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Second DAB+ multiplex could open this year
04.05.2017 - Germany Germany
The second nationwide DAB+ multiplex could be launched later this year in Germany. Several platform providers have now applied to operate the second nationwide DAB+ multiplex, and the Landesmedienanstalten has decided to appoint the platform operator by June 2017 at the latest.

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Radio professionals celebrate DAB in Birmingham
04.05.2017 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Over 100 radio industry professionals attended the Doing the DAB: Birmingham event on Wednesday night to hear about the developments in digital radio in the city. Capacity for DAB stations in Birmingham is now fully utilised, and there are calls for Ofcom to create a second local DAB multiplex for the city.

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Sydneysiders grab the crown as digital radio's biggest fans
04.05.2017 - Australia Australia
For the second time since the launch of DAB digital radio broadcasts at the end of 2009, audience numbers for all DAB only stations have been released one week after the official metropolitan GfK radio ratings.

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Communications Minister announces extra digital radio funding for community sector
04.05.2017 - Australia Australia
The government will allocate new funding of $6.1 million over two years for the community radio sector to support digital radio services and one-off spectrum reorganisation costs for analog radio services. "We recognise it is important that we make funding provision to ensure that this important work that community radio does can be supported and that the transition to digital radio can be supported," said Communications Minister Mitch Fifield, announcing additional funding for community digital radio.

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Paneda and Teracom Sweden sign agreement
04.05.2017 - Paneda WorldDAB Member - Sweden Sweden
Paneda has signed a new agreement with Teracom Sweden. The agreement means that Paneda will provide the DAB Head-End solution for the two existing DAB multiplexes in operation, the national mux with Swedish Radio and the local commercial mux in Stockholm.

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Germany discusses DAB+ others act
03.05.2017 - Germany Germany
The debate over whether DAB+ digital radio has a future in Germany has been going on for years, while decisions are being made in other European countries. At Medientage Mitteldeutschland 2017 the debate continued. Dr. Ulrich Liebenow , Chairman of the Production and Technology Commission of the ARD and Director of the MDR, said that by 2020 DAB coverage would be 95% of the broadcast area in Germany.

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Deutschlandfunk: Somehow different than before
03.05.2017 - Deutschlandradio WorldDAB Member - Germany Germany
From 1st May 2017, Germany Radio, Germany Radio Culture, and Germany Radio Nova (Deutschlandradio) have new logos. With "Deutschlandfunk" now being used across the three brands, a refreshed colour palette and a new typography, this now underlines the relationship between the three stations.

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Digitalradio Austria: ERF boss Matthias Gerwinat replaces Gernot Fischer
03.05.2017 - Austria Austria
Gernot Fischer has stepped down from the management of the Digitalradio Austria Association, as he is taking part in the current broadcasting network tender with the RTG company as a multiplex provider. He hands over his role to Matthias Gerwinat, Managing Director of ERF, who was unanimously elected successor by the General Meeting.

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An important impulse for the digitalisation of radio transmission
03.05.2017 - Germany Germany
The Federal Cabinet today adopted the draft of a Fourth Act amending the Telecommunications Act, as presented by the Federal Minister of Economics and Energy. This amendment puts forward that in the future high-quality radio receivers may only be traded if they are suitable for the reception of standardised digital signals.

(BMWi) Read more

Central Germany leading the way for DAB+ coverage
03.05.2017 - Germany Germany
In the broadcasting area for ​​the MDR, 99 per cent of the area, 88 per cent of the population and 100 per cent of the federal motorways are now supplied with DAB+ digital radio from the Central German Broadcasting Corporation. The three central states within this area are among Germany's best-equipped digital radio stations, according to information released from the broadcaster to the MDR Broadcasting Council, which met in Leipzig on 2nd May 2017.

(Radioempfang) Read more