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Leading the charge; Norway signals the end for FM
11.01.2017 - Norway Norway
The decision to completely switch off all FM services is not one which has been taken lightly by Norway’s government, and was announced two years ago in April 2015 with the process to begin this month, in January 2017.

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The facts: The Norwegian FM switch-off
11.01.2017 - Norway Norway
The digital switchover doesn't mean there is suddenly FM silence across Norway. If you switched off everything at once everywhere there would probably be difficulties. The digital switchover is a year long process. Norway is divided into regions and the switch off will happen region by region.

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What Norway's digital switchover means for Belgium
11.01.2017 - Belgium Belgium - Norway Norway
Francis Goffin from RTBF explores the progress of DAB+ in Belgium and the possibilty of hosting their own digital switchover in the coming years.

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Norway: first country to stop FM for DAB+
11.01.2017 - Norway Norway
The 11th of January 2017 at 11: 11 marks an important milestone for radio in Norway and for radio in general. Norway is indeed the first country that has decided to stop broadcasting in FM.

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Norway starts FM switch-off in move to digital radio
11.01.2017 - Norway Norway
The switch-off will start in the town of Bodo, northern Norway, at 11.11am and will be rolled out across the nation throughout the year. Countries such as the UK, Switzerland and Denmark will be monitoring the move as they are considering similar measures, although not before the end of the decade.

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Norway first country to switch off FM radio
11.01.2017 - Norway Norway
Norway has become the first country in the world to begin switching off its FM radio network. For the moment the scheme applies only to northern Nordland, but the whole country will be digital by the end of the year.

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Norway makes history with radio’s first digital switchover
11.01.2017 - Norway Norway
Norway today becomes the first country in the world to start digital switchover (DSO) from FM to DAB+. National FM networks will be switched off region by region - starting in Nordland and progressing across the whole country throughout 2017. The final regions, Troms and Finnmark, will complete the process in December.

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Norway Becomes First Country to Start Switching Off FM Radio
11.01.2017 - Norway Norway
Norway opened a chapter in telecommunications history on Wednesday, becoming the first country to cease FM radio broadcasting. The switch, to digital broadcasting, is intended to save money, but critics are worried about the effect on drivers and listeners of small radio stations.

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Norway makes world's first digital radio switchover
11.01.2017 - Norway Norway
Norway became the first country in the world to start digital switchover (DSO) from FM to DAB today. National FM networks will be switched off region by region - starting in Nordland and progressing across the whole country throughout 2017.

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Norway's radio is going fully digital – when will the rest of the world do the same?
11.01.2017 - Norway Norway
The fact that the switch to digital is proving so controversial for Norway means that other countries who are considering taking the same actions are paying close attention to the outcome. Switzerland is considering doing the same thing by 2020, with the UK and Denmark also having discussions about going fully digital.

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