WorldDAB members at IBC2023: RFmondial GmbH

12.09.2023 - RFmondial GmbH WorldDAB Member

Jens Schroeder, Managing Director, RFmondial GmbH, Hannover, Germany

Jens Schroeder   RFmondial logo

Give us a brief introduction to your organisation and the role it plays in the radio sector

RFmondial offers professional products and services for the digital radio broadcasting industry. Research, development and implementation for transmitter, receiver, and monitoring technologies are part of our core business. With our broad experience in different technological areas we serve world-wide markets "Made in Germany".

How do you see the digital radio sector evolving in the coming years?

Especially in Europe, but also in many other countries around the globe, the movement to digital radio broadcasting is becoming more and more mature. There are many new and attractive radio services, which can offer the listeners a broader choice and can focus on niche markets. I am personally very happy that we finally have a country music station now available in Germany. The necessary next step will be to switch off the analogue service to economise double infrastructure costs, as well as enabling new services on the liberated frequency bands.

What DAB+ products or services are you showcasing at IBC2023?

Our product RF-DAB is the only measurement and monitoring solution on the market that can measure absolute SFN timing over ±60 seconds. This capability has already enabled many broadcasters to analyse and solve problems in their distribution network. Furthermore, it is capable of decoding an unlimited number of EDI streams in addition to up to 4 RF inputs – all streams, all services, all audio, all data, all in parallel. Our DAB+ multiplexer, based on Fraunhofer technology,  is a highly reliable professional broadcast system, which is successfully used in world-wide digital radio markets.



What are you most looking forward to at IBC2023?

After the difficult Corona years and last year’s already-promising IBC, I am expecting to have a great show in 2023 as we used to have in previous years.

Where can we find you in RAI Amsterdam, and is there a specific contact to ask for? 

Our products are on display on our partners’ booths in Hall 8, Fraunhofer (B80) and Plisch (C61). Please contact Jens Schroeder to make an appointment or just show up at the booths.