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Transitional period announced for Premier
08.02.2016 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
The station will become part of the new line-up of services on the new Digital 2 / Sound Digital multiplex, which is due to go live at the end of February.

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Government figures confirm DAB+ listening is up- FM is down
08.02.2016 - Switzerland Switzerland
The DigiMig (Digital Migration) working group surveyed radio listeners over the course of last year and found DAB+ and internet/app use is rising rapidly.

(WRS) Read more

Community radio supports broadcasting legislation changes
08.02.2016 - Australia Australia
The Bill reforms the digital radio regulatory framework to facilitate the roll-out of digital radio in regional Australia. CBAA Chief Executive Officer Jon Bisset commended the Minister for Communications: “...These changes support digital radio as the future facing broadcasting platform and a vital element in Australia’s media environment...Community radio is at the forefront of innovation, especially for the benefit of communities, and we will continue to be.”

(Radioinfo ) Read more

From analogue to digital
07.02.2016 - Norway Norway
A number of improvements to DAB coverage will be made this year as Norway moves towards FM extinguishing in 2017.

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Frequently asked questions on UK DAB digital radio changes
05.02.2016 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
There are big changes to DAB digital radio in many parts of the UK, thanks to a new service from Sound Digital. But what exactly is happening, which stations are coming and how will it impact digital radio listeners?

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Digital listening continues to grow in Switzerland
05.02.2016 - Switzerland Switzerland
Research commissioned by the Digital Migration working group, has reported that 49% of radio listening in Switzerland is now digital with listening in the car via DAB+ continuing to rise.

(MCDT) Read more

Rajar Q4 2015: Industry reaction
05.02.2016 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Andy Haylett, survey director, Ipsos Connect predicts a future for DAB in the UK based on the latest Rajar Q4 2015 report. "...People are continuing to listen on DAB and are continuing to buy them. We usually see an increase in the number of people owning DABs in Quarter 1 after a Christmas boost. Combine this with the gradual launch of the D2 stations and we should find that the digital numbers continue to grow as we go through 2016."

(MediaTel Newsline) Read more

Digital radio listening shows 10% annual growth
04.02.2016 - Digital Radio UK
Rajar Q4 2015 data DAB listening share has increased to a record 27.7% and remains the most popular digital platform representing over 66% of digital listening. DAB ownership grew by 10% year on year to 54% of the population (from 48.9% in Q4 2014).

(Digital Radio UK) Read more

BBC Radio 6 Music reaches record audience figures
04.02.2016 - British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) WorldDAB Member
BBC Radio 6 Music is the most listened-to digital-only station in the UK, figures from ratings body Rajar show. The station had 2.2 million listeners a week from October to December, having had 2.19 million the previous quarter.

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BBC Radio 6 Music returns to the top digital spot
04.02.2016 - British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) WorldDAB Member - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Helen Boaden, Director of BBC Radio, said: “It’s good to see digital listening in such great health. One of radio’s strengths is its convenience and digital devices make listening even easier.”

(Radio Today) Read more