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Adequate broadcasting power crucial for local DAB+ radio
30.10.2017 - Netherlands Netherlands
Local radio station Den Haag FM recently conducted a pilot with Broadcast Partners to determine the levels of broadcasting power required for good DAB+ reception of local radio in cities and villages.

(Broadcast Partners) Read more

Conclusions from the DAB+ pilot with Den Haag FM
30.10.2017 - Netherlands Netherlands
Adequate broadcasting power is crucial for good reception of local radio on DAB+. This is the main conclusion from the DAB+ pilot conducted by Den Haag FM and Broadcast Partners in August this year.

(Radio.NL) Read more

DAB+ or mobile phone?
30.10.2017 - WorldDAB News - France France
WorldDAB have assembled a collection of presentations and information based on work from mobile and radio experts to better understand the limitations of using mobile networks to listen to radio.

(La Lettre Pro de la Radio) Read more

Denon D-M41 DAB
28.10.2017 - Japan Japan
The Denon D-M41 with DAB offers a level of musical engagement you’d expect from a large, expensive separates system.

(Trusted Reviews) Read more

RPR1 available nationwide on DAB+
27.10.2017 - Germany Germany
RPR1 can now also be heard via DAB+ in Rhineland-Palatinate. It is a test operation with Südwestrundfunk temporarily providing capacity.

(Radioempfang) Read more

NDR radio on DAB+ tour through northern Germany
27.10.2017 - Germany Germany
The NDR DAB+ radio tour starts this weekend in northern Germany. At information stands in selected electronics markets, employees of NDR Hörfunks will be offering information and answering questions about DAB+.

(NDR) Read more

RNT receiver sales approach 60 million units
27.10.2017 - WorldDAB News - France France
The latest WorldDAB report reports that by the end of the second quarter of 2017, nearly 60 million DAB/DAB+ RNT receivers for the automobile and domestic (cumulative figures: 58,432,000) had been sold in Europe and Asia-Pacific against 48 million a year ago.

(La Lettre Pro) Read more

WorldDAB General Assembly 2017
27.10.2017 - WorldDAB News - France France
In France, the speed of deployment of DAB+ in the cities is expected to accelerate, and worldwide nearly 60 million DAB receivers have now been sold. As digital radio grows in new and emerging markets, the WorldDAB 2017 General Assembly will bring together experts from across the industry to discuss the digital future of radio.

(Mediametrie) Read more

DAB receiver sales approach 60 million
27.10.2017 - WorldDAB News - United Kingdom United Kingdom
The latest WorldDAB market report shows that by the end of the second quarter of 2017 nearly 60 million DAB/DAB+ receivers had been sold in Europe and Asia-Pacific, against a figure of 48 million a year ago.

(La Lettre Pro) Read more

Digital radio: where, when, how and why?
27.10.2017 - France France
RNT (DAB+) has been a reality in France since 2014 with the commissioning of broadcasts in large areas around Paris, Marseille and Nice. DAB+ is the digital terrestrial radio standard that has been chosen by publishers for broadcasting RNT in France, as in many other countries in Europe and around the world.

(Le Read more