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Local DAB+ in Flanders: West Flanders completes the list
14.04.2022 - Belgium Belgium
With the arrival of West Flanders on 10D, all five Flemish test muxes for local radio can now be heard via DAB+. As in Antwerp, the fifteen local stations opted to act jointly as operators themselves.

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Brillux Radio starts nationwide on DAB+ in Germany
14.04.2022 - Germany Germany
Under the name "Brillux Radio", the Münster-based paint and varnish manufacturer Brillux will broadcast a new nationwide radio station from May 12, 2022 via the national private DAB+ platform of Antenne Deutschland. All content will revolve around the topics of renovation, refurbishment and redesign.

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Luxembourg: Plan to launch digital radio scheduled for May
13.04.2022 - Luxembourg Luxembourg
The government is due to present a study on how to introduce digital audio broadcasting in Luxembourg, with the document delayed from 2021. In September 2020, Luxembourg launched a study on the introduction of DAB+ and the results are due to be presented in May this year, prime minister Xavier Bettel (DP), who is also media minister, said in answer to a parliamentary question on Tuesday. The service was expected to launch last year.

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More radio for Hamburg: Up to 16 additional stations and improved reception via DAB+
12.04.2022 - Media Broadcast GmbH WorldDAB Member - Germany Germany
DAB+ listeners in Hamburg and the neighbouring regions can look forward to up to 16 new radio stations from April 14. The number of stations that can be received digitally in the best quality via DAB+ in the Hanseatic city has increased to around 65. For the first time nationwide, a slot is reserved for temporary event radio in the new DAB+ multiplex.

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Thorsten Schmiege: “The political wind has shifted”
11.04.2022 - Bayerische Landeszentrale fur neue Medien (BLM) WorldDAB Member - Germany Germany
interview with Dr Thorsten Schmiege, President of the Bavarian State Centre for New Media (BLM). Bavaria is one of the strongest advocates and sponsors of DAB+. For a year now, all FM radio stations in Bavaria can also be received via DAB+. Private providers are currently offering more than 80 local, State-wide and nationwide DAB+ stations. Together with the digital radio programs of Bayerischer Rundfunk, there are a total of more than 100 DAB+ programs. According to Dr. Thorsten Schmiege, President of the Bavarian State Centre for New Media (BLM), FM has been losing relevance for years, while the range of DAB+ is growing continuously.

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The future of radio? DAB, personalisation and the metaverse
08.04.2022 - DAB Italia WorldDAB Member - Italy Italy
It was July 1897 when Guglielmo Marconi patented the radio in London. It will take a few decades to transmit the human voice from one device to another, but since then the radio medium has never stopped evolving. Up to the present day, when the challenges come above all from the digital world. The greatest innovation of recent years in this sector is certainly the DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting) system, an evolution of a first digital technology born twenty years ago...

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Deutschlandradio is switching to digital with DAB+ in several regions
08.04.2022 - Deutschlandradio WorldDAB Member - Germany Germany
Deutschlandradio is driving the digitisation of radio broadcasting forward: in the future, the Deutschlandfunk and Deutschlandfunk Kultur programs will be mostly broadcast digitally at a total of six locations in Hesse, Baden-Württemberg and Saxony-Anhalt. In view of the regionally very good DAB+ coverage, the parallel analog FM broadcasting via a few smaller FM stations with a short range will be ended on June 30, 2022.

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"DAB+ im Dialog" - videos now available
08.04.2022 - Germany Germany
Videos are now available to view online from last month's Digitalradio Deutschland association event "DAB+ im Dialog"/"DAB+ in dialogue". The event featured an impressive list of stakeholders who came together to discuss the future of DAB+ in Germany, from government, regulators, and broadcasters. Speakers included: Heike Raab, State Secretary for Europe, Media and Digital Affairs, Rhineland-Palatinate; Stefan Raue, director of Deutschlandradio, chairman of Digitalradio Deutschland eV, and Jacqueline Bierhorst, Vice President WorldDAB.

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Netherlands to auction regional licences
08.04.2022 - Netherlands Netherlands
Dutch telecom regulator Agentschap Telecom has opened the application procedure for the conditional auction of 26 regional commercial FM licenses and associated licences for digital radio (DAB+). All 26 FM licenses are linked to a digital radio broadcasting licence. The term of the permits is until September 1, 2025.

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DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting) standard digital radio broadcasting was launched in Tashkent city in test mode
08.04.2022 - Uzbekistan Uzbekistan
On the initiative of the ICT Ministry, DAB+ digital radio channels have been provided to the residents of Tashkent city from December 27 2021 at the Tashkent TV tower by the "RRTM" DUK. 16 radio channels from one transmitter ("Uzbekistan", "Yoshlar", "Mahalla", "Uzbekistan 24", "Oriat Dono", "Oriat FM", "Vadiy Sadosi", "Capital (Uzb)") "Poytakht (Russian)", "Grand", "Voice of Youth", "Maxima", "Avtoradio Hamroh", "Navroz", "Nostalgiya", "Uzbegim taronasi") are broadcast in test mode at the frequency of 199.360 MHz (8C). Testing is currently underway.

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