WorldDAB members at IBC2023: Paneda

10.08.2023 - Paneda WorldDAB Member

Lars-Peder Lundgren, Marketing Director, Paneda Group

Lars-Peder Lundgren, Marketing Director, Paneda Group Paneda logo

Give us a brief introduction to your organisation and the role it plays in the radio sector...

Paneda is developing and providing innovative, state-of-the-art solutions for digital radio, including DAB multiplexer systems and DAB break-in systems for road tunnels.

With a strong focus on development with targeted research, Paneda contributes to developing DAB technology to new standards, and has enabled it to be significantly easier and cost-effective to start with DAB today.

With its extensive network of partners, Paneda can offer complete turnkey solutions.

How do you see the digital radio sector evolving in the coming years?

As a platform, digital radio has a strong position which I believe will further strengthen in the coming years. The high energy costs of recent years have shown that the radio industry has a great need to evaluate how long one can afford to broadcast in analogue formats - there is no doubt that DAB is most cost-effective. Furthermore, it has been shown that broadcast as a technology, and DAB in particular, can demonstrate high availability and robustness, even under extreme weather conditions where mobile networks and internet may be down, which has been of great importance of course.

What DAB+ products or services are you showcasing at IBC2023?

At IBC2023, Paneda will showcase the latest developments with new features and improvements, and also demonstrate the Paneda Warning System over DAB.

What are you most looking forward to at IBC2023?

We look forward to IBC, and as usual an great opportunity to meet all our fantastic customers, as well as hopefully a chance to make new contacts. We note an increased interest for DAB from several parts of the world, and we believe and hope that this year's IBC will be satisfying.

Where can we find you in RAI Amsterdam?

You find Paneda on stand 8.B50