly resilient thanks to the robust DAB+ radio broadcast network. Worldwide publication of the new standard will take place shortly, with initial trials scheduled for the IFA in Berlin and at the nationwide Warntag in Germany in September. By the first half of 2025, new generations of DAB+ radios will support the ASA standard.

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Local DAB service on the way for Ashford
22.08.2024 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Ofcom, the radio industry regulator, has announced they are awarding a DAB multiplex licence for the Ashford area to Ashford DAB - the joint venture between Radio Ashford - Ashford's not-for-profit community radio station, Nation Broadcasting and Kent Capacity Company. The DAB service will give Ashford its own DAB service for the first time and enable Radio Ashford to be heard on DAB in addition to FM and online. Gregory Watson, Director of Kent Capacity Co, said: “We are excited to be working with Radio Ashford and Nation Broadcasting to bring small scale DAB to Ashford & Dungeness. Our experience through MuxCo and MuxNet of building and operating countywide and also small-scale multiplexes, as well as working with local partners, has been unique in the UK - helping small operators to become part of the DAB family and enabling many small radio stations to broadcast for the first time."

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Jaime Radio turns up the heat in Lorient
22.08.2024 - France France
Founded in 2012 and based in Lorient, Jaime Radio is a relative newcomer to the Category B radio landscape. With a single FM frequency, it has opted for hyperlocal coverage. It is now the No. 1 radio station between Quimperlé and Vannes and from Pontivy to Lorient on France’s northwest coast. The station’s future lies in its proximity. “We’ve turned our weakness into a strength,” explains Jean-Philippe Olivieri, president of Jaime Radio. The challenge for Olivieri: How can the station expand beyond its home territory? Like many others, Jaime Radio is banking on DAB+ and has obtained six broadcasting authorizations for several towns in Brittany. But there’s no question of Jaime Radio seeking frequencies in other regions, as it wants to retain its local radio station identity. And to develop the audience, it believes the recipe will be simple: Be at the service of listeners and advertisers.

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NRW: Ministerpräsident allocates WDR DAB+ multiplex
21.08.2024 - Germany Germany
The North Rhine-Westphalia State Media Act stipulates that the Ministerpräsident allocates transmission capacities for broadcasting. By administrative act dated 28 June 2024, Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln (WDR) was allocated the transmission capacity for a digital multiplex in the DAB+ standard (channel 9A) for programme use for state-wide radio broadcasting. This has only now been made public. As reported, WDR plans to broadcast the regional versions of WDR4 and selected WDR2 programmes via this second multiplex, which will ultimately be state-wide. Freed-up capacity in the first mux (channel 11D) will allow bit rates to be increased there. The start of transmission of the second coverage is - as of now - planned for the turn of the year 2024/25. Test transmissions on channel 9A have already been observed.

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SWR improves DAB+ coverage in the Eifel district of Bitburg-Prüm
21.08.2024 - Germany Germany
Südwestrundfunk (SWR) is further expanding its transmitter network for DAB+ digital radio reception in Rhineland-Palatinate. The commissioning of the Daleiden site will improve DAB+ coverage in the respective regions. The Daleiden site will go into operation on Tuesday, 20 August 2024, improving DAB+ coverage along the B410 between Arzfeld and Dasburg, as well as between Dahnen and Rodershausen in frequency block (channel) 11A.

(Südwestrundfunk (SWR)) Read more

NBTC and PRD collaborate to boost digital broadcasting
19.08.2024 - National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand WorldDAB Member
The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) convened a meeting on 16 August with officials from the Public Relations Department (PRD) to discuss enhancements in broadcasting and television efficiency for the digital era. The meeting focused on gathering feedback from key broadcasting agencies and improving operational strategies for Radio Thailand and NBT, both holders of Type 3 public service licenses. PRD Director-General Sudruetai Lertkasem and other PRD executives provided insights into the broadcasting units' past performances and discussed ways to enhance content delivery across television, radio, and online platforms. Their discussions sought to leverage digital advancements to improve the reach and effectiveness of public broadcasting services. The collaboration between the NBTC and PRD highlights a joint commitment to adapt Thailand’s broadcasting services to the digital age, ensuring that they continue to serve the public effectively while embracing new technological advancements.

(National News Bureau of Thailand) Read more

Luxembourg's public call for DAB+ operator
19.08.2024 - Luxembourg Luxembourg
The Service des médias, de la connectivité et de la politique numérique (SMC) has just launched a call for applications for an operator's licence to set up, manage and nationally broadcast a first DAB+ multiplex in Luxembourg. Information on applications and specifications can be found on the SMC website: The deadline for submission of applications is 11 October 2024.

(Le Service des médias, de la connectivité et de la politique numérique (SMC)) Read more

DAB+: WDR tests new network on channel 9A
16.08.2024 - Germany Germany
Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) plans to launch a second DAB+ multiplex by next year at the latest. Here, the regional windows of WDR4 are to be broadcast digitally terrestrially for the first time, and selected windows of WDR2 are also to switch to this new coverage so that the bit rates of the remaining programmes in the first WDR mux (channel 11D) can be increased. WDR is currently testing the new transmitter network. Following the Aachen site, tests are now also being observed in the eastern Ruhr region, the Bergisches Land and Westphalia. WDR is currently testing further transmitter sites here.

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RDI issues commercial local DAB+ licences
15.08.2024 - Netherlands Netherlands
The National Digital Infrastructure Inspectorate (RDI) has granted the first licences for commercial local radio on DAB+. The licences will take effect from 1 September. Should there be more valid applications than licences for an allotment there would be scarcity and an auction would take place. However, this is not necessary. ‘After assessing the applications, it was found that there is no scarcity. Permits have already been granted,’ the RDI said. A summary on the RDI's website now shows that licences have been granted to several commercial broadcasters. The local public and commercial radio stations must now sit down together to make agreements around the network rollout. The broadcasters have until 1 September 2025 to start their broadcasts.

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