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Greece starts broadcasting digital radio in Athens
08.01.2018 - Greece Greece
The first broadcast on digital radio by Greek Radio began on Friday, January 5th. From ERT's facilities in Ymittos, they started broadcasting 7 radio programs of ERT on channel 12C of the digital radio band DAB+.

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Greek Radio has become digital
08.01.2018 - Greece Greece
ERT's radio programs were always pioneering and they are now broadcasting on DAB+ in a new era...

(e-tetRadio) Read more

The next big things for brands in 2018, according to Audi's chief marketer
08.01.2018 - CARIAD SE WorldDAB Member - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Radio advertising is extremely effective in terms of conversion. Nine out of 10 adults tune in at least once a week. Digital radio, streaming and podcasts are helping to revive this medium.

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Digital Radio News From the UK, France and the Netherlands
08.01.2018 - United Kingdom United Kingdom - France France - Netherlands Netherlands
The UK Government's Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport wants to hear from anyone with an interest in low-power DAB as it aims to have new licensing arrangements in place by the end of the year....

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The new face of DAB in 2020
08.01.2018 - France France
With the plan of nodes and arches designed by Nicolas Curien, the CSA proposes a new map of DAB. With France covered almost entirely by 2020 and up to 65 services in the largest cities, the plan also offers a complete network in the regions, especially along the main roads thanks to the addition of national multiplexes.

(La Lettre Pro de la Radio) Read more

WorldDAB Adds Inovonics
08.01.2018 - WorldDAB News - United States United States
Inovonics is the most recent member of the WorldDAB organization, the company announced Thursday...

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Community radio to launch on DAB in Norwich
08.01.2018 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Zack FM is based in the middle of the Forest Heath area of Suffolk. Within its total survey area (TSA) the station covers three RAF bases and says it has a large number of American listeners from the USAF personnel stationed there....

(Norwich Evening News) Read more

UK government helping local radio switch to digital
05.01.2018 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport has launched a consultation on how best to develop a licensing process to help create a UK-wide network of DAB multiplexes, for use by about 400 local radio stations that still broadcast on analogue technology. The government is planning to create a new, community radio-focused option – dubbed the C-DSP – that offers a significantly more streamlined application and approval process. Stations holding a C-DSP licence would be eligible for funding from the Community Radio Fund and would also have access to small-scale multiplex capacity that has been ring-fenced for use by community stations.

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Digital progress at the forefront for Australian radio industry
05.01.2018 - Australia Australia
Radioinfo founding editor Steve Ahern writes on the digital direction taken by the automotive industry in Australia to embrace DAB+ digital radio, and the key issues facing the market going into 2018 as it continues its path to innovate.

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Inovonics Joins WorldDAB
05.01.2018 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Inovonics is the most recent member of the WorldDAB organisation. The company, which recently launched the INOmini 660 DAB/DAB+ monitor/receiver and the INOmini 662 DAB/DAB+ SiteStreamer, joins the digital radio forum, whose membership includes public and commercial broadcasters, network providers, receiver, chip and car manufacturers.

(Radio World) Read more