Switching off FM in Norway and, soon, Switzerland
- Norway
- Switzerland
In 2017, Norway switched off its FM radio services, compelling Norwegians to tune to DAB+. In 2024, Switzerland is set to switch off its own FM services, forcing the Swiss to use DAB+ for over-the-air radio too. The impact of these “FM switch-offs” on domestic commercial radio was examined during the WorldDAB Summit 2022. It was held by WorldDAB, the global industry forum for DAB digital radio, at London’s Kings Place and online on Nov. 17. In a session entitled, “Norway 5 years on and Switzerland 2024,” Digital Radio Norway CEO Ole Jørgen Torvmark asked Norway’s Kenneth Andresen (VP/Head of Radio at Viaplay Group aka P4 Group) and Switzerland’s Nicola Bomio (Head of Radio with CH Media Entertainment) for commercial radio’s take on replacing FM/analog radio with DAB+/digital radio.
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