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Norway becomes world's first country to switch off FM radio
11.01.2017 - Norway Norway
Norway has become the first country to switch off FM radio despite concerns about the move being premature. The northern county of Nordland stopped broadcasting using analogue frequencies on Wednesday as the Government plans to roll out digital-only radio over the course of the year.

(The Independent) Read more

Could the UK be next to ditch FM for DAB?
11.01.2017 - Norway Norway - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Norway is the first country in the world to switch off its analogue radio signals. Ford Ennals, chief executive of Digital Radio UK, defends the decision on the Today programme, saying FM stations are "full up". He argues that to make way for innovative new stations we need to move to digital, which he calls "the future".

(BBC News) Read more

Countdown to a digital only Norway begins
11.01.2017 - Norway Norway
Laurence Harrison, Market Development Director, Digital Radio UK reflect on his trip to Norway ahead of the digital switchover.

(Radio Today) Read more

Norway leads digital radio wave
11.01.2017 - Norway Norway
“A digital radio wave moving across Europe, with Norway leading the way,” is how Patrick Hannon, WorldDAB president, described Wednesday’s switch-off of FM broadcasts in Nordland county.

(Radio World) Read more

Norway becomes the first country to shut down national analogue radio
11.01.2017 - Norway Norway
Today, Norway will start shutting down analogue radio signals nationally, becoming the first nation in the world to broadcast digital radio only.

(The Verge) Read more

Wednesday marks the beginning of Norway's FM switchover
11.01.2017 - Norway Norway
The Norwegian government has said the cost savings will let broadcasters invest more in programming, and give listeners a better and more reliable sound that will be more easily receivable in a country with lots of mountains and rocks.

(Aftenposten) Read more

Norway ignores bad reception and starts FM radio switch-off
11.01.2017 - Norway Norway
The Norwegian government has said the cost savings will let broadcasters invest more in programming, and give listeners a better and more reliable sound that will be more easily receivable in a country with lots of mountains and rocks.

(The Guardian) Read more

Leading the charge; Norway signals the end for FM
11.01.2017 - Norway Norway
The decision to completely switch off all FM services is not one which has been taken lightly by Norway’s government, and was announced two years ago in April 2015 with the process to begin this month, in January 2017.

(Connects2) Read more

The facts: The Norwegian FM switch-off
11.01.2017 - Norway Norway
The digital switchover doesn't mean there is suddenly FM silence across Norway. If you switched off everything at once everywhere there would probably be difficulties. The digital switchover is a year long process. Norway is divided into regions and the switch off will happen region by region.

(Radio Assistant) Read more

What Norway's digital switchover means for Belgium
11.01.2017 - Belgium Belgium - Norway Norway
Francis Goffin from RTBF explores the progress of DAB+ in Belgium and the possibilty of hosting their own digital switchover in the coming years.

(RTBF) Read more