SRG to stop broadcasting FM radio by the end of the year

28.06.2024 - Switzerland Switzerland

"Given the current economic climate, we fully understand SRG's decision, as it is playing a pioneering role," Philippe Zahno, President of the Association des radios régionales romandes (RRR), told Keystone-ATS. "At present, we are planning to cease FM broadcasting in November 2026," he adds. In his view, the French-speaking regional radio stations cannot afford to lose market share and advertising revenue, which are linked to the number of listeners. They want to take advantage of the extra time to reduce the number of listeners who listen exclusively to FM and who follow French radio stations. The Swiss Association of Private Radio (ASRP), which represents private radio stations in German-speaking Switzerland and Ticino, also welcomed the "important and courageous" decision taken by SSR. "This will advance the digital transformation of radio in Switzerland," said ASRP president Nicola Bomio.

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