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FKT Magazine
23.12.2010 - Deutschlandradio WorldDAB Member - Germany Germany
Private Radiosender und der öffentlich-rechtliche Sender Deutschlandradio haben die Verträge mit Media Broadcast unterzeichnet und geben den Start des ersten bundesweiten DAB+ Digital Radio-Multiplex bekannt.

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2010 sees digital radios enjoy warm reception
23.12.2010 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
The organisation says that the strong sales are the result of attractive new price points, digital radios with iPod docks, hybrid DAB/internet radios and ...

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BLM (( Bavarian center for new media)) welcomes DAB+ agreement (Germany)
22.12.2010 - Bayerische Landeszentrale fur neue Medien (BLM) WorldDAB Member - Germany Germany

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VAD joins French VDL group
22.12.2010 - VDL - France France
Dresden-based VAD, well-known for test and monitoring equipment for digital broadcasting, moves into 2011 with new corporate name.

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Digital radio: Launch of DABplus at IFA (German)
21.12.2010 - Media Broadcast GmbH WorldDAB Member - Germany Germany
Für den Start eines bundesweiten Digitalradios ist eine wichtige Hürde genommen. Eine Gruppe von Privatsendern und der Netzbetreiber Media Broadcast einigten sich auf den Betrieb eines nationalen Digitalradio-Netzes (DABplus)

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Pure supports DAB+ launch phase (German)
21.12.2010 - Pure - Germany Germany
Der Radiohersteller Pure kündigt an, dass er den Ausbau des ersten bundesweiten Multiplex für Digitalradio in Deutschland tatkräftig unterstützen wird, welcher die digitale Radiolandschaft in Europa revolutionieren wird.

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Germany: Public and commerical DAB services to be launched
18.12.2010 - Media Broadcast GmbH WorldDAB Member - Germany Germany

(DigiB) Read more

Germany: Public and commerical DAB services to be launched
17.12.2010 - Media Broadcast GmbH WorldDAB Member - Germany Germany
Germany took an important step towards launching a national DAB+ digital radio network as German broadcasters joined together and signed contracts with the network operator Media Broadcast.

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Deutschland Decided for DAB+
17.12.2010 - Media Broadcast GmbH WorldDAB Member - Germany Germany
Germany has decided to launch nationwide radio stations via DAB+, the de facto standard for digital broadcasting of radio and mobile TV. An agreement between various commercial radio stations and the network company Media Broadcast GmbH that will build and operate the network was signed today. The commercial broadcasters are:

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Bauer's Kiss gets green light to go national
17.12.2010 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Bauer Media's dance station Kiss has been given the go-ahead by media regulator Ofcom to relaunch itself as a single national station..

(The Guardian) Read more