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DAB+ at the fore at Austrian Media Days
26.09.2018 - Austria Austria
Whether DAB+ is just an intermediary technology on the way to 5G, or whether it has a long-term perspective, was discussed at the Radio Summit at the Austrian Media Days event in Vienna. During the panel session "DAB+ - Intermediate Technology, Flop or Perspective", speakers noted that 5G technology would be mainly used for video, and would not reach peak usage until 2030.

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Communications Regulatory Agency hosts regional meeting on the introduction of digital radio
26.09.2018 - Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina
A regional meeting of regulatory bodies on the introduction of digital radio (DAB) is being held in Sarajevo today. On this occasion, the Communications Regulatory Agency hosted representatives of regulators from the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Macedonia and Montenegro to exchange experiences, challenges and good practices.

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Switzerland: increased financial support for local radio
26.09.2018 - Switzerland Switzerland
About two thirds of the additional resources (8.4 million francs) go to the 13 regional televisions holding a concession, and a good third to the 21 radio rights holders. With regard to the planned amount for radio, 85% goes to commercial radio stations in the peripheral and mountain regions, and 15% to non-commercial supplementary radios.

(La Lettre Pro) Read more

Xperi and DTS join BBC Radio for a hybrid radio trial
26.09.2018 - British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) WorldDAB Member - Xperi Corporation WorldDAB Member - United Kingdom United Kingdom
The California based Xperi Corporation has announced an agreement between its wholly owned subsidiary, DTS, and BBC Radio, to run a hybrid radio trial for 18 months. Under terms of the agreement, the UK public service broadcaster will provide content directly into the DTS® Connected Radio™ platform.

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Belgian media regulator approves DAB+ tender process for Wallonia-Brussels Federation
25.09.2018 - Belgium Belgium
DAB+ radio frequencies will be available for tender for the first time in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation in Belgium, after the regulator CSA has approved the tender process to proceed. Successful tenders will be awarded for nine years.

(Conseil Superieur de l'audiovisuel Belgium) Read more

DAB: Sound Digital expansion roll-out ahead of schedule
25.09.2018 - Arqiva WorldDAB Member - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Sound Digital, the national commercial DAB multiplex operated by Arqiva, Bauer and Wireless, has announced that its expansion programme of 19 new transmitters is nearing completion, with the first of the extended coverage areas due to go live in the coming weeks.

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UK radio industry urged to collaborate over digital transition
25.09.2018 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Margot James MP, Minister for Digital and Creative Industries at the Department of Culture, Media and Sport, has urged the UK radio industry to continue to collaborate to support a successful transition to digital.

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Extra coverage coming for Sound Digital multiplex
25.09.2018 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
A total of 19 new transmitters are ready to be turned on in the coming weeks to bring coverage of the second national digital radio multiplex to a further 4 million people. The Sound Digital consortium of Bauer, Wireless and Arqiva says the proportion of the population able to receive the multiplex will rise from 77% to 83%.

(Radio Today) Read more

Green light for the double radio frequency plan in Belgium
25.09.2018 - Belgium Belgium
The CSA in Belgium has approved for new DAB+ tenders to proceed in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, allowing for greater quantity of radio services.

(L'Echo) Read more

UK Minister renews Government support for radio's transition to digital
25.09.2018 - Digital Radio UK - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Margot James MP, Minister for Digital and Creative Industries at the Department of Culture, Media and Sport in the UK, has urged for collaboration amongst the industry as the UK government plans to review next steps towards transitioning towards digital radio. Speaking at the Drive to Digital Event in London, the minister's comments were welcomed by broadcasters and the British radio supply chain. Ford Ennals, CEO, Digital Radio UK, said: "The completion of UK radio’s transition to digital will bring significant benefits for listeners, broadcasters and industry and we welcome the opportunity to collaborate with Government and stakeholders to continue to accelerate digital progress.”

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